
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 - Leaving the Golden Cage

Sinta sighed because Issac met her at the prospective nurse's dormitory. Even though earlier she had firmly said Maria's last message that the man and Theodore were not allowed to set foot into the dormitory for any reason.

Why is Mr. Billionaire going there? Because from the report written by Theodore, Ethan was not found in the river, nor was he found on three of the four lands around the river, there is only one possibility that the doctor drifted to the last land, namely Maria's prospective nurse's dormitory.

Theodore did not deploy Sars there because he remembered Maria's last message, and at the same time realized that the women's dormitory was forbidden for men to go there, except for the families of the prospective nurses. So the man invited Issac to try there to find Ethan who might have drifted there.

So for the sake of the child, Ethan's father went to the hostel accompanied by Samuel, Herbert, Corsa, and several aides. But what Issac found was Sinta's annoyance he and her entourage could only talk to the woman in front of the dormitory fence, they were not allowed to enter.

"Sinta." Issac's voice was heard, "I always remember Maria's message, but this concerns the disappearance of my son Ethan who most likely drifted to Maria's dormitory."

"Sir," Sinta looked at this billionaire gentleman, "If indeed your son has drifted all the way here, of course, I will have reported this to the police so that he can contact you. But to this day none of your children have drifted here. We didn't even see any men drifting here."

"Are you sure of that?" Issac watched Sinta closely, wanting to make sure whether what the woman said was true or not. "You could have hidden it."

"Hide it?" Sinta was shocked to hear this, "Sir, why hide it? Then we don't know your son's figure, so why hide it? Then you think this hostel likes to hide foreign men?"

"In that case, I request permission to enter the dormitory to confirm."

"Sir, I'm sorry, are you going to renege on the late mistress Maria's message? Then you really know this is a girls' dormitory, foreign men are prohibited from entering the dormitory area."

"Please cooperate with me. Let me just go in for a second to find Ethan, because Theo says the river plains are at the back of this hostel."

Sinta gasped in shock hearing this, then looked furious because it turned out that Theodore still remembered this place well. The river mouth is behind the dormitory, to be precise, in the backyard of Maria's hut, which is now home to Kelly. Then he felt Theodore had directed Issac here.

"Humans don't know themselves." she cursed at Theodore, then looked back at Issac, "Sir, I'm sorry, I can't grant that permission. I also strictly forbid you from reaching that place by any other means."

"Do I have to force my way in, Sinta?"

"Then you have to step over my body first."

Samuel and the others seemed to sigh because Sinta was so strict forbidding them from entering the dormitory to find Ethan.

Meanwhile, in the backyard of the big lady's hut, Ethan was seen sitting alone by the river. He's been here for almost a week, and his wounds have dried up thanks to the routine treatment provided by Kelly. He felt it was time to return to his parent's house in Jakarta to report what happened to him, as well as want to know what happened at the factory when he went missing.

But how can he get out of this golden cage, which Keily said, is surrounded by a tight fence that can only be opened by the gold plaque in Sinta's hands? The girl had often stolen the plaque, but Sinta always found out. Should he ask the girl to steal again for him? If found out, then it is also known that he was there, what will the girl who helped him receive?

He didn't want Kelly to get hurt or in trouble for helping him. He appreciated the girl who sincerely treated and cared for him all this time. The girl even managed to persuade Baba to keep the doctor's whereabouts a secret from Sinta, then helped the lady buy clothes in the man's size.

Suddenly a plate containing a small layer of chocolate-sprinkled cake was in front of Ethan's eyes. The doctor was shocked, then smiled because he knew who did that. Keily is the cheerful goddess of her helper. It turned out that the girl was good at cooking deliciously, and after her stomach was declared safe, this lady diligently cooked delicious food for him.

Slowly one of the doctor's hands grabbed the other arm of the lady, then sat down in front of her. He stared at the girl who still looked like a young man.

"What is this?" Ethan's voice sounded while pointing at the cake on the plate in Kelly's hand.

"Flush chocolate layer cake."

"You made this?"

Kelly nodded her head. Ethan then took the plate and started tasting the girl's cake while tasting it.

"Emm." The doctor's voice sounded a bit thinking about telling the lady the taste of this delicious cake.

"Too what?" asked the girl quickly, "Too hot? Too bland? Or too bitter?"

Ethan heard this and smiled amused, remembering his previous foolishness in refusing to eat the porridge the girl made. Now this lady repeated all those words.


"Hehehe." The doctor pinched the tip of the lady's nose, "Your cake is very delicious."


"Yes. Even all the dishes you make for me taste good." Ethan praised Keily's skill in cooking deliciously, "Didn't expect the fierce nurse Keily to be able to cook deliciously."

Kelly scowled at the doctor's arm.

"Unfortunately," came the doctor's voice again, "Nurse Keily likes to be lazy while studying, so Aunt Sinta feels that your skills are not progressing."

Keily pursed her lips for a moment, "Baba must have said that to you right?"

