
Sesshomaru istoo busy learning magic to care about a harem inDxD world

A life saving firefighter dies and rewarded a chance to go to the world of his choosing (high school dxd) with wishes of course. One wish is to be born in the body of Sesshomaru, but what exactly will Sesshomaru do once he reaches the dxd world....PLAY WITH MAGIC OF COURSE !!!

K_G_4335 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Wizard not all rounder part 1

(A/N sorry guys, I've been busy with anime and manga since the last chapter, I'm watching Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach, Skeleton knight in another world and My hero academia all at the same time for the first time and also reading manga So I've been real busy lately.

Also we're halfway through the shonen system arc and will be diving head first into the plot soon, this arc is going to pay off because of the "Gacha" system that comes afterwards. So get ready, I know a lot of you are getting impatient wanting the plot to start already.)

Third person pov


Sesshomaru had a look of disdain on his face and was shaking his head at his opponent

At the same time he blocked the explosion with a green barrier reinforced with demonic energy

'This is supposed to be a wizard battle, what the hell are you doing..... ?' Sesshomaru thought to himself

A man with blue hair and a dark red tattoo or scar flee from the air and got face to face with Sesshomaru

And at hyper speed sent a flurry of punches enhanced with magic at Sesshomaru's face, none of those punches made it through Sesshomaru's barrier though.

"Ggh !"


"Errrruggghhh!!!" Jellal grunted as he increased the ferocity of his attacks

The man's name was Jelall, a wizard from Fairy tail.

Sesshomaru could also tell this was the Jelall after the seven year time skip because the surroundings was in the scene where he approaches the oracion siece after viper kills zero

'Aren't you supposed to be a wizard ? I mean I understand why you're spells don't work, it's because you're only about as strong as a high class devil. But seriously, besides that yellow blast you've been trying to fist fight me the whole time.' Sesshomaru thought in his head and didn't say out loud

Sesshomaru was really excited for a wizard battle but instead he gets another martial artist

"Come to think of it, all of the "wizards" in your world are just secretly martial artist aren't they." Sesshomaru said out loud

'I'll deal with you in a second.' Sesshomaru thought and then summoned his system, then went to his skills tab

Shonen system

Skills and abilities

Sensual fighter: Fighter that uses enhanced senses during battle to smoothly flow through combat

Mixed martial artist: Fighter advanced in martial arts

Protagonist's courage: Protagonist has the courage of a shonen protagonist

Tactician: Protagonist is skilled in strategizing

Sorcerer: skill given to protagonist for being skilled in magic, equivalent to mage skill for humans

Superhuman olfactory senses

Retractable claws

Acidic poison

Flight (with devil wings)


weather resistance



Demonic Spells:

flight (without wings)

Light whip

Telekinesis: can wrap matter with demonic aura and freely manipulate it's position in space

demonic energy blast: can emit or project demonic energy and can freely manipulate the size, shape, and wavelength of said energy in proportion to inserted reserves (demonic energy pool or capacity or whatever)

demonic energy sphere: can shape demonic energy into sphere(s), can also be shrink down to even bullet size

demonic energy arrows: arrow shaped demonic energy

demonic energy spears: larger demonic arrows

demonic energy pierce: compressed demonic energy blast into a single point

Rumble: Makes things shake

Haste: magic that buffs targets speed

Slow: debuff magic, slows target down

Sharpen: Sharpens whatever the spell target is

Soften: softens whatever the spell target is

Harden: hardens whatever the spell target is

Weightless: Decreases weight of spells target

Heavy: Increases weight of spell target

Fortify: strengthens objects and people


Elemental magic: 'Elemental magic is mostly just energy manipulation, meaning while they're are spells that have different effects and outcomes the majority of spells are no longer mentioned because of how good mages are at magic manipulation now; For example, I have a two fire spells one called "flame torrent" the other called "flamethrower"

flame torrent projects fire at a focused point out of a magic circle, so instead of covering a wide area I could just focus all of the spell at one target

Flamethrower was supposed to be the opposite of this spell being a wide area attack, mages got so good at magic manipulation that they mastered how to flawlessly change their calculations to adjust the flamethrower spell to also compress itself and focus on a single target, thus making the "flamethrower" spell and the "flame torrent" spell.....well, the same spell.

