
Seven Million Wonders

In a world where beings of different races live and power and dominance decide their status, the war between races is very common and countless beings die every day. To prevent these wars from escalating into mass destruction, a council is formed with the strongest beings from each race holding a position to maintain the balance of the world and maintain order. But thousands of years of war and hate cannot be solved so easily and only a simple spark can reignite the flames of war. A boy who is cursed with a very weak body since he was born and only cares about the well-being of his family had his fate entirely changed when a group of rebels captured him and due to some accident turn him into something which changed the fate of the world. *** Note: The cover is ai generated. *** P.S. Please note that I am not an English native. so don't expect some high-level literature or something. I write this novel because I have some free time and it's fun to write something which comes to mind.

Lion_Singh · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Oros and Jac are currently in the training hall and clashing with each other. Jac is using a wooden sword which is specially built to train novice soldiers while Oros is using his hand which transformed into claws and is glowing white.

"So you can only transform one part of your body"

"Yes, I need at least two years to fully master my transformation"

Oros imbued magic in his legs and attacked with his claws leaving a golden trail behind. Jac easily dodged and kicked his abdomen, and Oros smashed to the ground.

"Get up Oros, the enemy will not give you a chance to stand"


Oros stands up while holding his abdomen, he knew his father is only using major level power. Even if his body is stronger than most of the major ranks and his magic power is of peak major rank but he has no experience that generally, most of the major rank knights have.

Jac throw away his sword and dashed towards him and punched his face which Oros blocked with his arms, but Jac side kicked him and Oros again gets flung and smashed into the wall. Oros again gets up but his eyes are shining red and the nails grew linger and red miasma covered them.


"Oh, you are combining your vampiric power in your claws, interesting"

Jac again dashed towards him but Oros swung his claws and three arcs of fire bolts toward Jac, who sidestepped and dodges to find more arcs of fire are coming toward him. He vanished and appeared some distance away with a big smile on his face while lightning is crackling through his body.

"Now, let's take it up a notch"

Jac clenched his fist and it started covering in lightning and Oros's claws started glowing in dark red color. But unlike Oros, Jac cannot emit lightning attacks but he can punch and directly transfers his magic attack to his opponent's body. To release a magic attack human needs magic weapons like Swords or wands.

After some time Jac is seen drinking water and beside him is Oros who is laying with a battered body.

"I must say you adapt pretty fast during the battle but it cannot fully cover your lack of combat experience"

"Yeah, I know that but how can I not be able to land a single hit on you, will I be this helpless against every major"

"No, only very skilled majors can defeat you in direct combat, and they will also suffer some injuries"

"Then how can I not be able to react to your attacks"

Jack started laughing and ruffled Oros's hair.

"Son even if I lower my power level to Captain, you can't react to my attacks because my experience in combat comes from many life and death battles"

"So don't get disheartened by your loss son, you have more potential than me or your mother, you will surpass us someday"

Jack patted him on his back and walk towards the exit of the hall.

"Take a shower and come to the dining hall, your mother wants to talk about something"

"Yeah dad"

He waved his hand and also started walking towards his room. His body is fully healed and not even a scar is left.

After washing himself, Oros is standing in front of a mirror, he can see that unlike his past self now his body is muscular and has well-defined abs. He turns 12 last month and his height is nearly 150 cm, which is above average in his age group. He ties his hair in a ponytail and wears his clothes and heads toward the dining hall.

When he entered the dining-room he can see his mother and father sitting on the same side of the table and two maids are serving the dishes. He walked and sit opposite them.

"Mother you want to talk about something"

"Yes, but we will talk about it after dinner"

After they finished their dinner, Amelia takes out an envelope and passes it to Oros.

"What is this"

"An invitation"

"From whom"

"Sergey Clan"

Sergey clan is one of the strongest clans of werewolves. Werewolves' society is divided into many clans and all the members of a clan are in the pack of the clan head who is also the strongest in the pack.

The current head of the Sergey Clan is General Abram Sergey and he is also one of the representatives of werewolves in Order. Her wife Sasha Sergy is the second strongest member of his pack. She is a leader rank warrior and a close friend of Amelia. They have two children, Adam and Emily. Adam is 28 years old and a knight of peak colonel rank of 'Order'. Adam just like his father has a metal affinity for magic and his claws can cut even the scales of the dragons. He is a battle maniac and in past, he even challenged the flame queen Amelia but after the fight, he gets traumatized and after that he never faces Amelia and even her name is enough to make him run away.

Emily is the younger one and she is of the same age as Oros but she is very spoiled because her brother and father are very overprotective of her. Tomorrow is her birthday and the 12th birthday for werewolves is very significant as they achieve their complete form on the day of the full moon after they turned 12.

"Your father is returning to the capital tomorrow and I am going to visit 'Vinmoure' because of some urgent work"

"I am not going"

Oros denied it immediately because he knew his mother is going to ask him to attend this birthday party and he didn't like parties at all, In the past, he had even given his parents an ultimatum that he will run away if they will invite a lot of peoples in his birthday.

"Oh, I thought of buying you a magical beast but since you have denied then you can get it yourself after you turned 18"

Amelia said with a smirk and as she expected Oros jumped from his seat and kneeled in front of her.

"Oh great one forgive this foolish child for denying the divine order of my most beautiful mother"

Jack, Dale, and the maids were laughing seeing the interaction between mother and son. Oros glared at them and this only fuelled their laughter.

"So, you will attend this party right"

"Yes, of course, we should always learn to socialize more"


Amelia turned around and leave, Jac follows her after winking at Oros. Oros just stands there silently.

"I am not scammed right"

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