
Life is Like Sakura Tree


Qin Jian looked back and saw that Qirui had fallen down, he immediately walked back to help him up.

"Qirui, in this time of crisis we need to be strong, especially you. Don't fall down so easily", said Qin Jian with a concerned look, out of the two, Qirui was more soft-going and kind-hearted, these past days were a living nightmare for him.

As Qin Jian tried to pull Qirui up, the latter groaned painfully in reply.

Qin Jian frowned, he felt something was not right.

[Is he having a mental breakdown? But that doesn't seem right...], he thought.

Qin Jian immediately carried Qirui on his back and proceeded to make his way to the Village Square and laid Qirui on one of the beds, which were formerly meant for the infected people.

Looking at the painful gasping of his brother, Qin Jian had a terrible feeling. He looked for some tea leaves at home and then brewed over some tea for Qirui.

Soon, Qin Jian poured some tea for his brother, "Brother Qirui, have some tea maybe you would feel better."

Qirui hands were trembling a bit when he took the cup of tea, after a sip or two, he suddenly felt various muscles all over his body were cramping, he groaned painfully as he threw the cup away.

Qin Jian became very worried, this was obviously not normal, "Brother Qirui, what's wrong? You look really pale."

Without giving a reply, Qirui only twisted and turned about in the bed, howling continuously in pain. Qin Jian frowned, and looking at Qirui's eyes which slowly became blood-shot, a terrible realization struck him! Qirui was showing signs of being infected.

[How can this be? Could brother Qirui be infected as well?!], Qin Jian quickly tore-off Qirui's clothes, looking at his upper-body which was completely covered with pale-white dots, Qin Jian knew his assumption was correct. And clearly, Qirui wasn't infected just now, but many hours back.

Qin Jian felt his world-breaking down completely, first the Villagers, then his father.... and now his brother.

Qin Jian was filled with despair, pain, sadness and anger.

He clenched his fist tightly as he looked at Qirui, who continuously coughed out in pain. After a while when Qirui felt a bit better, he looked up and saw that Qin Jian was staring at him. His expression, grim and furious.

"Why do you look so angry, Lil Jian?", coughed out Qirui.

"You know why I am angry. How long have you been hiding this from me!", said Qin Jian with a stern look.

Qirui was stumped for words. It was only then that he realized that his upper-clothing had been taken off and his skin which was covered in pale-white dots, could be clearly seen.

"Haha, so you found out.", said Qirui as he looked towards the nearby hills which were covered in beautiful Sakura trees, that was the place where the rest of the Villagers rested.

"Were you planning to hide this from me till the very end?! Do you even consider me as your brother?!", said Qin Jian, his eyes red with anger and sadness.

Qirui sighed, "I didn't want to hurt you, I know you are already going through a lot with the deaths of our father and the Villagers….but you pretend to be strong."

Qin Qirui looked towards the bright skies which were darkening at the moment, "Lil Jian, I don't have much time left, so can you fulfill a wish of mine?"

"Brother, Everything will be fine! Father said that in the far-east there is an immensely powerful organization that could solve everything and anything!....", Qin Jian didn't continue anymore. He knew even if such an organization did exist, to reach there would probably take months or even a year, but his brother barely had an hour left.

Qin Jian didn't want to see his brother die. When his father and other Villagers died, he was left heartbroken and now, if his only brother dies….that was like asking for his life already!

Qirui knew what his Lil brother was thinking, he merely chuckled, "Bring me to Father's grave, under that huge Sakura tree, I want to be buried there."

Qin Jian didn't say anything, but he knew there wasn't anything he could do now. Perhaps if he and the rest of the Villagers had listened to his father and left the Village, then the casualties would have been low and most of the Villagers would have survived.

But Qin Jian didn't like it when he thought about those infected Villagers lying in pain awaiting their deaths without the presence of their loved-ones to support them in their time of need. In fact, all the Villagers thought this way, they were like one big family and cherished their bonds! That was why none of them left even when they were told to.

Qin Jian carried his brother on his back and walked towards the small hills which were covered in Sakura trees.

The whole time he didn't say anything as he quietly took Qirui there.

But one could easily see the immense sorrow and helplessness in his eyes.

On top of the most-prominent hill, there was a tall Sakura tree which was surrounded by other Sakura trees; on most days the sight would be considered as beautiful, but now that place was filled with tombstones.

