
Sex Witch

The journey of a gay stuck in a woman's body in the fantasy world with a system. Please bear with me as I edit and make this story works! I am a new author. Please be kind as English isn't my first language. Thing like grammars incorrect, typo and disorganize might happen please lemme know ur thoughts and my heart can take constructive criticism. Thank u!

Alulilu_zek · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Immortal World

"Can I have that knowledge about the world curse?" he asked.

Yes, host, the curse replied in a neutral voice. An old, grayish, and worn-out book suddenly appears in front of him.

A puzzle look appeared on his face, and he asked the system

"Do I have to read this thick book? Like, it will take hours!" he complained.

'Don't work, host; just put your hand on the front cover of the book, and everything follows, the curse replied.

He slowly positions the book and himself on the bed.

"Hu!" as he prepared himself. He slowly put his hands on the top of the book while closing one eye. A slight light came from the book as the light slowly rose in the air and when straight in his head. He was taken aback, and a puzzled look appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? What just happened?" he murmured as he closed his eyes and opened them again.

He saw a different scenery, as if it were movie in the cinema, and people were talking and doing some work. A sudden realization came to his mind, and he continued to focus and absorb as much information as he could.

The Moon Kingdom is the country he is in. One of the undervalued and wasted kingdoms. It was called Moon because of its history; this place was once a moon elves kingdom.

After the war, the elves evacuated and left this place. Due to unknown reasons, the resources provided by nature in this area were scarce and half wasteland.

The prisoners and abandoned children are everywhere; guards are few here because they are watching the borders that keep the prisoners and abandoned children from escaping.

"I can believe this; those no-brainer novels for teens come into reality." He was once one of the no-brainers in his teens and didn't think that thing would develop like this.

In his younger years, he wished to explore the world of immortals in a unique and desirable way.

As a gay man, he slightly envies women for having the ability to effortlessly attach to the opposite gender. But he also fears and knows how hard it is to be a woman. The first problem was the menstruation; the second was the prejudice of social structure; and the third was the pregnancy.

But now, he wants to solve the virgin card first. As he ponders a bit and searches for the memory of the girl, He studied every person in an orphanage. A world where the strong are always the predators and the weak are the prey.

He needs a puppet to start his revenge and climb the pyramid. He needs strength to fight and conquer men. It might be foolish, but he is bewildered by the idea of sex and controlling men!

"Heheheh~~~~" he grinned.

His kink starts to control his heart, but he needs to calm down.

"I need to look for resources first," he murmured, looking at the blue panel. He observed the list and saw the [awakening].


He started to fantasize about having a heavenly body like in the book or anywhere else.

"Curse, can I have that?" he asked while pointing to the item section.

'Yes, host! ' Curse replied.

An azure liquid in a transparent bottle appeared in front of him.

"Awakening potion!" he murmured.

According to the body memory, awakening potion is extremely rare and manipulated by the guards to prevent a new force from being born. Through this, they have absolute control over this kingdom. The idea of drinking this potion became a myth among the common people.

He slowly opened the sealed bottle and drank it without a second thought.

The whole azure liquid in the bottle enters his mouth. All the grown hair in his body was slowly standing up because of its awful taste. The liquid slowly went through his throat and slid down to his stomach. He felt disgusted and traumatized.

An extreme pain hit all around his body, and he knew that this was the effect, but the aftertaste was worse than ever expected. He fainted.

The journey of smut stuffs are coming soon. Guys! friendly reminder. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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