

Caulifla Sadala is given the opportunity of the lifetime of being the nanny to esteemed CEO Chi-Chi's son Gohan. For the most part, it's a simple job, and it has its perks. It's not until Caulifla meets Chi-Chi's husband Goku does she start to have her doubts about the job. Of course, her brother Renso and one of her best friends Cabba doesn't really approve of her wanting to be a nanny, while the others accept her choice. Aside from that, she has to deal with her growing feelings for Vegeta, her best friend Tarble's brother while being a mom figure to Gohan. The more Caulifla lives in Seven Star City however, does she discover that underneath the bright lights and tall buildings are multiple secrets buried beneath the city. When almost all of those she trusts are in Six Star City which is an hour away, she will have to learn to fend for herself and attempt to fight off the darkness that dares to consume her. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ This dragon ball fanfiction is going to be filled with mature themes such as: ❀ age gap ❀ smut and sexual themes ❀ graphic violence and major character deaths ❀ crack ships and hardly any dbz canon ships ❀ potential love triangles ❀ alcohol and drugs ❀ infidelity themes ❀ taboo themes And many, many, many more, so please refrain from reading if any of this makes you feel uncomfortable. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer! Dragon Ball belongs to Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation and all other ownerships. I do not claim dragon ball as my own or the characters! Only the fanfic itself so please don't post it anywhere! It will be also be posted on Archive of Our Own, Wattpad, Tumblr, and Quotev. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Started writing: May 4 2022 Finished writing:

sombrasaiyan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

THREE | Destined for Disaster

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ THE FIRST THING VEGETA WAS GREETED WITH AT THE door was his father with folded arms. Vegeta groans at the sight of his father towering over him so easy and he envies that about his father. Why of almost everything Vegeta inherited, it wasn't the height?

"Yea shitty old man?" Vegeta grumbles, hanging his keys as he maneuvers himself around his father. It was hopeless though, because he knew that his dad would just proceed to follow him wherever he went.

"Don't 'yea shitty old man' me, boy. You know what you've been doing isn't tolerated. Especially now that you're the head of the company." Vegeta Sr. says. When Vegeta knew his father wasn't looking, he rolled his eyes and proceeded to slump himself down on the couch.

"Father, you knew right from the start I didn't even want your company. It's not my fault I have so many potential suitors." He adds that last sentence with a chuckle.

Vegeta Sr. wasn't the slightest bit amused with his son as he took a seat next to him. "What will the paparazzi think if they take pictures of you kissing a minor in public, or if you're constantly spotted with Caulifla?" He gives him a scenery.

Vegeta tosses his back and doesn't say much as he folds his arms. "Look, father. I'm smarter than you paint me out to be. I'm not going to do anything with Caulifla in public."

Vegeta Sr. eyes narrow as his suspicions were confirmed of what happened earlier in Vegeta's bedroom. Tarble didn't say anything to Vegeta Sr. about Vegeta and Caulifla, he was too loyal to the both of them to do that. "So you did do something with her upstairs. Let me guess, you two slept together!" He groans into the palm of his hand, then shaking his head. He didn't approve a good majority of Vegeta's decisions sometimes, but this one took the cake. " . . . Please tell me you wore a condom."

Vegeta stares at his father in disbelief, the two men almost twins with their hairstyles, if only Vegeta Sr.'s hair wasn't auburn. "You really think I'm that fucked up? I didn't have sex with Caulifla, I'm making her wait until her birthday to give herself to me." He says with a triumphant smirk.

Vegeta Sr. sighs, Vegeta didn't know if it was out of relief or because he was frustrated. He places a firm grip on his son's shoulder as he responds with, "Tell me son, do you love Caulifla in the way she loves you?" When Vegeta Sr. asks that question, it left his snarky son silent. No sarcastic jab.

Vegeta takes a deep breath as he avoids his father's gaze. " . . . If I tell you the truth, you better not laugh or say anything humiliating."

