
Bleach - Yoruichi's Whims (Part 2)

The door slammed open.

Aiko didn't think he could be hornier. Hungrier. Bigger. Currently, he was being pushed out of the bathroom, fiercely making out with a dark-skinned woman whom he scarcely knew. Apparently, she was a goddess. A being able to take on the form of a cat. He didn't think too deeply about it, all the logic and energy going toward his cock. He was tired from work, tired from life, and now…


…he wanted to let loose. Droplets of water followed as he kissed and walked and spun to his bed. His erection was madly poking the woman within its contact and his hands squeezed her ass cheeks. Delightfully soft and ebony, they were buns that melded into his ordinary Japanese fingers. Just hours ago, they were used for typing out documents.

Yoruichi broke the kiss, grinning. "Look at you go, Aiko. I knew you had it in you." 

"Haah…ha…" Aiko's cheeks turned slightly red. "I, erm…"

"Don't worry." Her hands were on his shoulders, pulling him in till their lips were breathing on each other. "I'm rough but I won't bite."

French kissing Yoruichi was an experience like no other. Aiko felt his body melt into hers as their tongues intertwined in a dance of passion. He could feel the heat radiating from Yoruichi's body, and it only made him want her more. Her hands roamed down his back, tracing the contours of his muscles before moving down to grab at his cock. Her strokes were gentle and meek. 

Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–! Schlap–!

The palm of her hand went toward his overgrowing pre-cum, using it to wash his shaft. She continued stroking him and his breath hitched. Slowly, she leaned higher and gained greater control of the kiss, her tongue pushing him back and tasting him whole. As they broke apart for air, Aiko couldn't help but wear a small smile. Yoruichi smirked at him, clearly pleased with herself. "You're a quick learner," she said.

Aiko grinned back at her, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. "I have good teachers," he replied smoothly.

"Oh? Teachers? Or teacher?" Her hand slowly went down to his balls, caressing the hefty sack. "Am I being two-timed?"

"O-oh, no, of course not, I just meant—"

"Just kidding." She smiled and pecked him on the lips. "I just want to get this cock worked up." Together, they glanced down at his member which was hard, red, and ready. If she kept massaging his balls like this, he was going to nut. He gulped, arms trembling. His fingers instinctively squeezed her ass deeper.

"Ooh, an ass man, eh? Not that I mind?" Yoruichi's arms were looped over his shoulder while Aiko's arms went around her and grabbed her ass. A dichotomy of a man and a woman teetering on the line of intercourse. She wanted him and he wanted her. It was simple and tense. 

Yoruichi, with her greater strength, twirled them around and had Aiko toppled over her on the bed. His cock sprung out harder, lightly rubbing against her pussy. Their faces were inches apart. 

"So? What are you gonna do now? You can't just be happy with groping my ass, right?"

Squeezing them had been a pleasure but he knew he wanted more. His hands on the side of her face, he swallowed and nodded. Soft hands pushed him down into another kiss and he pulled back after a minute, panting for air. She lightly pushed him back, giving her space, and began crawling back. Hoisting herself on all fours, she wagged her thicc ass hypnotically. Left, right, left, right, he followed as she dog-walked across the bed.

Interestingly, Yoruichi had a tattoo on her ass. Spelled out in thick bold letters was…

'God of Thunder 3?'

His cock throbbed. Fuck, he felt like he was on the verge of popping. Yoruichi's ass threaded the balance between thicc and toned beautifully. She arched her back, letting her body's shape do its work and give him irresistible eye-candy. He walked over on his knees, ready to slip inside her, but hesitated. Yoruichi instantly noticed, looking over her shoulder with a raised brow and a wagging ass.

Still glistening from the bath, it was just…damn. You just had to be there. 

 "C-condom," Aiko mumbled.

"I want it raw."

