
Seven Million Wonders

In a world where beings of different races live and power and dominance decide their status, the war between races is very common and countless beings die every day. To prevent these wars from escalating into mass destruction, a council is formed with the strongest beings from each race holding a position to maintain the balance of the world and maintain order. But thousands of years of war and hate cannot be solved so easily and only a simple spark can reignite the flames of war. A boy who is cursed with a very weak body since he was born and only cares about the well-being of his family had his fate entirely changed when a group of rebels captured him and due to some accident turn him into something which changed the fate of the world. *** Note: The cover is ai generated. *** P.S. Please note that I am not an English native. so don't expect some high-level literature or something. I write this novel because I have some free time and it's fun to write something which comes to mind.

Lion_Singh · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Let's go home

Some time ago,

Amelia was sitting in the hall covered in the blood of the group of people who called themselves 'Rebels'. she is quite depressed because today she destroyed their tenth base and still there is no trace of Oros.

Vampires are half immortals, they stopped aging when they turn 25 but they are also cursed with a very low fertility rate and for vampires like Amelia who married the other race, the chances of having offspring are close to zero. After 10 years of their marriage, she even let go of the hope of having a child but whenever she sees someone playing and raising their child, she becomes depressed and can only watch them with her envious eyes. But then one day something happened that turned her world upside down, she become pregnant which she thought is only possible in her dreams. At the time of birth Oros nearly died and she begged Sakura to transfer her vitality to her son and save him at all costs even at the price is her own life. That's why Amelia always considered her son as her little wonder.

And some nobody group called Rebels dared to take away her wonder, her life's greatest treasure away from her. Her killing intent soared and everything within a mile radius started shaking. Suddenly Dale comes crashing from somewhere breathing heavily with a big smile on his face.

"Mistress we found him"

"We found the location of master Oros"

Amelia shot up from her seat with her eyes glowing in dark red color.

-scene break-

"You want to erase my son's memory"

Amelia glared at the ants who dared to steal her son away from her. She wants to instantly kill these ants but she wants to know who is the mastermind of all this and which force is backing them up.


"Yes mistress"

"I want them alive"


Dale bowed and knocked them all out before they can even react. Amelia started walking towards the chamber which held Oros and step on Radd's head which exploded like a balloon splashing the brain matters on her boots and clothes.

Amelia grabbed the handle of the chamber and ripped the whole upper section of the chamber. Now she can see her son Oros who is lying in a pool of blood and shaking. Tears again started forming in her eyes and she hugged her son tightly.

After feeling some warmth Oros open his eyes and glance at the face of her mother who is crying and apologizing repeatedly. He touched her cheek and with his little hand wiped the tear from her face. He tried to say something but no word come out of his throat due to exhaustion from pain and screaming. He just flashes a weak little smile and again lost consciousness. Amelia kissed his forehead and murmured

"Let's go home"

-scene break-

After a few days, Oros woke up and feels someone hugging him, he struggled to free himself but he cannot even buzz slightly.

"Oh good morning Oros"

"Good morning mom and can you let me go now"



Oros feels a slight headache due to her behavior. After the incident, she never let him out of her sight and he is also prohibited to step out of the house.

"Mom I am hungry"

Amelia finally let him go but not before kissing his cheek.

"Okay dear, I will make something for you"

When Amelia leaves his room, Oros started changing his clothes and he can tell that his body is getting stronger day by day. His mom has told him that the group who captured him did some kind of experiment with his body and tried to erase his memory to use him as some kind of tool. But when she tried to interrogate them, their head exploded the moment they tried to disclose some information about their backer or organization.

His father and Uncle Phelps are coming today to check up on him and to find what changes in his body and if there is any harmful substance present in his body or not.

After breakfast, he went to visit Jin who now looks like an old man and has only a few years left to live. After that, he went to the training ground to test his limits.

"My body is definitely stronger than before and I can cast magic attacks for a longer period of time"

He punched a dummy and bore a hole through its chest.

"Hmm, without magic I am peak private rank and with magic, I can match captain level opponent"

"Yeah we heard you take down two captain ranks in your previous expedition kid"

Hearing a voice beside him, he jumped away and see Phelps grinning while looking at him.

"First it was not an expedition, it was an ambush and Secondly they are defeated because I caught them off guard"

"Even then, It is a great feat to defeat an opponent who is a higher rank than you"

Again a familiar voice sounded behind him, but this time he turns and hug the person.


"I am sorry son for not being there for you when you needed me the most"

"It's ok dad, I am fine"

"That we will find out now, Phelps examine his body"

"Hey Kid remove your clothes and come here"

Phelps started examining his body and his expression turns to surprise and then changes to confusion.

"His body is stronger than before and there are no other foreign substances present in his body but.. "

"But what"

"But his blood has changed entirely, It is not showing any characteristics of vampire or human blood and the most confusing thing is that I have never seen this type of blood in any being of this planet"

"What do you mean never seen, you are saying that he becomes some new type of species"

"I don't know but I think it is very likely that they fuse his blood with some other beings blood and somehow his blood has assimilated that blood and evolved into something new"

"Just tell me one thing, Is there any danger to him or not"

"On the contrary, I think this benefits him a lot, the problem of his weak body is cured and we can observe him if he has any other side effects or not"

"Then that's good"

"Yeah and I think my body is getting stronger with each passing day"

Oros said as he wear his clothes.

"Let's go, Amelia has prepared the lunch, and also tell her also about this good news, she is also anxious about your condition"

-scene break-

In a faraway land, an old man with a long white beard and long eyebrows with a cross-shaped scar on his bald head is playing chess alone. Suddenly he lifts his head and turned in a specific direction.

"The wind of change"