"Son, it's a serious question, of course I'm not going to laugh at you. Unless you're going to be sarcastic with your answer." Vegeta Sr. stares at him with a somber smile.

Vegeta groans, planting his face into his hand. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but . . ." He takes another deep breath and sits up straight, staring at the blank TV screen in front of him. " . . . I'll admit, since growing up with Caulifla . . . I sort of envied the friendship she had with Tarble. They were like best friends, and unlike Renso and I, they had this tight bond that made them inseparable. I thought they had feelings for each other at first . . . because of their dumb fake wedding."

"Ahh, you mean the one where a bunch of their stuffed animals were guests and you ruined it by saying 'I object! Caulifla has another boy that wants to marry her instead! She deserves ten times better!'" King almost chuckles, but hesitates for fear Vegeta would stop talking.

Vegeta gives King the side eye before continuing to stare at the TV's state of blackness. "But then, when we grew up a little, I noticed that they just wanted to stay friends. Then I noticed Cabba had a crush on her for a while when they were in sixth grade, and I grew jealous . . . Everyone knew I was jealous, but I didn't want to admit it. I knew Tarble snitched on me to Cabba and he backed off. You already know, father that we've had plenty of our moments . . . but up until now, or course I had to stop with the romance with her. She wants more than I can give her at the moment, but . . . In all seriousness, the feelings I have for Caulifla are the kind that will never go away. Even if things don't work out for us—or even if I've loved a different girl for a very long time, with Caulifla it's a special kind of love that won't die."

After Vegeta finished with his little speech, the two sit in silence, neither of the two saying a word.

"That's pretty corny, isn't it?" Vegeta says with a chuckle as he turns to face his father, His father in return gives him a smile and shakes his head.

"Not at all, I think any girl would love to hear words like that when it comes to being loved. You're a smart boy, Vegeta. Capable of loving if you showed it often." Vegeta Sr. looks as though he is about to say more judging by how his lips moved but says nothing more. "Get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow." He pats his son's back a couple times before getting up off the couch and heading up the stairs. "Sleep well, son."

Vegeta Sr. makes it to his bedroom as his beloved wife was already laying in bed, reading a book as she looks up from it at the sound of the door being opened. "Well? Did you tell him about the arrangement?"

Vegeta Sr. sheepishly looks away, scratching the back of his head as he chuckles under his breath. "Well, uh . . . I don't think he'd take it well right now, especially since he spent the good majority of his day with Caulifla."

Fasha clasps her book shut as she groans. "Yeah, well how do you think he's going to take the news tomorrow in front of a bunch of employees and his secretary? He's gonna blow a fuse."

Vegeta Sr. gets under the covers as he stares at his wife. "I figured . . . He'd know how to act calm and collected in front of them . . . Besides, the storm will blow over, you'll see."

"I sure hope you're right, honey because our son needs to start acting like an adult now."


Oddly enough, the house was quiet when Vegeta got ready for work. Usually his father was trying to finish up a personal project in the garage. His mother was usually cooking breakfast or watching TV. Since it was winter break, Tarble was obviously already gone, presumably to drag Caulifla out of her hell house. Vegeta would've done that if it weren't for being the stupid CEO of his father's company.

After his shower, he was quick to get in his car and make the drive to the building. When he got there, everyone looked at him, greeted him awkwardly before shuffling away. The ones who greeted Vegeta more than anyone just waved hello and wished him good luck before making their ways to their offices.

He was confused by the current atmosphere of his company, but decided to ignore it. He had better things to worry about and left to go to his office. As he booted up his computer, he was surprised Lazuli hadn't already came in to his office with his cup of coffee by now. As he types in his log in credentials, a voice he never wanted to hear again in years chides from the door of his office.

"Look at you, same old Vegeta with that grumpy expression and those tired eyes. I bet you were messaging Chi-Chi last night." The voice accuses as Vegeta takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he sure as hell didn't want to look at her.