Her husky voice knocked him stiff. His cock lurched forward as she peered over her shoulder, smirking, and said, "I want you to fuck me bareback all night. I want you to fill me. That way…" Yoruichi licked her lips and spread her pussy with her two fingers. "Mm. That way, my debt will be paid."

Aiko's heart raced as he watched Yoruichi spread her pussy with two fingers, the way her lips curled around the folds sending a jolt of desire straight to Aiko's core. The young man hesitated for a moment, his mind battling between the promise of pleasure and the nagging voice of caution. 'I don't know her. She's some cat turned into a person. I mean, it's ludicrous but—' 

But fuck it, he was here to indulge in this sinful encounter, and there was no turning back now. Aiko went forward and pressed his cockhead against Yoruichi's wet entrance. His cock flicked up and down on her slick folds, teasing and tormenting Yoruichi with each swipe.

"Come on." Yoruichi arched her back deeper, her ass pressing into his cock and letting that first real inch inside. Aiko gulped and, unable to resist any longer, obeyed with fervour. He plunged into Yoruichi's tightness without hesitation. The sensation was overwhelmingly delicious—a mixture of warmth and wetness that coated his cock like heaven itself.

This was what it was like inside a woman. This was what it was like to lose your virginity. Aiko regretted not doing it earlier. He controlled his breath, hardly comprehending the sheer tightness of her cunt before it was too late.

Because fuck. Yoruichi's pussy had a guerrilla grip.

"Mmmm…" Yoruichi mewled, head tilted up, smiling. She loved his cock and she wanted more. She didn't look over and order him to fuck her. She started going on her own. She began slamming her ass cheeks against his pelvis.


"Yes, yes, yes, yes—!" Yoruichi the Flash Goddess was fucking him doggy-style with ease and speed beyond anything a normal man should or could experience. Aiko was practically standing there on his knees and simply gasping and loving the moment. 

Yoruichi's pussy had a grip on him like a guerrilla soldier, gripping him tightly with every slam against his pelvis. She rocked his cock and rocked it like a professional. Aiko couldn't help but moan as he felt the heat and tightness enveloping him. The pleasure was intense and whatever lingering hesitation that might have existed was dead. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this was all too good to be true. He couldn't believe that this goddess was fucking him of all people. 

"Come on, come on—!"

He met her first thrust. 

"Ah~! Oh~! Oh, oh, oh, oh! Yes! Give me that dick! Mmmph! Yes, that's it! Come on!" 


But as Yoruichi's hips bucked against his, urging him on with every movement, Aiko pushed those thoughts aside. This was exactly what he wanted—a night of raw passion and unadulterated pleasure. He gave in to the intoxicating rhythm they had established and allowed himself to be consumed by their shared desire. Aiko finally began fucking Yoruichi in earnest and the ebony slut felt the difference.

"Ah~!? Oooh~! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuuuck~! Yes, there!" Thrust, thrust, thrust. He was fucking her deepest, most sensitive spot. He was reaching spots Yoruichi thought could only be found once or twice a month. His cock pistoned in and out of her and delivered kisses that were utterly impossible to ignore. Her smile twisted upwards, almost deranged, as he fucked her harder and harder. "Right there! Right there! Keep doing that~!"

Aiko's thrusts grew more urgent and demanding, his hips slamming against Yoruichi's with a primal hunger. The intensity of their connection was overwhelming, each movement fueling the fire between them. Yoruichi's moans grew louder, her body arching beneath him as she reached a crescendo of pleasure. 

"I'm getting closer! Yes, yes, yes~! Right therrrreeeee~!" Yoruichi panted like a wild animal, grinning. "Keep fucking me like that! Just! Keep! Fucking! Me! Keep! Fuuuucking meeee~!"

Aiko exhaled. Her glorious fucking booty. Ass cheeks that were still wet and glowing from the way he pounded her. Her dark brown complexion was simply addicting to watch jiggle and pound. His hands, which so far had been latched onto her hips, grabbed the long mane of purple hair. Aiko didn't know it but he was fulfilling the dreams of nearly all the men in Soul Society. He was fucking Yoruichi Shihouin and doing it doggy-style and with her long hair as reigns. 