Under that tall-Sakura tree, there was a tombstone labelled: Qin Yijun.

This was the grave of their father, the Village Chief of the Harvest Village.

Qin Jian put down Qirui beside the grave, as per the latter's request.

Looking at the tomb, Qin Jian felt guilty and sorrowful once again. Qin Yijun was not only his father but also his teacher who had taught him sword arts.

There was an utter silence, even the chirping of birds couldn't be heard. After a while, it started to snow as the skies were darkened.

Qirui broke the silence, " Father, I am sorry. I have failed you, I had promised to keep the Villagers safe, but ultimately everyone died."

"Perhaps even if given a second chance, we would all still be willing to stay back and support each other. That is how we, the people of the Harvest Village are.", said Qirui, his eyes unusually clear as if it could see through the truth of life itself.

Qirui suddenly started to coughing and spurting blood in pain, the infection that he had forcefully suppressed with nothing but pure willpower could no longer be contained.

Within moments, his whole body was completely covered in pale-white dots, his muscles were cramping continuously. The forceful suppression of the infection had backfired and it was now many times more intense.


Qirui no longer had any strength left, as he continuously threw up blood and laid powerlessly on the ground.

"QIRUIIIII!!" Qin Jian who was reminiscing about the past suddenly snapped out of his daze and rushed and caught hold of Qirui.

Looking at Qirui, he knew the latter had only a few more moments left to live. He teared up, looking at his brother who was more important to him than his own life dying before his eyes, even the most heartless person would feel sorrow.

As Qin Jian's tears continuously fell on Qirui's face, the latter who was already at death's door, suddenly found some strength returning to his body.

But Qirui knew this strength was temporary and something one could only muster before their final moments.

Qirui coughed some blood, then moved his hands towards his waist and tucked out his sword and pushed it towards Qin Jian.

Qin Qirui could barely speak, but he still managed to utter a few words, " Jian…..This Sword...I'll...give it… to..you..."

"No! I don't want it!" Qin Jian felt his soul tearing away, his eyes wholly reddened with grief and extreme pain.

"This sword...as you know.. Is The Sword Of Promise…, I'll give... it.to..you...In exchange of...a promise...from you" Qirui felt his breath getting weaker, he knew his time was near.

"Shut up!" Qin Jian cried out.

Seeing Qin Jian's eyes which were completely reddened due to his continuous crying, Qirui felt a strange warmth in his heart. Although his life was short; but knowing Qin Jian, who would even be willing to die for him, made him feel satisfied with his life.

He could only pray that perhaps in his next life he would have a brother like Qin Jian.

With a bright smile, Qirui said, "Promise me….Live!...Live for me!... For all of us!..*Cough* *Cough*.."

Seeing his brother making a last request, even if he didn't feel like living, he would still live on! For his brother!

"Brother...for you...I'll live on..", Qin Jian accepted Qirui's sword, his eyes filled with immense grief as he decided to fulfil his brother's last wish.

Qin Qirui felt as if a huge burden was taken down from his shoulders, his smile was especially radiant, which showed the beauty of life that was on the brink of death.

"Cough*... There is...one...thing...left now...", Qirui who clenched his fist and threw a punch on Qin Jian's crying face.

Qin Jian didn't dodge, there was no force behind that punch.

"Ouch" Qin Jian played along, he knew what his brother was trying to do.

"Hehe, Cough* I've...defeated...you once…. Which ...means...I've fulfilled… my...promise…", coughed out Qirui.

As he felt his death approaching, Qirui felt his vision was unusually clear, as if he could see through the myriad truths of life itself.

"Qirui...." Qin Jian's voice had become bleak and unwilling.

Qirui radiantly smiled, "Don't...be..sad....we....are...all...like....the...Sakura..trees...wilting..and...blooming."

Qirui felt his time had come, he felt surrounded by warmth and the next moment his clear eyes became pale and dull.

"Qirui….? Qirui…? Hey! Qirui…?", with tears on his face, Qin Jian kept calling out his brother, yet all that was heard were the thundering clouds which were followed by heavy raining as if they were mourning.

"Qirui…! Wake Up..! Please Wake Up..! Qirui…!" Qin Jian howled as he drenched in the rain.

The thunder in the skies roared as if piercing through heavens, and the rain fell down like tears.


And at that moment, great sorrow was cast over the ruined world.

*hic* *hic*

Why do you need to die!?

*tears out*

Thanks for reading this chapter.

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