"Did you stop by company to be a total bitch to me, or did you want to see how successful I've become in your absence?" Vegeta sneers from where he sat as he finally opens his eyes to stare at her new haircut. Sky colored short locks that drape around her entire face, minus a tiny V-cut just above her left eye. Her hair was shorter than the last time he saw her, and seemed to carry herself on a higher pedestal. Her cherry lips were curled in a smile, but not one that was genuine. One that she knew would piss him off.

"There's nothing much to see, and oh yeah. I forgot Chi-Chi is no longer your secretary any more. Not since you fired her and hired that blonde babe." Bulma steps in, analyzing the pictures that were framed on the wall.

Vegeta rolls his eyes, "Not that you care, but Chi-Chi quit on her maternity leave. And quit flirting with my secretary. Heaven knows how many relationships you ruin."

Bulma gives Vegeta a glare as her hands rest on her hips. "You're the one to talk! At least I know how to have fun, while you're just moping around and complaining about everything!"

Before Vegeta could bark back, a cough is heard behind Bulma. "I hate to intrude on this conversation, but we must host a meeting in the conference room." Says the man as he pushes his glasses up to his face. He then shuffles himself around his daughter as he gives Vegeta an awkward smile. "Apologies on behalf of my daughter's behavior."

Bulma shoots a glare at her father as she frowns menacingly. "What are you apologizing for dad? You have nothing to apologize for!"

"Oh, Bulma there's no need to keep arguing with your future honey bunny, now let's all get going to the conference room!" Her mother chimes in with her soft smile, walking over to Vegeta as she lends a hand out. "C'mere, dearie . . . We best be headed our way over, don't wanna make your parents wait!" She says as Vegeta winces, following closely behind the Briefs family.

"My parents?!" He inwardly thought.

As they led him to the nearest conference room, he stares at his father wearing a burgundy suit and his mother wearing a hot pink dress with a black cardigan over it. They stare back at him with neutral expressions, and he couldn't understand what emotions laid in his eyes. Across from them was a woman whose back was turned against the Briefs family and Vegeta, and judging by the short length of her blonde hair Vegeta knew it was the Briefs' oldest daughter Tights. Next to her, he recognized it was her husband.

It seems as though the rest of the people for this unexpected meeting sensed the presence of the remaining people and turned around.

"Now then, let's start this meeting shall we?" Vegeta Sr. spoke as everyone except Vegeta took their places at their seats. Bulma was just as confused as Vegeta, but she chose to take her seat.

"What's all this . . .?" Vegeta demands begrudgingly as he refused to sit down. He then looks at his assistant Lazuli sitting at a chair, who avoided eye contact with him. "Lazuli, do you have the slightest idea?"

Lazuli shook her head, "No, Vegeta. I do not know why this meeting was called."

"No one knows about it aside from Panchy, Vegeta Sr. and Fasha. Myself included." Dr. Briefs chuckles as he then turns to Tights. "Tights, sweetie would you like to get our meeting going."

Tights smiles warmly at everyone as she sighs, "I know Bulma and I used to always fight about who took over the company when we were teenagers, and evidently I took it over since I was the firstborn." Tights then slowly stands up out of her seat, graciously stroking her swollen stomach as Vegeta's eyes widen into saucers at the sight.

"Y-You're . . . ?" Vegeta stopped at his words, not wanting to assume anything and then immediately regret it.

Tights stares back at him with a wider smile as she nods, "Yes, Vegeta. I'm pregnant everyone, with my third child." She declares. Vegeta knew of the other two, but he never knew about her being pregnant again. She then clears her throat, rerouting the conversation back to its old roots. "Anyways, with that being said, I am leaving on maternity leave and permanently. I want to spend more time with my family now and help my father with his personal projects." Tights' obsidian orbs than flicker over to her sister's as she then takes her seat again, Beets' gentle hand sliding on top of hers.

