
Serina: The Alpha's Mate

As far as she could remember, she’s been able to hear voices in her head even if the person wasn’t really talking to her. She got into fights because of this and her parents got into argument because of her. She thought she’s abnormal. She thought she’s different. She thought that she’s something nonhuman. And so, Serina learned to block the voices in her head when she turned 10 years old. She kept her secret from everyone including her parents. She didn’t want to be sent to a mental hospital just in case they’d think she’s going insane. From then on, she was able to live a peaceful life but, this changed once again on the day she left home to join a mountain camp with her friends. They found themselves getting deeper into the forest but because the place was truly beautiful, they ignored the fact that they have trespassed someone’s property. They set up their tents and started to chill from the long hours of walk. Lucky for her, she decided to take a look around and found a wonderful lake at the heart of the forest. The water was clear and she could see the blue sky being reflected on the water surface. “I’ll take a dip. Just a short dip and I’ll leave.” She told herself while taking off her clothes. She folded her clothes and placed them on a large boulder before jumping into the cool water with so much happiness. She untied her braid and let her wavy hair fell right past her shoulders and onto the water. “This is amazing.” She whispered while swimming in backstroke. “What are you doing here?” Serina stopped swimming and looked around her. She thought someone crept around and was watching her swim but she didn’t feel any presence of human. She covered her chest with her arms while her eyes scan her surroundings. Then, her eyes caught sight of the most beautiful wolf she had ever seen. *** Nicholas felt the presence of human who trespassed their property but since there were other wolves guarding the place, he didn’t bother himself to check on them. He was currently attending his sister’s birthday party and it would be bad if he leaves the place. He tried his best to ignore it but an unknown force was telling him to go. He followed this link and found himself standing at the edge of the lake, watching the most beautiful woman he ever laid his eyes on. "What are you doing here?" It was just a passing question that someone would normally ask to a trespasser but he didn't expect her to turn around and looked at him. She had the most beautiful brown eyes. It shines when the sunlight hits them and she looked so gorgeous with nothing but water lapping on her bare skin. She looked scared at first, then her expression changed to one of surprise and happiness. "Oh my god! Did you just talk to me?" She asked. Now this caught him off-guard. He didn't know that humans can talk to them in their wolf form. He took a step back with wary reflecting his blue eyes, preparing to leave the place as soon as he could and inform his parents of the trespassers. "Oh no! Please don't leave yet." She swam towards his side of the lake but she realized that she was naked. "Wait a sec. Can you turn around so I could change?" Like a perfect gentleman, Nicholas turned around to give her the privacy she needed. When she chuckled, he realized how foolish he was. Following her instruction only proved that he was talking to her so, he decided to disobey her order and looked back but he instantly turned his head away as if he was scared to face her. If he was in his human form, he'd probably have a hard on pressing on his jeans. He just found the sexiest body on earth and smelled the sweetest scent in his whole life. If possible, he just wanted to snuggle close to her, inhale her scent and get intoxicated. “I’m Serina and you?” Cover isn't mine It's edited by a friend All credits to the rightful owner.

_frieyaVida · Fantaisie
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135 Chs


"Europe!" Irene and Michael were both shock with the news that their daughter brought. "How could you keep this thing a secret to us?" Irene asked but she didn't sound angry – more on disappointed instead.

"Mom, I wasn't sure if I'd be accepted and you know that I wanted to go to Europe ever since I was a child. How could I let this opportunity go?"

"So, when are you leaving?" Michael wasn't disappointed that his daughter kept a secret from him. Everyone has a secret or two that they didn't want other to know. Besides, it would be a good opportunity for her to learn new things.

"I won't be leaving so soon." Serina answered softly. "I'll have to finish the compulsory years her which will be until grade 10 and I will continue my secondary II which will be my senior years in Europe."

"This is really unexpected." Michael commented but there was a smile on his face. "Then, congratulations. Do your best!"


Seeing the father-daughter having a light conversation over this matter, Irene didn't say anything more. No matter what she says, she knew that her daughter will just make reasons for her to agree. "Forget it." She muttered and continued cooking.

