
First Catch (PT-2)

"Nurse Joy I would like to heal my two new Pokémon."

He placed the Pokéballs in the tray and handed them to the pink-haired nurse. She nodded and handed the tray to a pink Pokémon that he had seen for the first time. As the Pokémon was walking away he pretended to bring out the Pokédex from his pocket and scanned it.

(("Chansey the gentle and kind-hearted Pokémon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon."))

"It gives away its eggs? Ooh, it can also use a move called Heal Pulse? "

Since one of the Bellsprouts was in pretty rough condition he figured that it would take some time for them to fully heal. Ethan didn't know much about Bellsprouts so he decided that he would spend his time looking more into them and what they could accomplish in the future.

He looked through the books and found several that had information on Bellsprouts. "So Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, and Wrap were the moves that they used while we battled….. Razor leaf can cut through trees and even cut stone!... No wonder Pidgey didn't want to get so close, if it wasn't because my dagger was made from Lindwyrm claws then could it be possible that I wasn't going to be able to avoid its attacks?"

After doing some more research Ethan was satisfied with the Bellsprouts and their potential growth. "Sleep and Poison powder, Stun Spores, and Acid are all very helpful. Pidgey finds the targets and the two Bellsprouts take them out. The books mention medicine like antidote and awaking potions which help Pokémon alleviate the sleep and poison attacks. I should buy both of these, we were lucky not to have crossed these attacks but who knows what we might face in the future."

After putting everything away he put went back to the first floor, it was still about 3 pm and he didn't want to waste another day. When he came down he found the nurse in her desk that she was usually in, "Umm Nurse Joy are my Pokémon healed yet?"

The nurse's usual friendly face became angry as she reached into her desk and brought out a tray with two Pokéballs. "Listen I know that you are a new Pokémon trainer but that's no excuse for treating your Pokémon in such a way. As your Pokémon were healing I noticed that one of them had injuries from being stepped on. Such abuse is not tolerated here, and if I see anything like that again I will make sure that your trainer license is revoked!"

'Looks like I really overdid it.....I don't want to get on her bad side after all the Pokémon Center is really important for lodging and healing of Pokémon... If I play my cards correctly I might actually benefit from this. According to the system, I don't actually need them to know who I am to get RP points. As long as people react to actions or events that I cause and blame it on an identity then I'll get the points.'

He took the Pokéballs and put them into his pockets, "Nurse Joy, I can see that you love Pokémon and I respect that but before you make assumptions you should try to hear out the person you are accusing. I went out to catch some Pokémon. That's when I found the injured Bellsprout, as I was about to catch it I was almost hit by a Razor Leaf of the other one. Pidgey managed to beat the Bellsprout in a battle and I caught both. As I ran back here to have you heal them I met a kid wearing black clothing. He told me that I made a mistake catching them since they were weak and then he and the Fearow he was on flew off."

Nurse Joy's facial expression eased somewhat but he could tell that she wasn't completely buying it. 'Well, since she cares so much about Pokémon then maybe this will do it.'

Ethan brought out Pidgey and the brown bird flew into his shoulder, "Pidgey, Nurse Joy here thinks that we are the ones that injured the Bellsprout we found laying on the ground. Wasn't there another kid on the Fearow that probably did it?"

Pidgey quickly nodded and flew down on the desk stomping at it with one leg and then flying off. When it flew back on his shoulder Ethan patted its head, "Well I didn't see the kid actually stomping on it but since Pidgey was flying high it probably saw more than me."

Nurse Joy's angry expression was now completely gone and she gave a short bow, "I'm very sorry, it's just that I saw how badly the Pokémon was hurt and I got angry. I can't believe there are trainers who are capable of doing such a thing."

He shook his head, "I understand just let people explain next time. Anyway, now that that's clear, can you tell me where I would be able to buy medicines like antidote and awaking?"

She quickly nodded, "Oh yes, you can find all that on the building next door."

Ethan thanked her and went towards the shop.

After walking into the PokéMart Ethan asked for the potions that he needed and while he was there he spotted some Pokéballs. After spending 1200 Pokédollars he now had 6 Pokéballs and the potions that he was looking for.