"Because I asked him why the golden cage girl has medical and cooking skills. Baba said you were smart, quickly mastered every lesson, unfortunately lazy. Make Aunt Sinta often scream at you, "Keily! Gosh, this kid! Hadeuh, let's study hard, for your future, those who are said to want to get out of this golden cage!"

Keily became embarrassed hearing this, covering her face with her hands. Ethan saw this chuckling in amusement, then lowered the lady's hands with one hand, then jawil this beautiful lady's nose.

"Turns out Nurse Keily is indeed a girl."

"Yeah, I'm a girl."

Back to the forefront of the dormitory, where Sinta was seen standing in front of the gate with both arms stretched out to the sides, then her breath hitched, one corner of her lips melted red liquid, looking at Issac who had managed to beat her in the kung fu duel earlier.

"This is how you are," Issac's voice was heard looking at Sinta with pity, "Still forbidding me from going in to look for my child?"

"Sir, I'm telling you for the umpteenth time, your son is not inside. I also said that this is a girls' dormitory, a forbidden area for foreign men to enter. I also said you should not violate Mrs. Maria's last message."

"You!" Issac became furious again, about to throw a punch with his bare hands to knock Sinta down, but Samuel rushed to him, "Sam?!"

"Sorry, pa," Samuel sighed, "Sam has been observing everything, sure that Sinta's mother is telling the truth. So please papa don't force her to be like this."

"If she told the truth why forbid us to confirm it?"

"Mrs. Sinta has repeatedly stated all the reasons very clearly, please papa doesn't continue to think it's a lie."


"Didn't papa see how much she protected this dormitory with her life? That means Sam doesn't lie to us. Ethan isn't in the dormitory area."

Herbert rushed to Samuel's side, "Sir," he reprimanded Issac, "Excuse me, I agree with the first young master. I'm sure miss. Sinta is telling the truth because she dares to duel you."

Issac sighed feeling that Sinta had not changed from before, really taking care of everything that belonged to Maria in that woman's life.

Back in the backyard, Baba rushes over to the couple who appear to be chatting as Kelly spoons spoon after spoonful of cake into Ethan's mouth. The doctor relapsed spoiled, and asked the girl to feed him.

"Big miss! Big lady!" he cried when in front of the couple, his face looking panicked, "That's bad! Very bad!"

"What's bad, Baba?" Kelly looked at her nanny in surprise.

"Hais no time to explain it." Said the black man because he was originally from Nigeria, "Come on, you guys leave this place immediately." These two people picked up one by one, then slung the bag strap over one of the lady's shoulders, "Miss, in this bag there is your wallet and several things you need."

"Baba, I don't understand what all this is about?" Keily became confused, "You said it was urgent, then told us to leave this place."

"Don't ask yet." Baba quickly led the pair out of the courtyard and into the gate that Kelly had found difficult to open in the first place.

When he got there, he quickly took out the golden plaque he had stolen from Sinta's room, then stuck the part carved with the lotus flower onto the surface of the locking gate where the lotus flower was also carved. It didn't take long for the gate to shift to the right, meaning the door was open.

Keily gaped at this, then reprimanded Baba,

"Baba, you just stick the plaque to the locking part of the gate, can it make the door open?"

"Hais miss, that's how to unlock the door."

"Don't use the incantation while facing the front of the golden plaque at the door like Aunt Sinta said?"

"Hayah Mrs. Sinta said that to lie to you. After all, where is the gate opened in that way? This is not some magical antiquity."

Keily pursed her lips, feeling like she had been lied to by Sinta all this time, while Ethan smiled amused because he had heard the girl's story about it.

"Hayah already." Baba's voice was heard again, which quickly ushered the couple out of the hut area, "Mr. Ethan." He reprimanded Ethan, "Sorry, I'm leaving big miss with you from now on and forever. Please take care of her and look after her in this world, because this is all that Baba can give to her who has been in this golden cage since she was a child. Baba wants her to have a normal life." He said in a trembling voice, where tears began to flow. "Even though Baba had to disobey Mrs. Maria's last message who wanted Miss Maria forever in her golden cage."

Ethan sighed, lightly touched one of Baba's shoulders,

"Fine, I thank Kelly." He said Baba's request was granted, "I swear that for the rest of my life, I will take care of it and protect it with my life in this world."

"Thank you, sir." Baba looked relieved, then looked at Kelly who had tears in her eyes, "Miss, take good care of yourself. You are an adult, Mrs. Sinta has given you a lot of provisions."

"You come with me okay." Keily took Baba's hand and looked at the nanny sadly, "I don't want you to be severely punished by Aunt Sinta for running me out of my hut."

"It's time for you without me. But you must remember, you can always rely on Baba."

Kelly hugs her babysitter who is like a father to her. Baba held his foster daughter in his arms for a moment, then immediately let go,

"Master Ethan." He called Ethan again, "Quickly take Miss away from here. In the bag miss there is some cash and a cell phone which you can use to take you to where you are staying."

Ethan heard this touched and hugged for a moment by Baba, who had been very kind to him the last few days. After that, Kelly held her hand, letting Baba immediately return to the hut area. You could see the girl's tears welling up as she watched Baba disappear behind the gate which was closed again.

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