So who cares about names, but anyways back to the list of spells I've mastered throughout the years.'

Elemental magic

Fire magic:

Create fire: Can create and freely manipulate flames

Explosion: Causes explosions right from magic circle

Ignite: Sets matter ablaze

Flamethrower: Emits fire magic as a wide area attack or compressed for limited targets

Fire ball: sphere shaped fire magic

Purgatory: area attack magic, turns the area into blazing inferno

Water magic:

Create and manipulate water, advanced masters can also control seas, and oceans

water blade

water body

hydro whip


Flood: continues rain until flood

Water creature

Ice magic: allows user to manipulate the ice element

including making objects from ice

Freezing winds - Gusts of wind instantly freezes whatever it touches

instant freeze: Spell puts a block of ice around a target

Ice spike


Ice age: area attack magic, freezes the area

Earth magic: Create and manipulate earth and rock, also enhance rock with demonic energy

meteorite: Simmons rocks from the air hardened by demonic energy to crash into targets

meteor: As Naruto fans you should already know what this is

Stalagmites: manipulate the ground

Stalactites: Drops earth spikes on targets


Rock armor


Wind magic: Allows the user to command and manipulate the element of air

Gust: constant blast of wind

Air cannon: Projects hardened air at an opponent


Wind blade:


Storm: Causes storms

Darkness magic: A form of Magic that revolves around the use of Darkness, which allows users to manipulate and control Darkness for various effects such as curses, barriers and offensive projectiles. The user can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows such as multiple tentacle-like appendages to bind targets. The user can also generate various dark colored elements such as black flames and water. Darkness Magic is the counter to Light Magic, being able to absorb and dissolve most energy based attacks and any living thing.

(A/N I had to copy the wiki here)

Dark barrier: Barrier obstructs targets sight, and absorbs their energy

Dark canon: spell allows user to blast the dark element like a canon. variation dark sphere.

Absorption/dissolving ray

Dark octopus: user created spell that creates a large octopus out of darkness

shadow: user could become a shadow

object manifestation: Like light magic, dark magic can make various weapons like swords

Dark flames: Fire magic with dark element, extra energy in the air are added to the spell

Hado #90: Black coffin

(A/N Their will probably be more elemental spells throughout the story)

Lightning magic:

Hado #88: Demonic lightning

electric current: chained lightning pour out from users palm(s) or magic circle(s) until user stops the spell or runs out of energy

(A/N think emperor palpatine)

lightning bolt: lightning strikes from a magic circle in the air

Duplication magic: Allows the user to create duplicates of themselves or other beings or items

Space magic:



Barrier magic: Defensive barrier, Time-space distortion barrier, healing barrier, other barrier variations

Gravity magic

Sealing magic: magic that changes the laws of the universe to restrict designated targets

White magic: Magic affecting the body

low level heal: Flesh and tissue

mid level heal: Bone and muscle along with flesh and tissue

Regeneration: Regenerate limbs and organs

Destroy virus spell

Dark heal:Inject darkness magic directly into the target by touch

(I haven't mastered black magic yet because that requires corpses, its the less taboo word for "necromancy")

Alchemy magic: work in progress

'I've started studying this but haven't had the time to get into it yet, well of course I got time, I could just set time distorting barriers of course but I still age in those, and I want to look around my age when I actually do take part in the plot.' Sesshomaru

'My other problem is the fact that I haven't mastered almost anything on my youjustu side other than touki and some senjustu. There's almost no books on Youkai arts on the exchange, which is why I can't avoid the plot forever, I need to meet the Youkai to get my hands on their techniques.'

