
Shadow of the knight

In the mystical realm of Eranillis, a young hero named Ash is thrust into an epic journey of discovery and survival. Abandoned as an infant at the doorstep of the Silver Oak Monastery, his origins are cloaked in mystery. Raised by the enigmatic Elder Garret, Ash grows amidst whispers of ancient prophecies and hidden secrets. Eighteen years later, the peaceful life at the monastery is shattered when a brutal demon attack sets Ash on a path to uncover his true heritage. Joined by a brave and loyal group of friends. The companions face monstrous demons, ancient curses, and the treachery of former allies. The demonic forces, led by the fearsome Demon King Badurad, wage war across the continent, pushing Ash and his friends into a series of harrowing battles and heart-wrenching losses. In this thrilling saga of courage, sacrifice, and resilience, Ash must embrace his role as the prophesied savior. With the fate of Eranillis hanging by a thread, Ash's journey leads to an epic confrontation with the forces of darkness. Sok weaves a rich tapestry of adventure, exploring the depths of friendship, the pain of loss, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. As Ash rises from the ashes of devastation, he forges a new legacy, inspiring a new generation to protect the fragile peace of Eranillis.

TheTerminus · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

The Shock Of Loss

The journey back to the monastery was a grim and silent one. Ash's heart was heavy, his mind a tumult of grief and guilt. Bradley was gone. The thought seemed surreal, an impossible nightmare from which he could not wake.

The young knight had been more than a leader; he had been a friend, a guiding light in the often harsh reality of their world. And now that light had been extinguished.The silence among the group was thick, punctuated only by the sound of hooves and the occasional murmur of incantations from the healers tending to the wounded.

Brienne rode beside Ash, her face pale and strained. The loss of Bradley weighed heavily on her as well, and Ash could see the pain in her eyes.When they finally reached the monastery gates, the somber procession was met by Elder Garret and the other monks, their faces etched with concern.

Garret stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the group, taking in their injuries and the vacant space where Bradley should have been."Where is Bradley?" Garret asked, though the answer was evident in the faces of the young knights.

Ash swallowed hard, fighting to keep his voice steady. "He's gone, Elder Garret. He... he didn't make it."

A collective gasp rose from the gathered monks and knights. Garret's face fell, the weight of the loss pressing down on him visibly. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if in silent prayer, then nodded.

"Let us bring the wounded inside," he said quietly. "We will honor Bradley's memory, but first we must see to the living."

As they moved into the courtyard, the full weight of their ordeal settled on Ash. The familiar surroundings, the safety of the monastery walls, all felt like a cruel reminder of what they had lost.

He could see the other young knights looking to him and Brienne for some semblance of strength, and he struggled to find the words that would offer any comfort.Brienne, sensing his struggle, placed a hand on his arm.

"We'll get through this, Ash. Together."Her words, simple as they were, brought a small measure of solace.

Ash nodded, grateful for her presence. "Thank you, Brienne. We will."The following day, the monastery was a hive of activity.

The monks and knights worked tirelessly to tend to the wounded, reinforce the defenses, and prepare for whatever might come next. The loss of Bradley had shaken them all, but it had also steeled their resolve. They knew that the battle was far from over.

Ash found himself in the training yard, his mind unable to settle. He picked up a practice sword, hoping that the familiar motions might help to quiet the storm inside him. He swung the sword in a series of arcs and thrusts, each movement a desperate attempt to channel his grief into something tangible.

"Ash," a voice called out, interrupting his thoughts.He turned to see Elder Garret approaching, his expression one of deep concern. "I thought I might find you here," Garret said. "You haven't been yourself since we returned."

Ash lowered the sword, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry, Elder. I just... I can't stop thinking about Bradley. He was our leader out there, and I failed him."

Garret shook his head. "You did not fail him, Ash. You did everything you could. Sometimes, even our best efforts are not enough."

Ash looked down, struggling with his emotions. "I just feel so... helpless. How can we protect the monastery if we can't even protect our own?"

Garret placed a hand on his shoulder, a gesture of comfort and strength. "We are all learning, Ash. Every battle teaches us something, even if the lessons are painful. Bradley's loss is a heavy burden, but it is one we must carry forward. He would not want us to give up."

