
Kara’s Plan

In Earth's reincarnation cycle, a certain fiery blue-tinted ball is floating around skipping the other souls in line to quickly meet a Higher Spirit that could quickly reincarnate them.

When it was Lilian's turn, she calls out to one of the Higher Spirits. "Hey Timey!!!" The Higher Spirit hurriedly made a shushing gesture to the upcoming soul.

"How many times had you interrupted my work?" said the Higher Spirit that was called out by Lilian. "Oh come on! Since when do you care about work? Every time I asked you for help, you couldn't wait to send me off."

"Exactly what you said, I couldn't wait to send you off. Why did the Superior assigned me to be your babysitter again?" the Higher Spirit sighed.

Timey is what Lilian calls the Higher Spirit, because he is the Higher Spirit that rules Time. Timey was a mortal before becoming a Higher Spirit, which is very rare. Usually, Higher Spirit are either created by power or born from a Higher Spirit couple; but it's not the only reason why he's rare. Pre-dominators could have had a chance to become a Higher Spirit, but choose the path of a Dominator. Dominators were mortals who succeeded in power above their own worlds after all.

"Timey! Could you reincarnate me to earth again? Pretty please!" Lilian begged.

"Why the rush?" Timey asked.

"We need to collect Lilian's feathers that's scattered around a world named Terra, but it's currently dangerous for us to be at Terra now. That's why Earth is the safest place to stay low because Terra is one of Earth's alternate worlds." Kara who was quiet throughout the interaction between Lilian and Timey, finally spoke.

"I see. You are in a rush because a Dominator is about to be born, correct? There's been talk around the Spiritual Circle about a human mortal that gives the Higher Spirits that rules Terra so much trouble. Terra's Higher Spirits were able to seal him with the help of a human hero they blessed and forcefully took from Earth." Timey informed the girls.

After the sisters had settled the information in their mind, Kara thought of a plan. "Hey guys...listen to this...I got a plan."

The two soul stones inside the mortal's soul disguise and a human looking spirit came closer together as Kara explained her plan.

"That's a very exciting plan. I'm intrigued." Timey said agreeing to Kara's plan.

"Me too! I'm definitely in!" Lilian expressed her excitement.

"Let me inform my wife first." Timey left to make a call through the Spirit Phone. Yes, there are technologies in the Spirit Realm.

As Kara and Lilian waited for Timey to come back, they discussed about the sealed human king. "Why couldn't they just finish him off." Lilian said irritated.

"He's still a human in that world. The mortals don't know about the Spirit Realm, so if us spirits kill him, the mortals will be distressed. Sealing him off is much easier, because we can be low-key. Also, didn't you want to personally finish him off yourself?" Kara questioned Lilian.

"You're right..."Lilian agreed as she thought about the look of anger and frustration on the king's face as she kicks him in the ass. "What will happen to his kingdom then? Someone has to take his place while he's sleeping, right?"

Timey came back when he coincidentally heard Lilian's question. "The king has offsprings and one of them is currently ruling. They're just as troublesome as the sealed king, but not as much of a threat on his level." Timey answered. "Well, my wife agreed to the plan too quickly before I even got to finish explaining."

The two soul stones chuckled when they heard about his wife. 'Of course she would,' the girls thought. 'What Seraystals don't like an exciting adventure?'

That's right. Timey's wife is a Seraystal. She is famous around the Seraystals for being the first to pass the trial and that isn't the only thing she's famous for. She has assisted Timey from being a weak mortal to a Higher Spiritual Being of Time. Her love for Timey is everlasting.

"By the way, could you stop calling me Timey. My name is Reuven for goodness sakes."

"It's too hard to remember and pronounce your name." Lilian complained.

"It's not that hard. Just say Roo-ben or Rube." The human-looking spirit crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Timey! Timey! Timey! You will always be Timey!" Lilian childishly said.

"Lilian, leave it. Once Estella is here, let's immediately start the plan." Kara seriously said.

Not long, Timey's wife named Estella has arrived.

"Hey Stella!" Lilian excitingly waves at the beautiful women with long silky blonde hair that sparkled like stars.

"Hey El! It's been awhile since I last saw you." Kara greets her long time friend.

"Hello my beautiful little flower." Estella greeted Lilian. "And yes, it has been awhile my dear." The beautiful Seraystal returned the greeting to Kara.

After the Seraystals had greeted each other, Estella went to kiss and greet her husband.

Now that everyone is together, Kara made sure to explain her plan again to make sure everyone has understood.

"Let's get this plan started!" They all shouted together.

Timey had sent everyone's soul to earth to be reincarnated at a specific time before he sent himself to be reincarnated also.

Kara will stay as a soul stone and follow Lilian as she gets reincarnated in the future.

Estella and her husband will be reincarnated now and soon meet up with the other two Seraystals in the future.

After they were all sent off, a mysterious dark purple soul snuck into one of the lines of a reincarnation cycle. Who knew that the dark purple soul who randomly chosen a line, would be in the line of Terra.

When it was the dark purple soul's turn he was internally sweating from seeing Terra's Higher Spiritual Being. Terra's Higher Spirit glanced at the dark purple soul and smiled.

"Happy Reincarnation and to a brand new exciting start!"

"Thanks." The dark purple soul suspiciously glanced at the Higher Spirit right before he was sent away to Terra.

"Oh Kara...you should thank us for leading him to you." The Higher Spirit said as he grinned. 'I should leave now to not disrupt this Spirit's work.'

After the Higher Spirit finished his words, the real Higher Spirit woke up from a daze with confusion written on his face.

A being who had borrowed the body of the Higher Spirit of Terra's reincarnation cycle had returned home to inform the others of what good deed he did today.

Hello readers! Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just uploaded my book cover. It took me hours to make.

So what do you think Kara’s plan will be like?

Who is this mysterious dark purple soul and what is his connection to Kara?

Who was the being that borrowed Terra’s Higher Spirit’s body?

What is Kara’s connections to this being and his group?

Luvzkymcreators' thoughts