
The Dark Maiden

-Alexis Lycan, 18 years old-

Alexis gulps audibly as he looks at the ethereal woman wrapped in smoke and shadow. "Where are we?" he finally manages to say. Alexis is mesmerized, seemingly pulled forward by an unseen force.

The longer he looks at her, the more beautiful she looks in his eyes. A perfect woman.

She giggles at the slack jawed look on his face. She doesn't have to read his mind to know that he is deeply attracted to her. The thought instantly flatters her. No mortal has gazed at her in such a way in thousands of years. They normally fall to their knees in terror.

Beings such of her have lived since the beginning of time. Each with their own spheres of influence. One could call them gods, as many mortals do. But some are forgotten, lost to the annals of history.

"We are in my domain as I have said." Arabella replies In a clear yet low voice. "It is a space between worlds. A haven."

Alexis is only more confused by her words. This confusion is written cleanly on his face but she either doesn't notice or doesn't care. It is most likely the latter.

Arabella continues without explaining further. "I have called you here to bestow upon you a gift." she says with a big smile. "This is an extreme honor." Her teeth shine brightly. Her nightmarishly sharp fangs catch his eyes further, putting him on edge. She notices his reaction.

Alexis is confused even further 'a gift?' he wonders. 'What is she talking about?' he ponders in his head. While lost in thought, he finally notices that she has stopped talking, as if waiting for something.

"Thank you, Lady Arabella." Alexis bows, deciding on the title of lady. She is regal and refined, so this is a good choice he thinks. "It is an honor."

Arabella sticks her chest out in pride when she hears the title 'Lady'. Alexis smiles wryly internally, it seems he chose correctly.

"As you should be honored" Arabella says softly, once again speaking the way she initially was. "It is a gift fit for even kings." The long fangs that protruded from the teeth retract, leaving a regular, yet beautiful, smile. The sight banishes the slight unease he had at the sight of them.

"But why me?" Alexis asks, bewildered by why all this is happening and by the spectacle of her teeth.

Arabella smiles slightly. "Why, because of the Lycan blood in your veins, of course."

"My blood?" Alexis looks down at his arms as he says this, looking at his veins and the blood within them. "I don't understand." He murmurs.

Arabella stepped forward and the smoke that was pouring off of her twirls itself around Alexis playfully, as if alive. He feels calmer, more at ease, when the black tendrils make contact with his skin. Alexis closes his eyes and exhales deeply. He is comfortable in the shadows.

Arabella reaches out and runs her hand down his face causing him to shudder. "The Lycan blood is special, blessed even. For centuries I have watched over your family, bound to an ancient pact made with your ancestor, the first king of the Lycanian kingdom." She whispers in his ear. "I have given great power to each of your predecessors. Though recently, I have offered but only a sliver. They were all unworthy as of late."

Alexis opens his eyes and looks into the deep dark pools that are her eyes. He isn't startled by how close she is, but the opposite. A strong urge to reach out and grab her wells up within him, but he forces the thought down. He must control himself.

"What kind of power?" Alexis asks slowly, unable to tear his eyes from her.

A gleeful smile spreads across the woman's face. "I'll show you." she whispers.

Arabella suddenly grabs his face in a strong grip. His eyes open wide by her sudden action. "What are-" he starts, but is cut off by her lips touching his in a sensual and passionate kiss.

Alexis' mind blanks and he wraps his arms around her instinctively, finally letting go of the urges he was forcing down. A cold feeling slides down his throat. He doesn't know what it is, not her tongue he thinks, she hasn't used that yet. The cold continues down his throat and spreads throughout his body. As he wonders about the weird feeling, she breaks the kiss and steps out of his embrace.

"Do you feel that?" She says with a smirk on her face.

"Feel what? Why did you do that?" Alexis demands, flustered. The taste of her lips still on his mouth. After he speaks, he feels a sharp pain from chest like a stab wound. The pain radiates outward from his heart continuing down to his feet and arms. Alexis yells out sharply and falls to his knees with tears streaming down his face. It was the worst pain he has ever felt, like a fire was burning up his insides, tearing him apart.

Alexis reaches out to Arabella in desperation who was watching over him with a smile on her face. "Help me." he chokes out. He doesn't know why he asked the mysterious woman; it was almost reflexively. Like he was pulled to her even now.

"Of course, My liege." The shadowy woman says as she steps forward again to embrace the writhing man. "I will take away all your pain."

Arabella kneels in front of Alexis, who was still on his knees, and kisses him deeply. As soon as her lips touched his, the pain that was wracking him vanished as if by magic. Leaving only pleasure and a lingering burning sensation.

Alexis reaches up and grabs her shoulders and pushes the woman down to the ground roughly. Arabella smiles as the man looms over her, his eyes wild and lustful. The sudden pain and confusion of the whole situation seemingly snaps something inside of the young Duke.

Alexis reaches out with his right hand and grabs her neck tightly, not enough to strangle her, but a more possessive grip. He presses his body onto the prone woman and kisses her back wildly, almost desperately.

Black smoke starts to emit from Alexis, just like Arabella, yet he pays it no mind. His veins also turn black as the blood darkens inside his body.

Alexis jerks back after a few moments surprised by his actions. A trail of saliva continues from his mouth to hers. Tangible proof of how intense their kissing was.

"Why... Why did I do that?" Alexis mumbles to himself. He looks down at Arabella who is still lying on the ground with disheveled hair and clothes. "Who exactly-" He starts but is interrupted.

"We will have to continue this another time." Arabella whispers softly with a frown while looking up at the ceiling of the dark room. "We are about to be interrupted, My Liege."


"My Lord!"

A sudden shriek awakes Alexis from his sleep. His eyes shoot open, and he jumps up from his bed looking for the person who yelled so loudly in the morning.

His eyes land on Sabrina who is standing in the doorway with her hands over her mouth in shock. Alexis narrows his eyes at her, upset from being rudely awaken from his heavenly 'dream'.

"What is it, Sabrina?" Alexis asks irritably, reaching up to push his hair back from his face. His body feels heavy, and he is covered in sweat. The cold wind flowing through the room from a broken window chills him to the bone, adding to his irritation.

"My Lord... What is going on?" Sabrina asks shakily while pointing at his chest. Her eyes are wide, and she is shaking softly. Fear and confusion evident in her eyes.

Alexis gives her an odd look before walking to the mirror in his room. "What are you talking about? There is nothing-" His voice trails off when he sees his reflection.

Black smoke is twirling around his body. Pouring off of him, just like it was in his 'dream'. Just like Arabella.

Arabella may be added to the cover by a paid artist if readers enjoy the novel.

xJavierMexcreators' thoughts
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