
Sephiroth, The one winged angel in MHA [Reboot]

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" Little did everyone know that cloud wasn't the only one who would have to deal with our famous one winged angel. Everyone in the My Hero Academia world was soon going to feel the terror that is Sephiroth. Join us in a world were someone who almost has unlimited power and pride to not bow down to anyone comes to a world where power means everything. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

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Currently Endeavor was having a press confidence of some kind, a PR stunt of some kind so that he could increase his popularity. It had been about an half an hour into the meeting since Sephiroth had slipped into the crowd watching at the back of the room as this man answered questions that the reporters were asking of him.

Having watched this farce long enough Sephiroth decided to do something to put some pressure on the man and see how he reacts, raising his hand like any other reporter would. Several of the security guards and sidekicks noticed this man since he entered mainly because he was wearing a mask but because he hadn't done anything they couldn't do anything to him legally at least.

Endeavor having noticed the mask wearing man in the back of the room having raised his hand decided to call on him wanting to know what this weakling had to stay since he hasn't done anything since he got here.

"I understand that you caught the villain and all that but I wonder why is no one talking about all the property damage that you caused in the process and the dozens of injuries that you caused to the general public during your so-called heroics? I mean I find it interesting that we are only talking about how you stopped this villain from causing harm to the city and it's citizens but the information that I have states that you did more damage than the villain did twice over. Now isn't that just interesting?" Once Sephiroth got done talking the room was silent like a calm before a storm, which honestly wasn't wrong.

Not wanting to let up quite yet Sephiroth continued talking "If you think about it this isn't the first time this has happened, think about all the PR events that this man has after every major villain he captures. If you look at it from an outside perspective every time he has one of these events it is because he caused more harm than good when he decided to catch the so called villain. If you look up past records you would see the massive amount of property damage that he caused not to mention those that he hurt or killed by accident during his capture of the villain. By this logic shouldn't he also be a villain then?" When the crowd heard this you could hear them gasping at Sephiroth's comment because if what he is saying is true then technically Endeavor would be classified as a villain as well if not a major one considering how often he has a PR event like this.

Endeavor could hear all the muttering the reports where making after hearing this guy make accusations against him 'Damn who the fuck is this guy doesn't this weakling know who I am. I'm the number 2 hero Endeavor so what if I cause a little property damage and some people get hurt. I'm doing my job and they should be thankful for that.' he thought, seething on the inside almost ready to explode at this recent development.

It is then that the PR manager comes forward to prevent Endeavor from doing something dumb to this guy on live television. "Umm sir those are clearly false accusations and we can sue you for slander. Don't you think that what you're doing is wrong, this is the number 2 hero Endeavor he wouldn't do any of that of which you're stating that is the villains that cause all of that." The manager says quickly, trying to push the blame on the villains like they usually do.

'Shit I don't know who this guy is but we need to get him out of here. We screened all of the reporters so how did someone like this get in, he can't be left alone otherwise our popularity will take a huge hit.' the manager thought.

"Villains, you say well define a villain to me then? Is it someone that breaks the law or someone that hurts others to make themselves feel better or for monetary gain of some kind, or maybe even someone that hurts others for the fun of it all? So tell me what is a villain exactly?" Sephiroth asked

"A villain is someone that does exactly what you're stating sir, what are you trying to get at?" Manager asks, having a bad feeling right now. If you could see under Sephiroth's mask you would see him having a smirk on his face because he just trapped him.

Raising his hand to his earpieces "Sombra do it" "Right you got it boss" it is then that on the projector screen behind Endeavor it shows information on all the things there were mentioned earlier be it the total cost of property damage and injured/killed citizens since his debut as a hero the amount when shown like this was staggering. This man has caused billions in damage meaning that all of the normal citizens have been the ones paying for it. Some of them got to thinking that it makes sense as to why their taxes have gone up if this information is true.

Then when they saw the amount of injuries and people killed they were quite shocked. This man alone has supposedly killed dozens of civilians and injured several hundred during his time as a hero. This is their number 2 hero and they have been praising him isn't he no better than a villain then. It got them thinking what is a hero then. The PR manager officially knew they were fucked at this point, they paid off a lot of people to bury this information and he knew that what this man was showing was true and if others were to look into it they would find that what is being shown is all true. 'I'm so fired' he thought

"So tell me number 2 hero Endeavor, are you really a hero or are you a villain in disguise this whole time because to me you look worse than any other villain known to date" Sephiroth asked, making the other reports and sidekicks mutter among themselves.

Endeavor couldn't say quite anymore after this "Listen here you little weakling, I am a hero, the number 2 hero and just because a few people get hurt here and there and a little property gets damaged isn't a big deal when I'm stopping a villain from running rampage in the city." he shouted which sealed his fate ultimately with the general public and their view of him took a massive hit. 'Is a dozen deaths and a few hundred people injured and billions in damage something to dismiss so easily, not it wasn't.' they thought.

"Ah but what I find interesting is that the villain you caught today was a simple purse catcher that got lucky too many times. Does that mean if left alone he would destroy the whole city or maybe even conquer the world if left unchecked for too long?" Sephiroth said with clear sarcasm in his voice.