Ash nodded, though the words did little to ease the ache in his chest. "I just wish I knew what to do."Garret's eyes softened. "Take it one step at a time. Focus on what you can do right now. Train, prepare, and trust in your abilities. And remember, you are not alone. We are all in this together."

Ash took a deep breath, feeling a small measure of clarity return. "Thank you, Elder Garret. I'll try."

Garret smiled, a rare expression on his usually stern face. "Good. Now, why don't you take a break and join us for a meal? You need to keep your strength up."

Ash hesitated but then nodded. "Alright. I'll be there soon."As Garret left, Ash sheathed the practice sword and took a moment to collect himself. He knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but he also knew that he had to keep moving forward. For Bradley, for his friends, and for the monastery.

Later that day, Ash and Brienne found themselves in the great hall, where the monks had prepared a simple but hearty meal. The atmosphere was somber, but there was a sense of camaraderie that provided some comfort.

They sat together, joined by a few other young knights who had also survived the mission."I can't believe Bradley is gone," one of the knights, a boy named Ewan, said quietly.

"It just doesn't seem real."Brienne nodded, her expression pained. "I know. But we have to keep going. That's what he would have wanted."Ewan looked down at his plate, his appetite gone.

"I just feel so... lost without him."Ash reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Ewan's shoulder. "We all feel that way, Ewan. But we have to honor his memory by staying strong. He taught us well, and now we need to put those lessons into practice."

Ewan nodded, though his eyes were still filled with grief. "You're right. We have to keep fighting."As they ate, the conversation turned to their next steps.

They knew that the demons would not stop their assault, and they had to be ready for whatever came next. The loss of Bradley had been a devastating blow, but it had also brought them closer together, united in their resolve to protect the monastery and each other.

After the meal, Ash and Brienne made their way to the monastery's chapel, seeking a moment of quiet reflection. The chapel was a place of peace, its stained glass windows casting colorful patterns on the stone floor. They knelt together, heads bowed in prayer.

"Please, guide us," Ash whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and desperation. "We need your strength now more than ever."

Beside him, Brienne prayed silently, her thoughts focused on the friends they had lost and the battles still to come. The chapel's tranquility provided a brief respite from the chaos outside, a moment to gather their thoughts and steel their resolve.As they rose to leave,

Elder Garret entered the chapel, his presence a steadying force. "I see you have found some solace here," he said, his voice gentle.Ash nodded. "We needed a moment to reflect."Garret smiled faintly. "I understand. And I have something to share with you both. Come with me."

He led them to a small room adjacent to the chapel, its walls lined with ancient tomes and scrolls. A large map of the continent was spread out on a table in the center of the room."

These are our records," Garret explained. "Histories, prophecies, and knowledge that has been passed down through generations. I believe there is something here that can help us understand what we are facing."

Ash and Brienne exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued. They gathered around the table as Garret began to explain the significance of the map and the prophecies it contained."

There are ancient texts that speak of a time when darkness would rise and threaten the world," Garret said. "And there are also prophecies that speak of a hero who would rise to challenge that darkness."

Ash felt a shiver run down his spine. "Do you think... do you think Bradley was that hero?"Garret shook his head. "No, Ash. I believe Bradley was an important part of our journey, but the hero spoken of in the prophecies is yet to be revealed. It could be any one of us."Brienne frowned. "But how will we know? And what can we do to prepare?"

Garret looked at them both, his expression one of deep contemplation. "We must continue to train, to strengthen our defenses, and to seek out any allies who can help us. The path ahead is uncertain, but we must be ready for anything."

Ash felt a renewed sense of purpose, despite the lingering grief in his heart. "We'll do whatever it takes, Elder Garret. We won't let Bradley's sacrifice be in vain."Garret nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"I know you won't, Ash. Together, we will face whatever comes."As they left the room, Ash and Brienne shared a moment of silent understanding. They were part of something larger than themselves, a battle that had been fought for generations.

And though the future was uncertain, they knew they had to stand strong, for their friends, for their home, and for the world.