"Wait . . ." Bulma's eyebrows twitch as she stares towards her sister. "You're not saying what I think you're saying, are you?! There's no way I'm going to take over the company! Especially not now!"

"Don't worry, Bulma. I'll be with you for a couple of months to get you settled, but you're just as brilliant and intelligent as the rest of us dear." Her father reassures her as he strokes his mustache. "Didn't you always say you wanted to take over Capsule Corps.?"

" . . . Well, yeah . . . But right now my schedule is busy!" Bulma complains.

"What could possibly be more important than running a company?" Vegeta snorts as he then turns to his parents. "And what the hell does Bulma taking over Capsule Corps. have anything to do with us?"

Vegeta Sr. sighs, shrinking in his seat as he knew with the way Vegeta's attitude was right now, he wouldn't take it well. Especially with the talk they shared last night. "Ahhh, well you see son . . . Your mother and I . . ."

"And the Briefs family!" Panchy quickly adds to aid where the conversation was going.

Fasha's deep violet eyes linger on her husbands before she sighs into her palm. "Well, Capsule Corps. and the Pride Corps. have decided to bring unity to the company . . . meaning that Vegeta and Bulma have to get married to unify the companies."

"What!" Vegeta shouts, slamming his hands down the table. After he noticed Tights wincing in the corner of his eye, he regretted it. Pointing a finger in Bulma's direction, he keeps the glare toward his parents. "You expect me to marry that—bimbo—over there?! We don't get along whatsoever and she's such a pain in the ass!"

Bulma was quick on her feet, crossing her arms against his torso as her eyes were lit up with just as much rage as Vegeta's were. "Go on, Vegeta! Say what you were going to say instead of bimbo. You're not gonna offend my family. You're not even going to offend me!" When he doesn't say anything in response and only glares daggers at her, she continues. "Bitch! That's right!" She then turns to her parents who sat at their side of the table with the equal shared expression as Vegeta's parents. "No offense to your stupid idea, but I agree with Vegeta! There's no way you guys are making us get married! I can't stand him!"

Panchy places the tips of her fingers on her lips, "Oh my! We didn't expect this kind of reaction! You kiddos, it's for your own good and your company! It'll do ya good to act your guys' age and settle down!"

"I'm going back to my office, there's a shit ton of work to do," Vegeta storms away as he then pauses at the door. "Sorry for making you jump Tights, and really shitty old man? After the conversation we had last night?"

"Son, I—"

Before another word was said, Vegeta had slammed the door behind him.


"I don't know what my parents were thinking trying to marry me off to that asshole!" Bulma works to get the strap off her purple heel and throws it across her room, then working on the other one.

The woman who laid on Bulma's queen sized bed with a salmon and red themed lingerie set properly sat up on her bed. "Does this mean we're no longer allowed to be like this?" She crawls over to Bulma, hugging her from behind as her blonde hair spills onto the shoulders of Bulma. The blonde then proceeds to breathe down Bulma's neck and kisses the back of it. "It's a shame all of this has to end, we've gotten so close, you and me."

Bulma arches back into the touch of her secret lover as she attempts to shake her head. "No, Lazuli. I wouldn't end this for the world. You think I want to marry your dumb boss? No."

Lazuli's fingers work on grasping the dress of Bulma,  pulling it down by the straps. "Shhh, let's not talk about him anymore. It's all about us." Once the dress falls to Bulma's waist, the bluenette was quick to stand up and let it fall to the floor. She quickly spun around to smirk at the kneeling blonde, who looked up at her. Blue eyes match against each other as they both knew what they wanted.

Bulma places her hands on Lazuli before shoving her down on her back, falling on the bed with a soft thump. Bulma was quick to straddle her and kiss at her lips with desire. Lazuli kisses back eagerly as she wraps her arms around Bulma, bringing her body down so that their breasts and stomach pressed against each other. As if they read each other's minds, they pry open their mouths as their tongues swirl against the other. Lazuli loved how erotic their kissing could get as she cups one of Bulma's breasts, in turn, Bulma grabs a handful of Lazuli's ass.