Youjustu spells:

Transformation: User can conceal their Youkai features

Teleportation (white ball travel): Apparently this form of teleporting uses my youki


Senjutsu spells: none

'Well that's the basic summary of my learned skills and spells, however every spell and skill on this list is seriously impressive and versatile. Darkness magic, lightning magic, white magic, space and duplication magic took the largest chunks of my time to master

especially white magic, at this point I mine as well be a doctor.' Sesshomaru thought while smiling, then an idea popped in his mind

Finally looking up from his massive spell list as he now calls it Sesshomaru decides to get serious, only a few seconds have passed

Sesshomaru magically teleported from his spot, a green flash of light surrounded his body and he disappeared, then reappeared in the air 40 feet away from Jellal and also behind him

Jelall looked around and spotted Sesshomaru and sent yellow blast his way

Without even flinching Sesshomaru held up his hand and a green magic circle appeared, a barrage of dark energy balls the size of basketballs fired out at Jelall causing a dust explosion.

"Gaaaahhhh !!!" Jelall yelled

When the dust cleared Jelall could be seen down on one knee with his arms in an "x" position covering his face, all over his arms and torso were large patches of skin missing. Sesshomaru could even see some flesh and bone in various areas from a distance

'So this is what they can't show in the animes, what actually happens when dark magic comes into contact with flesh, it's not a burning effect like fire magic, or a freezing effect like ice magic. Lightning magic could be said to have two effects, shock is the first effect, burning is the second effect. What darkness does is it absorbs cells that it comes into contact with and as a secondary effect it dissolves what is underneath whatever is being absorbed.' Thought Sesshomaru while studying Jellals injuries.

'Alright, time to end this and move on to the next opponent.' Sesshomaru thought and with movements faster than the eye could see moved fifteen feet behind Jellal

Even though using various different magics were fun, using his own demonic aura was fun too; Sesshomaru's demonic aura was neon green like Diodora's

Sesshomaru put his palms up, soccer ball sized green spheres appearing in both hands. He slammed them together, a huge blast of green demonic energy blasted and engulfed Jellal, turning him into dust.

1000 Gacha points gained said the system notification

Remaining Gacha points: 30,000 points

First person switch

'thirty thousand remaining points huh ? I guess that means I can try the Gacha wheel thirty times. Should I continue or....nah I think I'm getting bored of this and want a break.'

I hit the 'quit scenarios' button and my vision went dark

Scene change

I was back in my tenseiga world, back in my living room

It's been over two weeks, I checked the plot progression and we're already through the entire first season. Apparently there's about five days away from the Kokabiel fight, which is where I'll finally be introducing myself.

"Why does time move so much faster during scenarios ?" I asked the system

A message displayed

"To keep story progression fast. Because scenarios were intended to be done alongside training as a child."

I click off the system and head for the shower

Half an hour later

I put on some grey sweats along with a white t shirt, grab my plate and go to my PC

'I need another monitor...' I thought to myself and put on third season of demon slayer

I felt like Chinese food so using my magical plate I summoned egg foo-young, noodles, fried rice, and beef. I could also summon other items like drinks just by tapping a cup on the edge of my plate, very convenient

After a while I pause the show and bring up the shonen system again

'After all these years....time to finally see what prizes awaits..... I'm too lazy to finish the thought, on to the system.'

Sesshomaru clicked on the Gacha tab

cost of Gacha scramble 1,000 points per try

Remaining Gacha points: 30,000


I clicked on the spin button

1.Gohan's kamahameha wave

"Would you like this skill to be converted into a demonic spell or youki spell ?" a prompt came up

I chose for the kameha wave to become a demonic spell and knowledge of how to do this attack just manifested in my mind

for a brief moment I was shocked

'Ah, so this is why it's called the shonen system huh ?

Wait a moment, if it's possible to get the kamehameha like this, could it be possible to get the Sharingan from...' my thoughts were cut off by a message from the system

first time use of the Gacha system has activated hidden video

the screen turned dark and then a video of Yami came up

'Im going to make this one short, don't expect too much Naruto essence, be original, you guys always want sharingan, and rinnegan and susano and it's not happening this time my guy. So don't even think about any eye powers from Naruto, or Boruto, I put as little as I possibly could from Naruto. I can give you Naruto's rasengan for free though. Bye." Yami

(A/N Honestly I just don't want too much Naruto presence in this fic like everyone else. Every other fanfic is constantly about getting sharingan and susano, I just want to do something different.)

