
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


The carriage resumed travel, the horses were calmed down and fed. The travelers, wrapped in their own thoughts, sat in silence, savoring their breakfast. While the rest of the group shared pieces of bread and tea, Dionisus ate the Frostfang's meat he had kept from before. Though offered tea, he politely declined, understanding the weight of indebtedness that even a small act of kindness could bring.

Dionisus' racing mind focused solely on one thing, about what he saw written around the Abyssal's 'heart'. He pondered whether his companions had witnessed the same peculiar scribles as well or if they were meant for his eyes alone. By now he had already understood that his comrades couldnt see in the dark like he could, which meant that they probably didnt even get a glimpse of the intricate writings.

The other mystery plaguing his soul was that of the only word he could read, 'lustful' it echoed incessantly in Dionisus' thoughts, stirring a storm of questions within his mind. Dionisus couldn't shake the feeling that this cryptic message held significance, that it was a piece of a much larger puzzle waiting to be solved. But for now he had to let it go, he had only a piece of the full sentence and with unceasing pain striking his trunk he could concentrate enough.

He also wanted to know how Edward summoned flames around his sword. However before he could ask Edward a question, Hector approached Dionisus and gestured for him to lift his cloak. In his right hand, Hector held a bowl filled with a greenish sludge. Dionisus complied, trusting his companion to not poison him with the strange concotion.

Dionisus' abdomen was full of dark purple hematomas and an already healed scar that resembled a wolf's claw. Hector began spreading the sludge around the bruises, gently, as to not cause any unnecessary discomfort.

"What is this?" young dionisus inquired, his companion rose up his eye level and responded, "This is a herbal mixture that soothes ailments and alleviates pain, it also temporarily increases the speed at which regeneration occurs."

"Interesting, but may I ask you an unrelated question?" Dionisus said, his companion answered with a nod. "How did flames burst out from Edward's sword?"

Hector's gaze shifted towards the hilt of Edward's sword, "Runic magic." he said. Dionisus shook his head and brought his fingers up to his chin, in his village there was no such thing as 'Runic Magic'. There were countless stories told by his father about powerful sorcers, but he disregarded them as pure mythology.

With his body feeling soothed and the effects of the herbal mixture taking hold, Dionisus moved his body towards a corner and resided there, inevitably falling asleep. The motion of the carriage remained the same, carrying him through the depths of the darkness enveloped world outside.

Soon the carriage came to a halt. Dionisus was woken up by Edward who urged him to leave the comfort of the cozy carriage. Dionisus steadily made his way out of the carriage, Stepping onto the unfamiliar ground, Dionisus found himself in the midst of an unknown village.

The group needed to re-stock in food, water and they had certain goods to trade with the residents. The air was alive with the aroma of freshly baked bread, the chatter of merchants haggling, and the laughter of children playing in the village square. All echoing through the narrow streets. Wooden stalls lined the pathway, displaying an array of goods and produce, tempting the passersby with their vibrant colors and inviting scents.

Elizabeth led the way towards a prominent building. It was adorned with the word 'Market' displayed in bold, inviting colors. Edward and Hector stood beside her, acting as bodyguards.

Inside, the market was a labyrinth of sights and sounds. Colorful fabrics swayed gently in the breeze, catching the eye of potential customers. Fragrant spices wafted through the air, Stalls were adorned with fruits, vegetables, and various other provisions, displaying an abundance of nourishment for those seeking sustenance.

Elizabeth, with her graceful pose and gentle demeanor, approached one of the vendors with modesty. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she surveyed the array of goods displayed before her. The merchant, a seasoned individual with weathered features, met her gaze with a genuine warmth, appreciating the elegance and grace she exuded.

Elizabeth's words were measured and deliberate, her persuasive charm woven into every negotiation. She effortlessly utilized her femininity, employing it as a powerful tool to ensure the best possible deal. Her white hair cascaded delicately around her shoulders, adding an angelic touch to her presence. The merchant, captivated by her allure, eagerly showcased his finest offerings, hoping to entice her with their quality and craftsmanship.

They left the vendor's cabin, paying half of the original price for the clothes she bought. The group neared a second cabin full of carrots, potatoes, spinach and cabbage.

Dionisus followed from afar, observing the interactions between Elizabeth and the vendor at the cabin filled with various vegetables. He admired Elizabeth's ability to negotiate and secure a fair deal, but he felt a twinge of unease at the thought of engaging in conversation himself. His upbringing in a secluded and dead silent village had left him unaccustomed to socializing and small talk.

As he watched Elizabeth examine the carrots, potatoes, spinach, and cabbage, Dionisus couldn't help but feel curiosity. He longed to try his hand at selecting the perfect vegetables. However, his self-doubt held him back, causing him to remain on the outskirts of the scene.

Dionisus focused on observing the mannerisms of the vendors which got gool deals from their group. Attempting to glean any insight on how he should maneuver himself to always have the upper hand on a conversation. Dionisus was determined to learn and adapt to the new experiences that awaited him in this unfamiliar world.

As the group finished their purchases and prepared to depart, Dionisus made a silent promise to himself, he would strive to become more comfortable in social settings. Just like he had conquered his fears in facing the unknown and confronting the dangerous enemies in his path. The journey to self-improvement lay before him and he was ready to do anything to survive in any type of enviroment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fire_Duckcreators' thoughts