
Severed Fate

A heroic villainess, Corlissa Veronique is an anomaly herself, such a paradox is the best description of her existence. A pitiful soul forever chained to the bindings of the Villainess, she was a bug in the system, a glitch in society, a defect in the world. Memories of past lives, her own life played on repeat, that was the curse of the Villainess. Emotions never left her, she felt the suffocation of betrayal time and time again, the burning of hate, the drowning of despair, the delightful yet excruciating taste of love. Each time they turned their backs to her she felt the same emotions each and every time. It was as if she was just a marionette, obeying commands against her will as if her free-flowing string of fate that connected to her 'happily ever after' was trapped tightly in the grip of other people's hands, stretching and fraying it however they wished. She vowed to, without fail, fulfil the wishes of the previous villainess who had left the world with unmistakable anguish...and sympathy. Such empathy... "You are a person, no matter what you look like or what you do, unless you prove me otherwise I will continue to view you as who you are." Such compassion... "I wish you didn't have to suffer, I wish you could've been born into a better world." Such understanding... "Let me handle the rest, take a comfortable rest." Such selflessness... "I won't let you suffer anymore..." She truly was such an exemplary hero. --- The cover art is not mine, I found it on Google. ^^

taikutsu_XD · Fantaisie
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42 Chs


Snapping out of my state of panic, I noticed father was still sulking. I slightly pity him so I will go cheer him up. I walked over to him and patted his head, when he looked up at me I noticed the features of my father. I hope for better familial bonds this lifetime as I have never really looked and processed the face of my father. Looking back on my past lives it’s hard to recall the face of anyone aside from Evie and the First Prince Kinfael.

My father isn’t actually bad looking, to be honest, he is quite handsome, he has blue hair, blue eyes, light skin and a young face. I must’ve inherited my facial features from him. Though that is not the matter at hand. The issue now is that I am being suffocated by a hug. His love for his daughter appears to be quite...astounding, I don’t know where he gets his arm strength from especially when his arms don’t even appear to have muscle.

“Father, what did you call me here for?”

Unexpectedly father reacted with a hurt expression, his expression reminded me of a hurt dog that didn’t get their treat.

“Ah, my adorable little daughter, why don’t you call me Papa?”

I couldn’t control my expression since it was such an unprecedented situation that was not factored into any of the results of my calculations, this was the reason why a slight pink was seen on my cheeks.

“V-very well…” frustratingly I kept on stuttering and being embarrassed from the rare affection, “Pa-Papa.”

“Wah! My heart, why are you so cute, my adorable daughter?”

With an awkward cough I began speaking, “Well then, Papa, what did you call me here for?”

“I would like to ask if you would like to attend the next council meeting.”

“Do you mean the meeting only with the 4 highest-ranking officials and the King?”

“Of course!”

I didn’t plan for this to happen! I have been thinking of this ever since the reaction I got from my mother but I think it is time for me to abandon my plans. I should stop relying on calculations and meticulous plans, they will blind me from savouring the present moments. Right now is like a warning, if I continue to rely on the information gained in my past lives, understanding their character and seeing them as a character instead of seeing them as a human with their free will, I will face retribution.

“Don’t you think that I am unqualified to attend this meeting? If you are basing this off of the letters I have asked to be sent to you, I still think it is too early. What if I gained help from someone to write everything for me? Or if I only sent letters written by other people just for attention? I haven’t even sent evidence and data to support the claims yet!”

…I just revealed myself...I have never made such a reckless and foolish mistake before.

I suddenly feel quite glum. I’m a disappointment. I want to cry.

‘Oh my god! My daughter is so cute, when she looks up at me with those teary eyes, although this sounds so mean, it’s so adorable! It also makes me feel guilty...Oh well anyways! I couldn’t help but let a chuckle out because she accidentally proved herself that what she wrote was genuine.’

“Don’t worry, of course, I have factored that into consideration, so you will be tested tomorrow to see if what you wrote was genuine. To ensure that you do not get any outside help before the test or try to memorise information in the time period between this notification and the test, you will stay the night in a different room while being monitored by the Head Guard. Try not to be mad about Papa being cruel to you, Papa just has to confirm everything because the council meeting is a very important social gathering.”

“I knew that from the start…” I said with teary eyes, I’m still gloomy over making such a rookie mistake, my eyes are getting tearier by the second. Papa started panicking when I looked up at him.

“My daughter! I’m so sorry! How about to make it up to you, I will talk with you until bedtime, I’ll even let you stay up late if you want!” I get to stay with Papa! A smile had just unconsciously formed on my face.

‘Why is my daughter so cute! I can’t wait to boast about my daughter’s beauty to Marquis Rendall! Ha! He only has obnoxious barbaric reckless little boys that aren’t cute at all!’

“Papa? You married the Duchess for political reasons, right? Though I should say that you better have had married the Duchess because of political reasons, she is mean! And she is ungrateful and greedy! I don’t like her, all she does is waste her time at tea parties and spending money flamboyantly on useless things. She also cares too much over materialistic value and superficial ideals like having pretty things that have no true emotional value!” I ranted to Papa.

“Don’t worry, my little daughter. Papa had to marry her because I needed to marry someone to avoid some political issues, I didn’t want to bother with someone that would hinder my work so she is the easiest to deal with, all I needed to do was give her some money and she wouldn’t interfere with my work.”

“The political issue you regarded is criticism, right? Where when you came to power as the Duke, if you didn’t marry or weren’t engaged then you would face criticism from the nobles and you also have to deal with more noble ladies.”

“Ah, you’re so smart, my adorable child! That is correct!”

“Hehe. Papa, why are nobles so cruel? They have everything they need, they live in luxury without having to worry about whether or not they will see the sun rise the next day, they live carefree lives but they continue to cause pain to others. Why is it in human nature to be greedy? Or to desire more? I don’t want people to suffer anymore but will the actions of myself cause a large enough influence?”

“Live more like a child first, I’m sure that you have the ability to fix this kingdom. I am confident in your abilities and I know that you will do it but don’t let your childhood go to waste.”

We then continued talking over random matters until I had to sleep because it was too late.