"Dammit, you're ruining my reincarnation." I almost cried, the info on what the Rasengan is and how to convert it from a ninjutsu into a youki technique came into my mind. The system didn't give me an option

But based on this new knowledge that enters my mind, chakra in Naruto world, is very similar to chakra or youjustu in this world. I clicked the spin button again

3. Zeref's Dark pillar

This spell automatically became an dark magic spell that uses demonic energy.

'I already have a spell like this in darkness magic. I guess the moves I get really are random and not in some order.'

4. Captain Yami's dimension slash (can only be used with Tenseiga)

'But Tenseiga already have's a move.....you know forget it.'

5. Goku's kamehameha wave

"Convert to demonic spell or youki spell ?"

This time I chose youki and also chose to ignore the fact that I got the same move just from a different person

6. Shinobi's Transformation jutsu (Naruto world)

"Convert to demonic spell or youki spell."

'I choose..... demonic power. Hope I'm not choosing wrong.'

7. Special beam canon

This attack was automatically turned into an demonic energy attack

8. Thunder breathing: First form

"New martial art unlocked: Iaijutsu (quick draw)"

"New skill unlocked: Kenjutsu martial arts"

9.Hiei's Jagan eye

"New demonic power coded into DNA: Jagan eye powers."

"Am I going to grow a third eye !?!?" I shouted then clicked on the new skill

"Explanation: User will not gain a third eye, the powers of the Jagan will now become an hereditary power that the user can activate using demonic energy. "

'Amazing, I just gained my own demonic power, and devil's can't gain demonic powers, they're born with it and the power is passed down from generation to generation. I already had one ocular magic spell called "fear caster" a spell that takes feelings of fear, enhance them and then send an powerful illusion on whoever I target and make eye contact with. Now I have even more eye powers, cool !'

10. Hado #4: compressed lightning

Automatic demonic spell

11. Bickslow's figure eyes

'This manifested as a spell and not a youjustu or demonic power.'

"New black magic spell learned." The message read

12. Gin's Shikai (can only be used with Tokijin)

13. Noel's water dragon attack

I chose to make this a youki spell

"Water youjustu spell learned."

14. Frieza's rainbow blast

automatic demonic spell

15.Hado 31: Crimson fireball

I chose to make this a youki spell

"fire youjustu learned." the system notification read

'Finally I have a clue about youjustu other than touki and senjustu....'

16.Tamaki's quirk: Manifest

"Congratulations, protagonist has gained another demonic power, Tamiki's quirk Manifest has combined with Shinobi's Transformation jutsu; you can now manifest the physical characteristics of whatever you have eaten and permanently save those transformations using transformation magic. Different transformations will now be included for random selection in the Gacha system."

My eyes nearly bursted out of my head, I now have two demonic powers

17. Krillen's destructo disk

automatic demonic spell

18. Gohan's masenko

automatic demonic spell

19. Gon's scissors

I chose to make this a youki spell

20. Hado #90

'I already have this one.' I thought and shook my head

21. water breathing 11th form

22. Yamcha's Kameha wave

'Ima pretend I didn't see that.....'

23. Getsuga tensho (Can only be used with bakusaiga)

'Why would bakusaiga need another light based attack....' I facepalmed and then continued clicking

24. Fire dragon iron wing attack

'Never gonna use that one....'

25. Jiraiya's Rasengan

Automatic youki spell

26. Instant transmission

automatic demonic spell

27. Final flash

automatic demonic spell

28. Hade's demon eye power: Nemesis

"Explanation: Nemesis spell will be added to demonic power: Jagan eye. Protagonist can now create creatures and beings from darkness magic."

29. Frieza's destructo disk

30. Hado #1:burst push

automatic demonic spell

After using all of my points and making sure my new abilities were in their spots in my system, I knew one thing

"I need more points....."

I honestly didn't want to spoil the surprise of the Gacha system but I haven't updated for so long that I had to give you guys something. More wizardry coming soon.

K_G_4335creators' thoughts