
Seven Million Wonders

In a world where beings of different races live and power and dominance decide their status, the war between races is very common and countless beings die every day. To prevent these wars from escalating into mass destruction, a council is formed with the strongest beings from each race holding a position to maintain the balance of the world and maintain order. But thousands of years of war and hate cannot be solved so easily and only a simple spark can reignite the flames of war. A boy who is cursed with a very weak body since he was born and only cares about the well-being of his family had his fate entirely changed when a group of rebels captured him and due to some accident turn him into something which changed the fate of the world. *** Note: The cover is ai generated. *** P.S. Please note that I am not an English native. so don't expect some high-level literature or something. I write this novel because I have some free time and it's fun to write something which comes to mind.

Lion_Singh · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


'Ignis' is a very beautiful planet and is very vast, its diameter is approximately 1.8 million km(1.3 times that of the sun) which makes its size comparable to the stars. It has only one moon called 'Rooi' with a diameter of about 118,000 km(10 times that of the earth). About 30% of the Ignis's surface is water-covered and the land area is mostly covered by forests(approx. 80% of total land area).

Magic particles are present inside every living and non-living being of Ignis but not all of them can utilize it as normal animals have magic powers but they are unable to trigger it due to their bodies' constitution. The animals which can utilize their magic power are called magic creatures. Humans of Ignis are also not made to utilize magic, they need a medium to channel it and that's why they created magic weapons and become one of the most powerful races of Ignis but only those who can sense and control their magic power can use the magic weapons and they are called warriors in their society. Similar to humans every other race also has combatants who can sense magic and some who cannot. Werewolves channel their magic power in their claws while vampires, dragons, and elves don't require any medium to channel their magic power, If they can sense magic then they can directly utilize it.

There are more races who inhabit Ignis like demi-humans who live alongside humans, dryads who live with elves, and merfolks who are inhabitants of oceans but they didn't have any king-level powerhouses so they are weaker and generally allied themselves with one of five big races. There were always some small conflicts between some races but it always gets settled with time.

But One day from a faraway world beings who called themselves 'Demons' invaded Ignis. They came with an army of 10 million demons with 300 generals commanded by 6 king-level demons.

All races united against the invaders and after 10 years of constant war, the demon's army started losing and began retreating. Taking the advantage of the situation the kings of the five races started their counterattack and killed their two kings and one is gravely injured. They retreated to their world with less than a million demons.

All the races celebrated their victory and peace returned in Ignis. But after 500 years of war conflicts between races started increasing and less than 100 years later war finally broke out and this time it is even more intense than the war against the demons. After 5 years of constant war kings from all the races interfered and established an Organisation called 'Order' to prevent this type of clash from happening and generals from all the races have taken part in the formation of this Organisation. Knights are recruited from all over the world and from different races to maintain peace between the races.

-scene break-

In a faraway world called 'Abyss', several demon generals were gathered in a castle and are waiting for their king to arrive. Every demon's faces were solemn because their plan to weaken the races of planet Ignis failed and they were now even stronger than before. The door of the hall is opened and a being of 10 m height having red skin and two large horns on his forehead with a large greatsword on his back entered the hall with two more demon generals on his left and right. He is the demon of wrath 'Satan'. Everyone in the hall bowed to him while he take the main seat of the hall.

"All of you can sit down"

Every demon general took their respective seats.

"Tell me about our progress in Ignis"

"Your majesty our every attempt has been failed after that Order has been established"

"Hmm, so the same strategy won't work now"

"Linda, you will infiltrate Ignis this time"

"It's an honor, your majesty"

But the reality is that she is cursing him inside because of his stubbornness to conquer Ignis which they can't even conquer with all the demon kings together 500 years ago and two demon kings, 'Beelzebub' demon of gluttony, and 'Belphegor' demon of sloth even died. The rest of the demon kings didn't even care about them and now they are managing their territories and evading some low-level worlds and refused to help in conquering Ignis. But demon king 'Satan' is determined to conquer Ignis and due to this stubbornness, he even nearly get killed by the kings of Ignis in the previous war.

'Satan' thought of breaking their unity, so he send some demons to infiltrate and control weak species of Ignis and start a conflict between the races, and when they get weakened he will evade with his whole army again but those kings again see through his attention and stopped the conflict and even take countermeasures in the form of 'Order'.

General Linda is the master of illusions and this is the first he was sending a general rank to infiltrate to break the Unity of those races.

"What is the response of Witches about my offer"

"Your majesty, they are willing to help us in our conquest but they want 20% of the total resources of Ignis"

"Those greedy bitches"

Satan greeted his teeth and thought about the wound which is still not completely healed and swallowed his anger. He had already offered them 5% but their greed has no end, they are just like 'Mammon' demon of greed, that bastard wants 70% to help him.

"Fine tell them I will give 20% and they will have to send at least 10 witches to accompany Linda and her team in this expedition and I want their full support when our army invades Ignis in the future"

"As you order my Lord"

"You all can leave and Linda get your team ready"

"Yes your majesty"

After everyone leave the hall, Satan turned toward his left.

"What do you want Lucifer"

"Nothing, I have come here to see how my friend is doing with his little conquest"

"You are the worst of them all Lucifer, If you have participated in the war 500 years ago, we wouldn't have been defeated like that"

"Well, who knows"

"Just leave me alone Lucifer"

'Lucifer' demon of pride turned to leave.

"Remember my words Lucifer, you and Asmodeus are the biggest disgrace of our race"

Lucifer signed and leave the castle. After some time Satan also vanishes from his seat.

P. S.

Please note that whenever I mentioned kings of five races, it doesn't mean rulers of five races, they are only individuals with king-level power except the king of vampires and demon kings.