"No he wouldn't, but in your weird sense of justice he had to be brought down no matter what and during your capture of him you caused several hundred thousands of damage to property and injured 8 people in your pursuit of him. The best thing about this is that when the purse was returned it only had a single 100 dollar bill in it, so tell me was all that damage you caused worth it in the end?"

"Face it you're nothing more than a villain yourself that is using his popularity and position in society to do what he wants."

"Seize this villain NOW." Yelled Endeavor unable to control himself any longer. Many of the security guards were hesitant to take action after all that they heard and some of the sidekicks that were there as well but there was one that didn't mind listening to what her boss said. His sidekick Moe Kamiji or better known as Burnin she was someone that had a hot temper which is most likely due to her quirk that lets her control her hair freely which happens to be made out of fire.

"Why don't you surrender now and I won't have to burn you to get you to comply." She said and once she took a step forward, Sephiroth turned to look at her and released some of his killing intent on her and stared right into her eyes with his glowing green cat-like eyes making her stop right in her tracks and start to have a cold sweat on her whole body. While his killing intent was released many of the people around noticed how cold it got all of a sudden but that was all because Sephiroth was only targeting Burnin with his intent.

'I am going to die aren't I, I can tell that if I make any sudden movement I will be cut down without even seeing him move. What kind of monster did we bring on ourselves.' were her thoughts while she was shaking and on the verge of pissing herself out of fear. Sephiroth only stared at her for a few moments but to her it felt like hours and when he turned his head back to Endeavor she was finally relieved that this monster wasn't looking at her anymore and collapsed on the floor with a small puddle underneath her of what only she knew.

No one else made a move on him after seeing this happen to Burnin and decided to all take a wait and see approach. Seeing that no one else was making a move after he ordered them to Endeavor was getting so angry that you could see it in his flames, they were going wild and semi out of control. "Enough I'll handle this myself" he yells then leaves the center stage and makes heavy steps toward Sephiroth leaving behind burning holes wherever he steps.

Rising up to the challenge also walks to Endeavor in a slow pace not at all bothering that an angry number 2 hero was coming his way to most likely burn him to a crisp. Once they were within arm reach of each other Sephiroth whispered something that only Endeavor could hear "If you so much as touch me then I'll let the world know of how you treat your family." hearing this Endeavor couldn't help but make a surprised expression on his face till he was able to mask his surprise from everyone else.

Whispering back as best he could with his rising anger "What do you want from me?" he asked back. Sephiroth took this opportunity to get even closer and was now side to side with him and whispered back "Simple I want you to stop supporting the Jinx family. While this looks bad it could be so much worse if the world was to know how the number 2 hero treated his loving family. Do you think you could handle that on top of this recent information coming to light."

"You did all of this for me to stop supporting the Jinx family, why go about it this way if that was all that you wanted." Endeavor whispered back while grinding his teeth. "Would you have listened otherwise to me, I just gave you a taste of the despair I can give you just imagine what it would be like if they learned of your family as well."

'What kind of monster has targeted me all of a sudden, must be the Jinx family's enemy and now I'm caught in the cross hair. Once this is over they are DEAD' Endeavor thought "What guarantee do I have that you will honor your word?"

"Simple you don't" Once Endeavor heard this he knew he was at the mercy of this guy in a mask and this was something that didn't sit well with him because he sees everyone as a weakling compared to himself so for someone to make him feel weak wasn't that he could take and he lashed out at this overcome with extreme angry.

Endeavor quickly sent a flaming fist at Sephiroth's face complete sure that he wouldn't be able to react given how close they were to each other but he was surprised that Sephiroth not only dodged the fist, he was actually able to catch it but that wasn't all that happened he covered his hand in extremely cold ice on his palm cancelling Endeavors flames attack. If he hadn't done that then the fist would have exploded upon impact not only hitting Sephiroth but all the others around them as well and considering that they were in the middle of the reporters would have led to a lot of injuries.

"I see negotiations have broken down, I'm not surprised." Sephiroth said while shaking his head slightly, using the fist he is still holding and throws Endeavor high up into the air and impaling him on the ceiling. Endeavor didn't have a chance to respond because of how quick everything happened 'What just happened he didn't look to have a strength enhancement quirk.' Endeavor thought while he was stuck in the ceiling looking down on the crowd making them all gasp at the sudden turn of events.

Finally one of the reporters worked up the courage to say something "By attacking him you are no different than a villain." he yells out and several of the reporters nod their head agreeing with him. "He attacked me first remember or did you think a flaming fist to the face is him saying hi to me. That was nothing but self defense." Sephiroth answered back 'Honestly it would be easier to just kill him but if I destroy his credibility as a hero I won't have to kill him, crippling should be just fine. I don't want to deal with the whole hero society gunning for me for killing him. Now let's see what this so called hero does next.' he thought while staring at the ceiling waiting for Endeavors next actions.

Most of the reporters were muttering among themselves after they heard Sephiroth because he wasn't wrong Endeavor attacked him first and by law he was allowed to defend himself. Endeavor then super-heated the ceiling around him to get himself unstuck and fell toward the ground landing in a superhero pose (You should know what I mean).

"ALRIGHT THAT IT, YOUR GOING DOWN VILLAIN!!!" He screamed and charged toward Sephiroth while he just got into a defensive stance waiting for him to get closer.

Alright I know I said fight scene this chapter but I had to charge some things since most people wanted him crippled so now next chapter fight scene.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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