
~Chapter 1~

Aera's POV:


"Ugghhh... stupid alarm. What time is it?" I open my eyes and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock, I lazily reach for my phone that was on the nightstand and unlock the screen.. 11:30 am... SHIT SHIT SHIT. I'm sooooo laattteee!

I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom to get ready. I spent the last 5 months working my ass off to afford this, I CANNOT be late!

~SIGH~ I finally get in the cab and hope I'll be on time."Seoul Olimpyc Stadium please", I tell the driver the address and I fix my clothes to look somewhat presentable as I had no time to doll myself up too much. "I can't believe I'm gonna see him again" I whisper to myself with a small smile on my face, already feeling my cheecks heat up.

Narrator's POV:

The cab stops at the destination and Aera walks hurriedly to the stadium's entrance where she gives the ticket to the security man. He checks the small piece of paper and gives it back to her with a smile: "A few more minutes and you would have been late, enjoy the concert miss!" The girl gasps at the sight of the thousands of people cheering, she walks past them and finally reaches her seat.

Aera's POV:

I'm so glad I had the luck to buy front row tickets, this place is packed! I look around me and see lots of girls excitingly giggling with their friends.. ~SIGH~"I wish I had a friend like that too" I feel a wave of sadness washing over me when I hear a faint voice talking to me.

"I could be your friend if you'd like!" I look to my right and see a tall blonde girl. She had green eyes that sparkled with joy and wide smile plastered on her face. "My name's Cora, I'm also here alone, we can stick together if that's ok with you!"

"Yeah, I guess I would like that!" I smile back at her and she clapped her hands in joy. Hehe, she's cute..I guess being friends with her won't hurt. I was going to start and chat with her when the lights on the stage turned on and the whole stadium started to scream.

I've been a fan of these boys ever since they debuted, even when I was in America I supported them and continued to listen to their music. I always dreamed about going to their concert, but I was either too afraid to go or I didn't have enough money.

Narrator's POV:

The loud cheerings filled Aera's ears as she could feel her heart pounding out of her chest. She was finally here, she could finally see the seven boys who were so special to her, she could finally see HIM. She pinched herself to be sure she wasn't dreaming, all of her hard work finally paid of, this was it.

Jihun's POV:

I was backstage preparing to perform tonight as I could hear the loud screams outside. I was nervous at every concert we held, but this time... I was beyond nervous, I was FREAKING OUT. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? This wasn't the first time I was going to sing in front of so many fans. Then why was I feeling like I'm gonna have a heart attack?!

"Bro are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Taeyong asked me with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Huh? Oh yeah.. I'm fine, let's go. The fans are waiting for us". I answered with a forced smile on my face, I have this feeling that something is going to happen today, and I can't shake it off. I just hope I'm wrong.

Aera's POV:

The band entered the stage and I could've sworn I'm going to be deaf by the end of the night from all the screams. Cora's jaw dropped as she looked towards the stage and I followed her gaze.

"OMG we're so close to them... They're so handsome I think I'm gonna faint!!"

"Yeah, they are aren't they?" I answered as my eyes searched the stage. And then.. I saw him! There he was, the guy I haven't seen for so long. He looked so different from the last time we saw each other, even though I've seen him on social media, in real life he was something else. I had this sudden urge to climb on stage and hug him, but ofcourse I couldn't do that, unless I had a death wish.

Narrator's POV:

Every time Jihun was going closer to her, Aera could feel her heart skip a beat, NO, 100 beats. It was almost the end of the concert now and Jihun found himself on the right side of the stage again... He couldn't understand why but he kept going there, like something was calling him. They were performing their last song and he leaned down closer to the fans so he could touch their hands, but soon enough, his eyes stopped on one of the girls. He looked at her intensely because he felt like he saw her before. She looked at him too, and when their eyes met he could feel chills throughout his whole body. Her face was quickly covered by the waving hands of the fans.

The concert was over now, and both Aera and Jihun were left puzzled. She kept wondering whether he recognised her, and he kept wondering if that was really her he saw. Before heading home Aera and Cora exchanged numbers and promised that they would keep in touch.

Jihun and the other members climbed in the van that was going to take them home. He sat in his chair, staring into empty space, deep in his thoughts.

Jihun's POV:

I looked outside through the window and I couldn't stop thinking about it. "Was that really her?"

"Who are you talking about?" Seokju's question pulled me out from my thoughts.

"Uhm... nobody, I'm just tired that's all."

"Come on Jihun-ah, you know I can tell that something's bothering you right? I can read you like an open book."

Seokju was right, I couldn't hide anything from him. "Well, uhm... Hyung, do you remember that girl I told you about some time ago?"

"You mean your highschool friend? Yeah, what's with her?" He asked confused.

"I think I saw her in the crowd, but.. I'm not sure."