
Shadow Monarch continues in various universes

The story begins with the continuation of the monarch of the shadows after having defeated the monarchs, new adventures and worlds to discover . . . . this would be like an alternative history. . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs


<Hello I am the author :D, well to begin with the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, do not expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it may take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, but if you want it to come out fast, then give stones of power.

Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect that everything is correct, because my English is not perfect and I may be wrong, I hope you like the story>.


Once the world was quiet all people lived their lives as normal, until one day something appeared, that something was a portal which was called door, was a connection to another dimension where there were monsters which have a single mission to kill humans, for a while the monsters managed to escape from the door and came to planet earth causing chaos and destruction, many humans died but within this despair appeared the light, a human stronger than any other faced these monsters winning the fight and saving people wings.

With the passage of time several humans began to awaken their powers, all thanks to the mana that filtered the doors, this caused that many humans were too strong capable of facing the monsters as well as strengthening the world, all adapted to this new lifestyle, hunting monsters, living happily, but within this tranquility came a catastrophe something much worse, came the coming of the monarchs, beings of darkness with the sole purpose of destroying everything in its path, humans tried to cope but could not and ended up losing the fight.

Before this event the beings called rulers, beings of light, did not stay with their arms crossed and decided to act to stop the monarchs, but they acted too late, the planet earth had died, before this event they decided to use the cup of reincarnation allowing to go back in time and thus act much faster, but still they failed, because when using the cup the monarchs as the rulers would keep their memories and powers, for that reason they could not stop the destruction, they tried again and again but always failed, the attempts to save the earth were running out and they did not know what to do.

But something happened that changed the course of the battle, the strongest monarch that once was the brightest fragment of light, just woke up, the monarch of the leftovers Ashborn woke up and saw how the fight was, the monarchs were winning, he decided to wait a little, but with what he saw he realized that no matter what the rulers did they could not win, so he decided to enter the battle, but not him but his successor, the one who would be the avatar of the monarch but became his successor Sung Jin-Woo, the weakest hunter in history became the strongest monarch in the universe.

After Ashborn handed over his powers to his successor he took charge of the battle, he confronted the monarchs and managed to defeat them and end the battle of light and darkness, but during the course of the fight there were many sacrifices, companions who gave their lives so that the fight would end, Sung Jin-Woo decided to use the cup of reincarnation to fight again, although he was warned of what could happen, Sung Jin-Woo did not stop before the warning and continued on his way, he returned to the past and faced the monarchs again, after 27 years the fight against the monarchs ended.

The planet earth was at peace, it was saved from destruction, no one knew about this battle and no one would remember it, only one man, the one who carried the weight as monarch and the weight of millions of lives, but finally it was all over, the battle zones were now a cemetery of dead bodies, Sung Jin-Woo achieved his goal, He managed to save his family, friends, loved ones and saved the world, the rulers were more than happy to see this, the battle of light and darkness was over, they thanked the monarch for the sacrifice he made, they were happy but they had some unpleasant news and that was that the monarch of the shadows can not return to his world.

This news is unpleasant but understandable, a superior being, a god, a deity, a deity, a divinity, whatever you want to call him is a very powerful being, but going to the planet earth which was like a bud of a flower, a delicate being, could bring consequences, if Sung Jin-Woo decides to stay on earth could cause natural disasters or even worse the arrival of new monsters, With no other option, they decided to talk to him to know his decision, because the options they had were to kill him, seal all his power or send him to another universe where he is strong enough to withstand his power.

With these options in hand Sung Jin-Woo must decide which one to accept for the sake of his family and the world itself.


<Hello howdy, I hope you like today's chapter, I think if I did well to begin with and I hope you support this story.





Another important fact the stories and events of the worlds where it will go, can change a little, what I mean is that events may occur before time or after time.