
Seven Deadly Sins System in a new world

A man goes out to the window and watches the earth and then gets struck by lightning read to figure out more

Hugge2040 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Into a new world!?!

Your gonna die soon Hibari. There is nothing we can do for you with the amount of money you have. I'm sorry."

"It's alright doctor, thank you for all your help I wasn't suppose to live this long."I said as he left the room.

I was diagnosed with heart cancer two years ago on my sixteenth birthday. I was always sick, being in and out of a hospital constantly from a young age.

"I just wished I could be like these character in seven deadly sin, the only thing that brings me enjoyment in this sorry excuse for a life. I just want to live my life to the fullest, to be strong and healthy."

Sigh " Mabey my next life" I said as I lie in the hospital and continue rereading the seven deadly sin manga untill I fell asleep.

When I woke up I realized I wasn't even in the hospital. " WHERE THE HELL AM I !" I said.

As I awoke sitting near a lake in a dirty white fitted robe, black shirt and white pants with no shoes. When suddenly I heard. "System startup0.., 5 25,..30..63...77..82...94...100 hello user"

"Who the hell said that and where am I ?"

"Your In world know as Divine Ishi and I'm gero your talking seven deadly sins system. User would you like to obtain the memories of the original owner of this body."

"Sure if this will clear up what going on."

"Understood" gero said as numerous memories floated in his head.

So this is a world know as Divine Ishi, a world filled with magic. This Is basically a fantasy world like seven deadly sin. This was the body of some dead guy name Alexander Stron (pronounced Strong) he was a 14 year old boy who live as the adopted grandson of retired holy knight from a knight family. When his grandpa passed away the heir to the family had him killed and thrown near the outskirts of magic beast forest. Just because he asked the heir not kill a man just for brushing his(heir) shoulders by accident.

"Wow this guy had it rough. But I'm not him so i'm not gonna deal with his problem unlesss they bother me in some way."

"I got a whole new world to explore ! With this system thing. So umm... Gero can you explain yourself and your features."

"I'm gonna make it simple for you. My name is Gero the seven deadly sin system here to help you in this new world. I'm only going to explain this once. Look these are my features."As options apperead in front of Hibari eyes.

"One. The Store it hold all seven deadly sins related items or powers. From sacred treasure to magic of individual characters to even curses. But there a ----"

"So wait your telling me I can use magic abilities like Ban's snatch or King's disaster magic and even Meliodas's full counter.What are you waiting for give me them all !" Said Hibari interrupting Gero explanation.

"This why you don't Interrupt the person EXPLAINING SOMETHING TO YOU ! As I was saying there before I got stopped there a catch you have to get SDS points." Said Gero.

"What are SDS points ?"

"Their seven deadly sin points or SDS points for short. They are a point system used to buy things from the system.You obtain these points by completing mission, exchanging valuable item to me, killing different rank magical beast and obtaining hidden achievements through the system.

My second feature is Inventory. It hold all items that are bought from the store but cannot hold items provided outside.

The third feature is the Modifier. It used to change the shape of a weapon or delete parts of magic ability you don't want. But you will need a bunch load of SDS points to use it. Especially depending on what type of magic was placed in it.

The final feature is missions. Which are used obtain SDS points for the store. You might also get gift boxes from the system. Im done" said Gero.

"What are the requirements to unlock these gift boxes Gero" asked Hibari.

"I cannot disclose such information" responded Gero.

"I understand, so basically your like game system without a couple of features. Do I have gift box right now ?"

"Yes would you like to open it ?"Gero responded


Gift box open

1x Race change

1 Meliodas's full counter

1000 SDS points

Liz's sword

" Awesome ! I got Meliodas full counter and the sword Liz gave to Meliodas."

"User would you like to learn full counter ?"

"Duh.. I'm mean yes. "

"Understood" as all knowledge pertaining full counter and how to utilize this magic was imbeded into him.

"Hey Gero what a race change ?"

"It is a one time deal where the system changes your race to any one of the races in the seven deadly sins anime" said Gero.

"This is like a dream come true. Let see... Giants, Fairies, Goddesses, Demons, Vampires,Humans,Druids. Cool they even have different forms. But how come I don't see Ban's immortal form in the human category."

"You need to buy the fountain of youth and drink it to gain Ban's immortality." Responded Gero

"That fair, Ban wasn't born immortal.Well then I guess I'll choose to become a high Demon like Meliodas. I should be pretty hard to kill with seven hearts."

"Are you sure ?" Asked Gero

"Yeah, I mean I'm sure." As soon as he said that the black mysterious power of darkness of the demon clan formed a cacoon of darkness around him.

12 hours later the cacoon of darkness unfurled from around him and disappeared.

As he woke up he asked " How long was I out for Gero ?" Then he walked to the lake to see his appearance.

" User you were out for 12 hours 7 minutes and 4 seconds."

"I was eh... Cool look at my demon mark and I can activily turn it on and off. As he look at himself in the lake.

" Hey Gero why can't use I the darkness power of the demon clan like how the demon clan used it on the anime.?"

"Because you have to buy it in the store just like hellblaze. The only way the system will allows you to use it without buying it is if you go berserk mode and lose self control then it will unlock atomatically." Explained Gero.

Sigh."Like Meliodas in the anime. Okay i see.Gero purchase Gilthunder Thunderbolt magic."

" It 300. SDS are you sure ?


Gurrhhhh Hibari stomach growled "Man I'm hungry Gero do you sell Ban's cooking and the boar hat's ale ?"

"Yes here the food item section list and prices."

"Wow why is Ban's cooking two times as expensive compared to Meliodas own cooking.... I guess ban does cook better in the anime."

( I wanna clear something up and that is that the first chapter is nor mine i found this fanfic and i thought that i woud write on it since the writer stopped after the first chapter thats all i wanna say and dont expect new chapters often ill try maybe 1 a day or 2 a week im new but soon i will have a stop from school so ill write some chapters then explanitan done)