
Shadow of the Abyss

The Old Gods are gone. Lost and Forgotten, their honor shattered and their kingdoms broken by treachery. The Peace of the Myriad Heavens has been severed. And from the ashes of war and chaos, the Twin Towers of Babel have been created as a beacon of hope. Can Altair, a child born of the Old Gods whose name has long since been forgotten, survive, or will he be cast into the Nine Hells? *** "So..." Arsene continued, enjoying his child's flush expression. "I've got a few things to teach you. What I'm about to give you is some peak wisdom. Think of it as my Ten Commandments: One, never trust a bitch with red hair. Trust me on this. Two, the pull-out game is not a real thing. She will get pregnant. Three—" "F-Father…" " —Never get yourself more than one wife. It sounds fun. It is fun. But it's truly a nightmare. You better be writing this stuff down. This is some grade-A wisdom right here. Four. "...Please stop talking…" The Prince pleaded. "Shhhhh. Just let this happen. Four…Bro's before hoes isn't a thing. The hoes come first. Remember, Booty is more important than Wa— " "STOP!!!!!"

Lord_Damocles · Fantaisie
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434 Chs

The Omnis Rankings III

The planet of Earth, renamed Terra after the fusion of Gaia, had been in a state of chaos for quite a while as its denizens suffered from the constant attacks that left them reeling for months. Clouds of flames seemed almost a common sight as officials from all around acted the best they could to minimize the damage while also trying to maintain the economy that was now in turmoil due to the constant changes. 

Automatons wielding advanced Artificial Intelligence that had once been heavily restricted by the Empire were now being heavily relied upon to give humanity time to recover while cataloging the various new arrivals from Gaia. 

Still, as Altair peered over the logistics of his empire's current state, he turned to Thanatos and asked, " Are the Amazon's population of men and women fully logged?" 

"Yes, though they're not happy that they have to release their male slaves."