
3: Exploring The System

After Aries said that for some reason I felt motivated, like I could do or be anything. It felt highly unnatural but I still loved the feeling.

"What am I feeling right now, why do I feel so pumped up." *It's a sub-skill I have allowing me to motivate my user in times of need. I used it to really get through to you and get in touch with your reality.*

That would make sense as to why I felt like I did. "So what else can you do." That's when suddenly a status window appeared in front of eyes.




[SPEED: 3]


[HEALTH: 50/50]

[MANA: 0]



Now that is some information to take in, I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask but I decided to hold my tongue and ask a more important question.

"Why does my mana line say 0 even though I have a skill, are skills entirely separate from my mana?" * Not entirely, just that one in particular. The skills you will gain in the future can be further enhanced with the use of mana, but assimilate is more of a an extension of your soul wavelength rather than an innate skill.*

Now that was even more information, he spoke as if I even knew what he was talking about. "Could you maybe break that down in to more of a way that I could understand.* Everybody has something called a soul wavelength, it's somewhat like mana but entirely different. Soul wavelengths originated from chaos, everybody can have different wavelengths but in some special cases two people can have similar wavelengths. This could result in a situation where two beings have similar abilities or in your case skills, and could go as far as having two or more people with the exact same facial features.*

Great even more information, but I can grasp a little bit of it. "So who's wavelength is mine similar with?" *Not entirely sure but it would seem as though they where very strong. Assimilate gives you the power to consume beings that you kill, so a very useful skill for someone just starting out like you.* "So you know the ability but not the user? How does that work." *Tracking soul wavelengths is not an easy task, but understanding them is much simpler.*

Well whatever the case the skill seemed OP and from what I grasped when she was explaining skills then that means I can improve on it. Then almost on cue I spot something in the distance.

One of the worst things that could have happened for me which was to find a fairy.

He was a pretty small guy with a slim build, he had grey hair which was straight flat and wore a button down blue and white shirt with black pants and elf boots.

"What business do you have here human, are you not aware of the current war going on, what makes you think you can waltz in here." I was shit scared and could barely think or speak again, I was sweating bullets. Even though the fairies where the physically weakest of all the clans, they also had the highest aptitude for magic making them a formidable opponent.

So for my current self facing with one of them even if they where a no name fairy could mean my death. "Nothing sir, I was just running away from the ongoing battle between you king and a commandment", I said trying my best to plead with him. "You mean to tell me you where capable of escaping that damn hellhole, you must really be something even though I sense no mana from you, well if I was you I would leave now since this is the meeting place of the great alliance."

From what this fairy just said it seemed I was correct in guessing this was the fairy kings forest as well as where the unfortunate event of Gerharde losing her sight and legs was.

Even though I want to try stop what was bound to happen this fairy would most definitely stop me from taking a step anywhere near that place. *Smart choice deciding to stay out of it, if you would have tried to step in then you would certainly die in vain.* Great that made me feel even better, but I did really need to put those heroic ideals behind me and really try to escape out of here unharmed.

"Okay then I'll leave as I came. No need for problems." So as I turned away to leave the fairy said one more thing, "You know that was extremely disrespectful, just entering my forest and then turning back away. Oh that must be it, your a spy from the demon clan aren't you, you where sent here on recon." He said with a menacing smile.

"I must teach demons the proper way to live shouldn't I." What the hell is this! He openly said that I was weak and he couldn't sense any mana from me and now he suddenly talks like I'm a demon!

"But you said I was weak and without mana right? So what makes you think I'm a demon," I say shakily. "Hmmmmm, I guess its just a little feeling," he said before rushing at me at speeds I couldn't react to.

Then he materialized a small hammer and went to town on me. It was the worst beating of my life, I screamed as he kept hitting me with the hammer. At first it wasn't to bad but then he really started to try, he materialized several light bullets and shot them at me while I was still on the ground.

After that he controlled a centipede to enter into my ears. I screamed like a bitch as the animal started wiggling in my ears.

After around 10 minutes of torture he decided it was enough before telling me never to enter the forest again before leaving me in a pool of my blood and tears.

"I don't care for how you just sat there and watch me get tortured but I only need one answer... how long will it take for me to murder that son of a bitch."

*If you let me work my magic, then I say 8 hours.*

Hope you enjoyed this chapter release again, and I will try my hardest to put out 1 or 2 chapters a day and the chapter length can really fluctuate depending on how I'm feeling. I did put a lot of thought into how I want this story to work so you may see some inconsistencies between the fic and the anime so I hope you bare with it.

Arizon_GDubcreators' thoughts