
Seven Million Wonders

In a world where beings of different races live and power and dominance decide their status, the war between races is very common and countless beings die every day. To prevent these wars from escalating into mass destruction, a council is formed with the strongest beings from each race holding a position to maintain the balance of the world and maintain order. But thousands of years of war and hate cannot be solved so easily and only a simple spark can reignite the flames of war. A boy who is cursed with a very weak body since he was born and only cares about the well-being of his family had his fate entirely changed when a group of rebels captured him and due to some accident turn him into something which changed the fate of the world. *** Note: The cover is ai generated. *** P.S. Please note that I am not an English native. so don't expect some high-level literature or something. I write this novel because I have some free time and it's fun to write something which comes to mind.

Lion_Singh · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Jim stared at the three robed beings and smiled a little, he knows that all his hard work and all his training are for this day. This is the day he will show the world the valor of Levian's Knights.

One of the red-robed beings glared at Jim.

"The information didn't state that we will have to face a commander rank"

"what are you so afraid of he is alone and we will have to only hold him back till we capture every child here"

"You all will capture every child below the age of 10 years and then retreat to the initial point while we three hold him off here"

After listening to their conversations, Jim's face turned grave he know that blending with crowd strategy has failed because they are here to capture each and every child. He unsheathed his sword and started channeling his magic power in his sword lightning started dancing in his sword and in his body and in the next moment he vanished from his spot and the head of a black-robed being is sent flying. Most of the black-robed are either captain or major rank, they didn't even know what has hit them before they die.

Jim knows that he has to reduce their number before the red beings take action. And before they can react two more heads are chopped. But

"You seem to be in hurry"


Suddenly a red being appeared in front of him and kicked his neck, Jim blocked the attack with his sword and was sent flying due to the impact, Suddenly he sensed danger and jolts his body sideways, a knife grazed his cheek and returned to the second red being.

"Nice, very nice senses you have got there"

"You deserve to be hunted by me"

He said while licking the blood on his knife. The third red being also starts approaching them while his robes are being ripped apart, his height increases to above 8 feet, his body gets covered with grey hair, and two sharp teeth protrude from his jaws.


His roar resounded throughout the market, chaos and panic spread everywhere. But no one was able to get out nor did their desperate cries for help bore any fruit.

Jim silently watched all this and turned his attention to the three beings who surrounded him. He wipes the blood from his cheek and gets into his battle stance.

"This is getting troublesome"

Some few hundreds meter away Oros has knocked a black being by a sneak attack and tried to get past the barrier but it didn't even budge with his strongest attack. He climbed a nearby building and watched the battle between four commanders. Then suddenly he noticed that a few robed beings are carrying several children and going where the rest of the beings are and they also have a few knocked out children with them.

"I should try to sneak attack them before they regroup or else those children will have a fate worse than death"

He even forgets that he is also a child of about five years and only has some magic power and zero experience in real combat.

Oros takes out his grey sword and starts injecting his magic power soon his sword is covered in flames and lightning covered his legs and then he launches toward the group.

"You sure you didn't kill that kid he is bleeding heavily"

"No, I just knocked him hard, he is resisting too much after I killed his mother, so I have to teach him some lessons"

"Yeah, I...ah"

The black-robed man looked down and sees a flaming sword stabbed in his chest.

"Hey what are you...SHit"

Another black-robed tried to defend but his hand gets chopped.


"This kid is too fast"

Oros is panting heavily behind a nearby building and tries to gather some strength but his leg is not buzzing at all.

"I think this is the limitation of my body"

He can see that now all the remaining black-robed people are coming towards him with the man whose hand he has just-chopped. He fires multiple flame arrows but they are well prepared this time. And suddenly he felt something hit on his back before losing consciousness.

"Hmm this kid is interesting, a half breed and even able to take out multiple captain rank"

A man in a red robe is holding the unconscious body of Oros and instructed the remaining black-robed men to follow him.

Jim is having difficulties holding off against three commanders but he knew he has to finish this quickly and rescue Oros because he heard the sound of battle from the distance. His magic power started increasing exponentially and his eyes started glowing in golden color.

"What is going on, his power is approaching leader rank"

"He is burning his life force, but I don't understand why he is so desperate"

"Retreat, our mission is over"

Jim suddenly lunged toward the werewolf and started slashing him and in just a few moments his whole body has become a bloody mess. The two others started fleeing in horror but they cannot beat the lightning user in speed especially when they go berserk.

After finishing the remaining two Jim dashed towards the place where Oros battled with the black-robed beings and he noticed that the spatial lock has been removed which means someone other than the three he fought had put that lock and now he knew that he had failed to protect Oros. He immediately sends an emergency signal.

Jim kneeled on the ground and lost all his strength, he has used up all his life force, and soon he is going to die. He can see someone approaching at a very high speed.

"Jim what happened here and where is master Oros"

Dale landed in front of him and inspected the area quickly.

"Master Oros has been kidnapped by some red-robed beings"

Jim gathered his all strength and recited the whole ordeal to Dale whose face is now looking like a dead fish.

"We have to find Master Oros quickly or else this whose kingdom will be burned"

"Or worse war may be declared by Vinmoure"

Dale picked Jim and blasted toward the estate to inform the Flame queen that her son is abducted and wondering if today might be his last day.