Over three months ago, Serina applied for the scholarship which will cover her senior years in Europe, particularly in France. She has been regarded as one of the excellent students in Royale Academy and when her application was submitted, the school didn't doubt her capability. They immediately sent her information and application to the selected school in France which was Notre Dame International High School.

Because she loves to read and because her mother was once a multi-lingual teacher before marrying her father, Serina didn't have to stress herself in studying languages. She can learn fast and she loves to learn them as well. She always had this notion in mind that there's beauty in language. Of course, she knows how to curse in different languages, too.

She prayed to pass the evaluation and the interview, knowing full well that her capability wasn't up to standard with other students. She always claimed that she still needed to improve and beat her own records. It's not that she's conceited, she just didn't like to opt for the average. As long as she can improve, she will take every opportunity to do so.

But she really passed.

"There's still one more week before this academic year ends and you will have to wait one more year before leaving the country. Continue to do your best." Her mother stated while putting down the dishes on the dining table. "Don't get careless just because you are smart."

"I know. I'll study hard."

"Who will be coming with you by the way?" Michael asked while helping his wife with the plates and glasses.

"I'll be going there with another student from my class. His name is Lambert. Remember the top 2 in our class who looked nerdy?"

"Oh! That guy! Good. Good for him. And who else?"

"There are three other students who will be going for a study-abroad program but they will only stay there for one academic year."

The family of three continued to talk about the scholarship program that Serina got accepted for. They chatted for a long time even when they finished their meal.

Around 9:00 in the evening, she excused herself and went to her room, saying that she needed to study for a little while. She didn't say what she could be studying so her parents assumed that she'd be studying her class subjects. Unbeknownst to them, Serina was actually learning how to make curses and lift them. She studied different herbals, markings and other things under her dragon's tutelage.

Nicholas had no idea that Serina applied to study abroad. Every single time that he spent with her and her friends, none of them mentioned such thing. And so, when the school posted the congratulatory message on their school forum, he almost changed to his wolf form because of his anger.

'This woman! She's doing this on purpose.' Nicholas thought angrily while reading the names being posted along with the congratulatory message. He was hoping that he was mistaken but the more he read it, the more the anger swelled within him. 'Why?'

He closed his eyes and covered it with his forearm. He couldn't understand why. He was feeling so angry towards something that he has no control of. Aside from that, Kiro still refused to acknowledge her as their mate. He was afraid that someone would snatch Serina away from him if he continued to dawdle.

'Stop with your train of thoughts.' Kiro growled and snapped at him. 'The pull of desire will get stronger as she slowly come of age. When she turns 18, we will know if she's ours or not. Whether she's taken or not, let's do our best to get her.'

'If she's taken, I will never let you get out to the woods for two years.' Nicholas threatened his wolf which didn't work at all because Kiro only turned his head away to avoid seeing him eye to eye.

The next day, Nicholas didn't look for Serina in the campus. He was still feeling a bit angry after knowing the news. He didn't show up in front of her or even visited her dorm.

Serina felt a bit sad that the annoying guy ceased to annoy her but unlike Nicholas, she didn't feel the strong desire for him as much as he felt for her. Though deep inside her, she wanted to see him as well.

Facing her food for lunch, she released a deep sigh which made her two friends look at her in worry. "What's wrong with you? You look worried and stop sighing in front of your food." Hillary stated.

"It's not because you are missing your Mr. God-damn-sexy-and-drop-dead-hunk Nicholas, right?" Brigette teased which made Serina shove some food inside her friend's mouth.

"Where the hell did you get that lengthy name?" Serina questioned with her raised eyebrow. "He's not my whatever-you-call Nicholas, okay? And I am not missing him. Tsk! Stop mentioning him."

"O-okay." Brigette muttered softly while covering her mouth full of food.

She denied it but as the days went by, her eyes would unknowingly seek for his figure in the crowd. She even volunteered to collect the class assignments and send it to the faculty office which she didn't normally do just for her to pass the college building and get a glimpse of him from the business management class.

'This is wrong. So wrong!' Serina told herself as she walked to the faculty. Instead of taking a look at his class, because she felt so wrong and annoyed to herself, she didn't notice that someone was sitting by the window to the corridor.

"Watch out!"