Now that he had everything he needed, Ethan ran outside the city to a place that seemed empty, since he wasn't looking for Pokémon to catch at the moment he didn't have to go too far out before finding an appropriate spot that had nothing but large stones, grass, and a few trees and bushes.

He ordered Pidgey to prepare to use Sand Attack in case the Bellsprouts attacked when he got them out of the Pokéball. From what he understood once you catch a Pokémon it will obey your orders but he still found it hard to believe.

After a bright light came out of the Pokéballs the two Pokémon appeared. When they saw him they began making an odd dance before they slowly began walking forward.



They didn't seem to show any signs of anger so he stopped them and pointed at a nearby rock.

"Use Razor leaf"

Almost as soon as he had finished giving the order 6 leaves were shot towards a large rock, seconds later the rock was cleanly sliced into several pieces.

'Well looks like the books weren't exaggerating, it also looks like as long as I trap a Pokémon inside a Pokéball I'll be able to tame them.'

"Kay then since both of you seem to be in perfect shape let's get training..... Pidgey get down here!.... Okay listen up, Pidgey, when we are looking for Pokémon to capture you are going to be my eyes in the sky and for the moment you are also our ticket out. If one of us is heavily injured or if we don't stand a chance against the enemy you will cover us. Bellsprouts you will both wrap the enemy using your vines."

'The plan was that these two would tie down the enemy Pokémon while they shot their Razor leaves. After that little demonstration with the rock, I feel that all I'm going to end up with are slabs of meat.'

"Is there any way that you two can make your Razor leaves a little weaker? I don't want to kill the Pokémon."

The two Bellsprouts nodded and shot another volley of Razor leaves. This time they gave some very shallow cuts at the bark of a nearby tree.

"Alright that looks good, if you two ever see that your attacks are ineffective you can start increasing the power alright?"



"Great, for now, Pidgey we can start working on your strength. Bellsprouts we will work on your accuracy, I noticed during our fight that both of you are not that good at hitting moving targets. Now let's see, what can we use?...….. Bellsprouts that rock you guys cut up earlier cut them to pieces that are about this size…"

Once the rock was broken down to pieces that Pidgey could carry, Ethan had Pidgey carry one and drop it at an angle. One of the Bellsprouts was partnered with Pidgey and its job was to use razor leaf on the falling stone. This way he was able to knock out two birds with one stone, almost literally. Pidgey should gain some strength after carrying all the rocks and Bellsprout's accuracy should increase.

"Alright, now that those two got something to do, you are with me. Your job is to try to capture me using your vines. I read in one of the books that Bellsprouts are good at dodging attacks so while you try to capture me you need to dodge my attacks."


Since the Pokémon had agreed Ethan didn't wait any longer. Now that he had rested his mana pool was completely restored. He brought out his dagger and charged at the twig Pokémon. He was surprised that the Pokémon didn't use its vines even though he was getting extremely close.

Ethan tried hitting the Pokémon with the hilt of the dagger but Bellsprout's odd movements allowed it to dodge Ethan's attack. Right as Ethan missed his hand was suddenly wrapped by the vine and he was flung to the air.

'Interesting looks to me like I would have been in serious trouble if Pidgey hadn't used gust when it did.'

After about an hour or two he rotated the two Bellsprouts so that they both could work on their Razor Lead, Wrap, and dodging.

"Well, that's enough for today take a good rest. Tomorrow we will make sure to get a lot of companions."

The three pokemon nodded and responded with loud voices as they were called back into their Pokéballs.

"I'm glad that I can choose which Pokéball to take out of my storage by simply thinking about it. Saves a lot of time and makes summoning them out a lot more reliable."