She was an animal. His animal. His pet. 


"YES~!" Yoruichi shrieked. "Pull my hair! Mmmmmmmmmm! I can't control myself—I'm cumming!"

The room filled with the sounds of their bodies colliding—skin slapping against skin, moans mingling in the air. Aiko could feel himself getting closer to the edge—the familiar tightening in his balls that signaled his impending release.

But a big black booty was bouncing in front of him. Why the fuck would he cum now? Any second, Yoruichi expected him to explode inside her. Give her that delicious baby batter, fill her up, and tucker out. He didn't. Aiko kept fucking her. He kept going. 







"H-huh? Huh!?" The smirk, the confidence, the control—all of it was wiped from her face when Aiko kept going. Her head snapped back as he pulled on her hair, landing a thrust that nearly knocked the wind in her. Yoruichi gasped. 

She sometimes played up moaning but this—


Her eyes rolled back. Her body was at the mercy of this unknown man. She didn't understand. "W-where is this coming from—!?"

"God of Thunder 3," Aiko muttered. That tattoo. That hot fucking tattoo on her ass, it just invigorated him. He didn't know why. He didn't need to know why. He just he knew he had to pound her ass cheeks and pound 'em till she was fucked silly. "God of Thunder 3."

She felt an intense orgasm building up in her womb. The time felt like it flashed in seconds when in actuality he had been pounding her for minutes. Another gasp left her as her pussy spasmed and she squirted uncontrollably, marked by a loud cry of his name. "A-Aikoooo~!" 

The mattress was ruined. So what? The big black booty was still in front of him and still needed a glorious pounding. Aiko was going to do that and more. Silent, he fucked her with the intensity of a thousand Soul Reapers. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! W-wait! Waaait~! I'm cummmiiinnng~!" 

That's right, some office worker was destroying the princess of Soul Society and giving her ecstasy that no man had come close to matching.

Upon her request, however, he stopped, just enough to let her catch her breath.

"I-I've never…haah…mmmph!" 

Then he lurched back in, the full length of his cock reaching her core. 

Yoruichi's lips parted wide open and she slipped, her face falling into the pillow. She couldn't believe it. She was overwhelmed. Yoruichi, former Captain and leader of the Stealth Force! Some random guy from the human world was obliterating her cunt! Giving her a third—no, fourth orgasm!


She didn't understand. Her world was being rocked, her ass raised sky high and her pussy swimming into her own juices. His cock was finding every little sensitive spot like it was free land to conquer. In this new position, his fingers shifted over to her ass cheeks. Firm squeezes followed as his cock kept pistoning in and out of her—and what a fucking cock it was. It filled her up like nothing else had. No toy or finger could match what Aiko was doing. She was cumming.

"I'm cumming! Cumming! Cummminnnng~!"

She was cumming again. In intervals, she orgasmed and twitched and moaned. The absurdity of the situation melted her mind and drool began leaking from the corner of her mouth. Yoruichi was being righteously fucked. She was being given the dick that she deserved.

Aiko decided to give her the creampie to go with the royal fucking.

"I'm there!" Aiko announced, panting. Her walls clenched around Aiko's cock, responding to his voice. He came. What a load it was. It was heavy. It was immense. It filled Yoruichi's womb as much as it did her head. She didn't understand.

Now, she did.

Spurt, spurt, spurt!

His seed…was supposed to be with her.

Aiko pulled out, his cum trickling out. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, his cock softening. He stared at Yoruichi's current form: ass high, face down on the pillow, and pussy full of his cum, dripping in tiny droplets. He was empty and she was full. That was what she wanted and that was what he gave. 

"Y-you…" Yoruichi, slowly but surely, picked herself up. She craned her head over, maroon eyes in the shape of hearts. "You're a fucking keeper."

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MrLarsBarcreators' thoughts