
Shadow Beaster

In a world where Beasters, individuals bonded with powerful Spirit Beasts, hold sway, Eldon once a skilled assassin in a world of shadows and deceit, now awakens in the innocent form of a young boy bearing the same name. All Eldon desires now is peace and quiet, a respite from the chaos and bloodshed that defined his former existence.

Usot2 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Level 2

Quest: Achieve Adapt Level 2

Objective: Sync with your Spirit Beast at a deeper level.

Reward: Unlock new skill.


In-room 101 of the Beaster Suite, Eldon and Jaxon sat in silence, each on their own bed. The room was plain, with twin beds against opposite walls and a small desk between them. The wooden floorboards creaked occasionally, and the distant hum of the city seeped in through the window.

The door opened with a creak. The instructor walked in, his presence commanding attention. "Eldon, Jaxon," he said, voice firm, "you will be a pair in tomorrow's competition." Without waiting for a reply, he left.

Eldon and Jaxon exchanged glances, the weight of the announcement sinking in. Silence returned, heavier this time.

Next door in room 102, Derek paced angrily while Kane sat on his bed with arms crossed. Derek's complaints filled the room. "Why do I have to share a room with this bastard?" he whined again.

Kane's patience was thin, but he kept quiet. Returning home in disgrace wasn't an option. "Just shut up, Derek," Kane muttered. Derek either didn't hear him or chose to ignore him.


The next day, the instructor took them to the Arena. Jaxon and Eldon hadn't talked about their game plans nor did Kane and Derek, who were also competing together. Students from all around the Continent—West, East, North, and South—gathered there. Sunleaf Village was in the Northern part of the Continent, known as the Dark North where most Rogue Beasters hid.

Every student stood in rows, facing a council of people known as the Beaster Council. They were the strongest Beasters, tasked with teaching and capturing powerful Rogue Beasters, leaving the low-level Beasters to the students.

One of the Beaster Council members stood up, looking like the oldest one there. "Students from all the regions of this Continent, I, Elder Samael, personally welcome you to the City of all Beaster RA," he said calmly. The students yelled out, "Yeah!"

The Arena was vast, its towering walls casting long shadows over the field. Eldon and Jaxon found themselves standing together, their silence from the previous night lingering like a dark cloud. The crowd's excitement was palpable, and the tension between competitors was electric.

Elder Samael raised his hand, instantly silencing the restless crowd. His gaze was stern, unyielding. "Today's competition will test not only your bond with your Spirit Beast but also your ability to work with others. Remember, some of you may not survive this trial." His voice echoed through the arena, chilling the hearts of the participants. "Let the first trial begin!"

The ground beneath them trembled as the Arena's floor split open, revealing a labyrinth filled with obstacles and hidden dangers. The first challenge was a maze designed to disorient and separate partners.

"Did he just say some won't make it alive?" Jaxon said, his voice trembling with terror.

A loud sound like something immense was approaching. Eldon turned around to see a large boulder hurtling toward them. His eyes widened in alarm. "Jaxon, run!" Eldon shouted.

Jaxon turned to see the massive stone rolling toward them, his heart pounding. Without hesitation, they both sprinted through the labyrinth, the boulder crashing behind them with terrifying force.

They reached a fork in the maze. "Right or left, Eldon?" Jaxon screamed, his eyes darting between the two paths.

Eldon hesitated, indecision gripping him. The boulder was gaining on them, and there was no time to waste. From the right side, a group of contestants appeared, pursued by a large black wolf.

"Left, left!" Eldon finally decided, seeing the danger from the right.

They dashed to the left, the sound of their own breaths mingling with the cacophony of the boulder's approach. The other contestants rushed past the intersection, and the wolf chasing them was obliterated by the boulder. The thunderous noise of the impact echoed through the maze.

Eldon and Jaxon stopped, turning to witness the aftermath. The boulder had come to a halt, the wolf's crushed remains a grim testament to their narrow escape.

"Phew," Jaxon exhaled in relief, but his respite was short-lived. The contestants who had been running from the wolf were now advancing towards them, expressions fierce and determined. They looked weary but ready for a fight.

Eldon assessed the situation quickly. They were too exhausted to run. Fighting was their only option. He glanced at Jaxon, who seemed terrified but resolute. "We can take them," Eldon said confidently. "Remember how you handled Derek's friend?".

Jaxon nodded


On the other side of the labyrinth, Kane and Derek were walking, with Derek still whining about being paired with Kane. Kane's patience was wearing thin. "Do you ever shut up?" he snapped, irritation evident in his tone.

Suddenly, loud footsteps echoed behind them. Kane spun around, scanning the area, but found no one. "Who's there?" he asked cautiously.

Without hesitation, Derek summoned Ifrit, whose flames illuminated the direction of the approaching footsteps. Despite his annoyance with Derek, Kane couldn't help but feel impressed. "At least you have some use," he remarked dryly.

Derek shot him a glare. "Shut up, bastard," he retorted in his usual annoying tone.

As Ifrit's flames lit up the ground, they discovered a trail of wet, gooey substance. "Is that drool?" Derek asked, his voice trembling with fear.

A low growl echoed through the labyrinth, sending shivers down Derek's spine. "What is it?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the growing sound of the approaching creature.

This all I could do today I drop another tomorrow.

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