

Geliah's eyes fluttered open, his body surrounded by an unfamiliar room. The dim light filtering through the window revealed two figures standing beside him, their faces filled with concern. As Geliah struggled to sit up, the two strangers offered him a reassuring smile.

"Welcome back, my friend," said the person on the left, a figure clad in dark attire, exuding an air of quiet confidence. "I am Hez, an Assassin from the city of Calshid. We found you and your companions in a dire situation."

Geliah nodded in gratitude, still trying to gather his bearings. He turned his gaze to the other person, a young man with a staff in hand and a glimmer of magic in his eyes. "And I am Malik, a beginner mage from Emberbrook. We couldn't just stand by and let the mutants take you all down."

As Geliah absorbed their words, a sense of gratitude washed over him. The actions of Hez and Malik had saved their lives, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkest of moments. He mustered a weak smile and extended his hand in gratitude.

"Thank you, Hez and Malik," Geliah said earnestly. "You have our deepest gratitude for coming to our rescue. We thought we were facing our final moments."

Hez clasped Geliah's hand firmly, his grip exuding strength and solidarity. "No need for thanks, my friend. We all have a role to play in this world, and sometimes that means lending a hand to those in need. We are all connected in the fight against the darkness."

Malik chimed in, his eyes sparkling with determination. "Indeed, we cannot let the mutants triumph. We must unite our strengths and forge a path forward."

Geliah's heart swelled with renewed hope as he looked at his new allies. He realized that even in the face of despair, there were still those who stood against the darkness, ready to fight for a better future. The bonds of camaraderie and shared purpose grew stronger in his heart.

As Geliah regained his strength, Hez and Malik shared the details of their rescue operation. They explained how they had witnessed the overwhelming number of mutants and devised a plan to draw them away, creating an opportunity for them to save Geliah and his companions.

"We managed to lead the horde away from the building," Hez explained, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "We're quite skilled at evading danger, you see. We're Assassins, after all."

Malik chuckled, his youthful energy contagious. "And I used my elemental magic to create a diversion. Those mutants didn't stand a chance against our combined efforts."

Geliah's admiration for his rescuers grew with each word. He could sense the determination and skill that emanated from Hez and Malik. They were formidable allies to have in this harsh world.

With their newfound alliance, Geliah felt a renewed sense of purpose. Together, they would face the challenges that lay ahead, the mutants and the unknown trials that awaited them. The world may be shrouded in darkness, but their collective light would shine brightly.

As Geliah sat in that unfamiliar room, a glimmer of hope flickered within him. The journey was far from over, and with Hez and Malik by his side, he knew they had a chance to overcome the obstacles that stood in their way.

I'm doomed...

I lost the email I used in webnovel. I hope I can retrieve it so I can transfer the email address in case I log out of all the devices I'm using right now TT.

flowntoyoucreators' thoughts