After going back to the Pokémon Center and enjoying the shower Ethan laid down and began analyzing his day. "Nurse Joy was pretty angry at me….."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Host: Ethan Guerrier]

[Reputation Points: 277.5 RP]

- RP records

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Upgrade: 2,000,000 RP]

[Unlock Host's World: 250,000 RP]

[Unlock New World: 500,000 RP]

[World Week Pass: 5,000 RP]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"((RP Records))"

[Nurse Joy is impressed (+1)] (11hr, 23M)

[Gary Oak is impressed (+1)] (9hr,46M)

[Brock is annoyed (+0.5)] (8hr,40M)

[Brock is jealous (+10)] (8hr,38M)

[Brock is thankful (+0.5)] (8hr,35M)

[Bellsprout feels angry (+0.5)] (6hr,19M)

[Bellsprout feels angry (+0.5)] (6hr,19M)

[Earned Pidgey's respect (+10)] (6hr,18M)

[Bellsprout feels scared (+0.5)] (6hr,17M)

[Bellsprout feels scared (+0.5)] (6hr,17M)

[Nurse Joy feels furious (+10)] (5hr,36M)

[Nurse Joy feels sorry (+0.5)] (5hr,35M)

[Nurse Joy feels grateful (+1)] (5hr,35M)

[Nurse Joy feels angry (+0.5)] (5hr,35M)

[Nurse Joy feels furious (+10)] (5hr,34M)

[Earned joy's respect (+10)] (5hr,34M)

[Flint is impressed (+1)] (4hr,47M)

[Earned Bellsprout's respect (+10)] (4hr,44M)

[Earned Bellsprout's respect (+10)] (4hr,44M)

[Gained Flint's respect (+10)] (4hr,42M)

[Sandshrew is impressed (+1)] (3hr,27M)

"Who the hell is Brock? This is the second day that I get points from him without even meeting him…. About 9 hours ago, I think that's when I was with Gary at the gym. Was this Brock there? Could it be that Brock was the Gym Leader? If he was then why was he jealous of me and if I scroll back up he was also jealous yesterday. Well, whatever, points are points and so far he is giving me a fortune worth of points."

Ethan looked carefully at the list and he couldn't help but be surprised, 'More strangers huh Flint and Sandshrew, four hours ago was when I when we were training which means that we had some visitors without us knowing. It also looks like I gained Pidgey's and Bellsprouts' respect by showing them my skills, that explains why Pidgey just looked at me while I was fighting the two Bellsprouts. To make things even better I also managed to get points from Nurse Joy. Having the ability to get points while not having to stick with one identity makes things easier, I can cause some troubles using another identity and make some bank. like father used to say.'

As he thought about the possibility of going back home Ethan couldn't wait to get started, he thought about the things he could do to gain a bad reputation. He wanted points but at the same time, but he was torn on deciding how far he wanted to go. His father had taught him that as long as something got in the way of his survival then it could all go to hell.

'Though it's not a life or death situation it's something I need to do, father. Everything should be alright as long as not too many innocents die. As for how I can raise my evil reputation, the simplest way that I can think of at the moment is taking over the small gangs around the city. This way not only would I not have to worry about money but also points. To be able tp do this it seems that the goal is still the same, I need to get stronger Pokémon.'

'That reminds me of another issue earlier today Nurse Joy was asked to find the type of Pokémon that killed the Machop. If I take over I'm going to have to kill and Nurse Joy is the one who heals my Pokémon so she might be able to make the connection. Not only that but she might tell the Professor about the different Pokémon that I caught which could attract attention since trainers are supposed to only be carrying 6 Pokéballs at a time. To solve both these issues I need to catch a Pokémon that can heal others like the Chansey that she has.'

Ethan nodded and prepared to sleep, 'Now that I have to worry about this it looks like I have to rethink my way of catching these Pokémon. The Pokémon are pretty much like beasts from my old world so they should have highly developed senses, I wonder if I can use the technique that my father showed me. If it works then I'll be able to catch them without injuring them too much so I should be able to avoid having to take them to Nurse Joy. The thing that I'm worried about is how this method might affect the Pokémon once they are caught.'

"I guess we will find out tomorrow morning."

Fun fact:

The average weight of a rhino horn is about 2.5 kilograms or about 5.5lbs. It looks pretty heavy but since it's made out of keratin which is the same material that makes up your hair and your nails it's lighter than it looks.

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts