
Do dream's come true?


I always love to read books cause I love to write but I never wrote.

what should I have wrote things were always in my mind but it never come out as I wanted while writing so I never tried writing it in one.

I just like to read books nowadays

-which one should I read this time ?

do you need any help ( book store worker )


-can you recommend me some good books cause I almost read every book which I like so I would like to go with recommendation now.

yeah sure I can recommend you .

see this one is loved by most of the people nowadays. " the time keeper"

what this is about?

it's about living the life in fullest and enjoying every moment of life.

-I think I should try this.

yeah!! it gives good vibes I once read it I wanted to read this again cause it motivates me but like you see I am too busy in this work so I can't give much time to read.

-i also don't have much time but I want to read some more books cause this is what I love.

that's good to hear should I pack them.

-yes please.

(cup of tea) - novel

-so the next chapter came of this.

yes it's recently.

-(laugh) it's funny isn't it I never like this novel isn't it's a bit boring.

I am not sure I never read this because of it's name it must be boring maybe.

-what is this?

-it really have a lot of pages


it's blank.

yeah! my sister made this she wants me to sell this but it's funny who will buy this book it have a lot of pages.

-it do have a lot of pages someone can write about their life from start to end in this.

haha no I don't think someone can it's not even that much big that it can have someone story written in this yeah it can be part of life's memory but can't be full life and at all life is long.

-yes it surely is long. can I buy this?

really? are you sure?

-i want to try to write something which u always wanted to.

-I guess I can now when I found a perfect book to write.

that would be really great for me if you do.

-yeah thank you!!

I came out from the book store it's evening and have really beautiful vibes in sky like levender just bloomed.

it's already late should I take a taxi or should I go by walk.

I love the atmosphere I think I should go by walk at all I want to enjoy this moment.

( firecrackers )

woww it's always amazing

whenever I see firecrackers I just never want to leave that behind I always watch them until it's end.

why? because it's beautiful

(March 2018)

it's beautiful really really beautiful

my phone ring it was my mother

I was afraid because I was late to home and will probably will gonna get scolded that fear in my heart I took the call.

where are you?

what you think of yourself? don't you know that we needed the ingredient for dinner? when will I make dinner?

mom i am on my way to home I will be there in five minutes. I will explain at home by.

as always she never asked about me. she is just busy with her life. that's what I want I want to be independent so, why it hurts me when someone don't worry for me.

I don't want to go home the sky is beautiful I want to stay here I wish I could just stay in place like this forever where nobody is and all I can see is this Beautiful sky right infront of my head so I can breathe happily.

at home i would just go now and will have to listen things which I hate and than have to have dinner with same people who will just gonna tell me hateful words isn't it's terrible how I am going to survive like this.

I am home!!

give this to me I told you to get back early your father would be angry on me if I do even a bit late to make dinner. come and help me.

but I just came I am a bit tired my legs are already paining.

I don't want to listen anything it's not like you are earning.

earning? when I told that I will Never earn I am working on something so I can earn.

whatever just come and help me.

you never get help of me you just give me all of the work at the end ( whispered )

I laid on my bed cause I was tired a lot tired to even think.

I want to disappeared from this world there is nothing to be happy. j don't know until when I have to live like this.

suddenly a message pop up on my mobile.

congratulations you are in!!!

what? wait? no way!! oh my god I can't believe how I am what should I do what should.

I should tell this to mother. oh my god!!

I stopped at door I don't know I couldn't take next steps towards my mother and my family to let them know how happy I am and why I am happy.

I am afraid. I am afraid to tell them. what if they say no to it.

I should have told them before what If they scold me what will I do then.

I don't think I can tell them it's hard for me to tell.

should I tell them or not but if I didn't told them than I won't be able to go and if I told them than what if I won't be able to go.

isn't it's same.

should I try and regret later or should I not try and regret later.

"cause it's about abroad"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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