"Are you going to take off your bra, or am I going to have to take it off for you?" Lazuli says in between their kisses, tugging at it for effect.

Bulma smirks. "What's stopping you?" She says, keeping her hands at the sides of the waistband of Lazuli's underwear. "An eye for an eye."

Lazuli expertly unclasps Bulma's bra, the straps falling forward as Lazuli rips it away. Once Lazuli does this, Bulma travels down to her legs, tugging down the thong to her lingerie set as she spun it around her forefinger a couple times. A mischievous glint is in the eye of Bulma as she throws it back.

Lazuli smiles, staring at Bulma's pair of breasts a little too long, and her mouth was watering at the idea of licking them and groping them. Too bad Bulma had other plans as she then travels down to her blonde beauty's exposed core. "You're the only one I'll ever consider marrying." Bulma says huskily as she spreads Lazuli's legs apart. "And lick down here." Before Lazuli could respond, Bulma had began to lick at Lazuli's already soaked clit.

Lazuli lets out a lovely sigh as she bites the tip of her finger, giggling at how sly she was. "Mmmm~ yeah . . . suck my clit~." Lazuli then squeezes her eyes shut, arching her back up from the mattress as Bulma's tongue thrusts in and out of her entrance, enjoying everything she had to offer. "Oh, Kami! Bulma!" To the sound of her moans, Bulma quickens the thrusting, gripping Lazuli's waist tightly. Lazuli places her hands down on her breasts and begins to massage them together, her legs trembling in delight.

To help her achieve the climax, Bulma rubs at her clit with her thumb, removing her tongue and replacing them with two fingers. "Wow, baby you're so wet already~!" Bulma cheers as Lazuli reddens.

"Please, Bulma . . ." Lazuli whines, her body gleaming with her sweat. Her clit was throbbing with the need of Bulma as Bulma grins down at her.

"I want you to cum first, baby." Bulma declares as they kiss, Lazuli tasting herself off of Bulma as the fingers thrust faster and deeper into Lazuli until she came on Bulma's fingers.

Bulma removes her fingers as she puts them in her mouth, sucking on them as she never breaks eye contact from her girl, to make sure she knew she enjoyed it.

"Kami, Bulma! Stop!" Lazuli squeaks as Bulma giggles, pulling down her panties as she was left completely naked. Lazuli knew she had to leave her lingerie on as she watches Bulma clamber back on the bed after she tossed her panties on the floor. Bulma picks up Lazuli's left leg and prepares to hook it on her right shoulder.

"You ready?" Bulma asks.

Lazuli looks up at Bulma with a crooked smile. "As if you have to ask."

Bulma moves herself closer, her cunt dripping with her own juices from turning herself on from doing all that to Lazuli as their cores collided, clits rubbing against each other as Lazuli cries out. "Fuck yes!" She digs her fingers into the bedsheets as Bulma moans out, swaying her hips back and forth to increase the pleasure for both of them, their stomaches swelling with the growing pleasure. The bed rocks with Bulma's thrusting as Lazuli sits herself up so they were closer. Both trembling as Lazuli helps with their sex, swaying her own hips as she gropes one of Bulma's breasts, their moans growing louder in the bedroom.

"Fuck, I'm close!" Bulma moans under her breath as her blonde had her back arched, enjoying it to the max until she was cumming too. Both of them scream out before collapsing down the bed with heavy breathing.

"Fuck that was good." Lazuli says, wrapping herself around Bulma as she nods in agreement.

"I don't think I'll ever grow tired of you, fuck Vegeta and that stupid arrange marriage, you're the only one for me."

"As if you can fuck anyone else but me." Lazuli giggles, burying herself into Bulma's body, resting on top of her. "We belong together."