
seven deadly sin

kite_something · Horreur
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seven deadly sin

a black Toyota pulled into a dry cleaners a man around the age of 20 got out of the car the man had short black hair was white and was about 6'7 feet tall. he entered the dry cleaners and sat down "my name is Lloyd Kingston I am a detective for the La police department I'm here to pick up my wife Emma Kingston" Lloyd said.

Emma was still working she was about to get off she had light blonde hair and was also white a couple minutes later she was off work she packed up and left with Lloyd they drove back home "so what do you want for dinner" Lloyd said "chicken" Emma said. Lloyd nodded his head "ok" when they finally got home Lloyd got a call from the station they wanted him to come in to work.

Lloyd dropped Emma off and went to the station Lloyd got to the station and went straight inside to talk to the chief. "what is It sir" Lloyd said "meet you're new partner" chief said it was a boy a mabey 20 or younger "is that the only reason you called me in sir" no there was a murder on 3rd street".

"ok" "the victims fingers.....they were cut off" Lloyd and his new partner went out to 3rd street to investigate the body "hey I never got you're name" "my name is Flynn sir" Flynn said

they got to 3rd street and went into the victims house a police officers "the dead body was unidentifiable" the officer said "did you go to the landlord to see" "this guy's entire existence has been erased" Lloyd stepped back to think.

"hey Lloyd come here" Lloyd came towards Flynn to see what he had found "look at his hands the chief said his fingers were cut off 4 on the right 3 on the left add that up it makes 7" 'it could be a message 7 more victims probably" "yeah but where did the fingers go" killer probably took them" Lloyd looked around he took a step and landed on a loose floor.

"hey come get someone to take this floor off" *crack* was the sound the floor made when being taken off under the floor was 7 fingers 4 on the right 3 on the left and a blank piece of paper "hey can I get a infrared light" Lloyd said Flynn went and got a light when the shined it on the paper there were words it said greed.

"greed like the sin" Flynn said "7 greed the killer cut off 7 fingers "this seems too easy" Flynn said "yeah you're right it's almost like the killer wanted us to figure all this out but what is the chance of that" Lloyd said.