
Seven Million Wonders

In a world where beings of different races live and power and dominance decide their status, the war between races is very common and countless beings die every day. To prevent these wars from escalating into mass destruction, a council is formed with the strongest beings from each race holding a position to maintain the balance of the world and maintain order. But thousands of years of war and hate cannot be solved so easily and only a simple spark can reignite the flames of war. A boy who is cursed with a very weak body since he was born and only cares about the well-being of his family had his fate entirely changed when a group of rebels captured him and due to some accident turn him into something which changed the fate of the world. *** Note: The cover is ai generated. *** P.S. Please note that I am not an English native. so don't expect some high-level literature or something. I write this novel because I have some free time and it's fun to write something which comes to mind.

Lion_Singh · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Strange family

A girl is combing her long white hair while humming a song, she is wearing a long black dress and seems to be in a very happy mood. A maid is also standing right behind her and only watching her with a smile.

"Miss Emily it's time we also head towards the hall, everyone has arrived and is waiting for your arrival"

"Hmm, where is my mom, she told me that she will come with me"

"Well Mistress was actually coming here but the moment she gets notified that a red-haired boy has arrived in the hall, she ran towards the hall and seems quite excited"

"Do you have any idea about the identity of this boy"

"Yes, he is the only son of Amelia and Jac levian, and I also had accompanied Mistress when we visited the Levian's estate 10 years ago, at that time he looks very weak and fragile like any other half breed but we heard that after some years his body gets cured and now he is considered as one of best warriors among his age group and can battle even peak captains"

"Interesting, but why my mom is so interested in him"

"He was very cute at that time and strangely we didn't get repulsed by him like any other vampires and half vampires"

The maid said looking away and hiding a small blush as she also cuddled him a lot when he is a child. Emily narrowed her eyes and watched her maid who is looking slightly embarrassed.

"I think I have to meet this boy, whom you and mother seem quite attached"

-scene break-

Oros is currently in a very awkward position as he is being hugged by a lady, who is rubbing his cheek with her face and even after using his full strength he cannot even budge an inch, so he resigned to his fate.

"Aaa sooo soft"

"Little Oros has grown up and become even cuter than before, your mother has always prevented me from cuddling you when you are little but now I will not let you go"

Sasha Sergey is currently hugging Oros and everyone in the hall is trying to hold back their laugh by watching the state of Oros. Earlier Oros is trying to remain as low-key as possible and he is quite successful until a white-haired monster crash toward him and even after 5 minutes, she didn't let him go.

"Mother let him go please or he will die of suffocation"

Adam comes to Oros's rescue and begged his mother to let him go.

"Ara Adam, come here and join us"

Adam can only sign heavily and looked at Oros with pity.

"Honey let him go now, we have to start the celebration and go get our little princess here"

"Dear you come at the right time, see this is the son of Jac and Amelia whom I tell you about"

Sasha let go of Oros and show him to her husband, Oros signed in relief and straighten his clothes.

"Oros levian greets the leader of Sergey clan an.... "

"Hahahahaha no need to be so formal and just call me uncle Abram"

Oros is stunned as he was again hugged and this man almost breaks all his bones. Adam facepalmed and everyone started laughing.

"Abram please spare the poor child and look at his face for a second"

Karl reminded Abram between his laugh and Abram finally let go of him and started watching Oros from top to bottom. Oros is creeped out and he is now only thinking about escaping from this strange place which is full of strange people.

"Hmm strange, if I already hadn't known that you are half-vampire and half-human, I would have assumed that you are a werewolf because your physique is very similar to the elite fighters of our clan"

"Father please spare him and can we start the occasion, everyone is waiting and mother can you please get Emily"

After Adam's reminder, Sasha reluctantly leaves to get Emily and Abram started greeting other guests.

Adam approached Oros who is still stunned and looked warily at Adam.

"I apologize for my father's and mother's actions please enjoy the celebration and if you need anything please tell me"

"No need to apologize, Mr. Adam, I understand and my mother also sometimes did this kind of thing"

Oros then approached Lucy who was in the corner of the hall and sipping some kind of blood that is served to the vampires and glared at her.

"I can see that you are enjoying yourself and didn't even bat an eye when I got captured"

"I know that she is going to do that and I cannot do anything because she is several times stronger than me and also she is just showing her affection and you should be happy about this"

Lucy smirked and teased Oros who can only greet his teeth in frustration.

After some time, a blue-haired girl approached Oros and sit beside him, and kept staring at him.

"Do you want something little girl"

"I am not little and my name is Lily"

Oros rolled his eyes as he is sure the girl in front of him is not more than 5 years old.

"You don't believe me right"


Oros replied bluntly.

"I am 10 years old"

Oros is still staring at her with a dry look and clearly not believing. Lily glared at him and her face turned red with anger, watching the situation getting worse Lucy decided to interject.

"Oros she is telling the truth, she is a dragon so her human form is proportional to her dragon form and dragons grow slower than other species in their growth phase and that's why she looks like a kid but in reality, she is only two years younger than you"

"Oh then I apologize miss Lily"

"Good good, I accept your apology"

Lily nodded happily and seems quite satisfied with the way Oros addressed her.

"So miss Lily why have you approached us, Is there anything we can help you with"

"Oh yes, I want to ask you a question"

"Please go ahead"

"Are you a dragon"

Lily asked with a serious face. Oros and Lucy both get dumbfounded after hearing her question.

"And why do you think I am a dragon miss Lily"

"We dragons have very keen senses and we can recognize our race from very far away and you have faint dragon essence in you which can only be sensed when I am in close proximity with you"

"I think you have misunderstood something miss Lily, my mother is a pure vampire and my father is pure human, so there is no way for me to have any connections with dragons"

He replied calmly but inside he is screaming about the possibility of having dragon blood inside him because it can be possible that the rebel group from seven years ago injected not only werewolves but dragon's blood also.

"Hmm our dragon senses have never lied to us but at the same time it also appears impossible for you to be a dragon"

Suddenly hall becomes quiet because the protagonist of today's event has come. Emily along with her mother Sasha comes down in the hall and everyone started congratulating her one by one.

Oros also gets up with Lucy to congratulate her and then quickly leaves the place. But he didn't notice that Sasha also noticed him and smirked evilly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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