
Chapter 334

"Speechless " " We are not here to start a baseless argument. All I know is that it would serve as a special gift to Selom, that kid is damn worried about her children's future and she's also curious to know the children's father "

"You're right,it will be a special gift to her which will be cherished and remembered forever"

(Smiles) 'Finally at least just this once you've agreed with me' Elyrex muttered.

They both left the tower in laughter and headed down to a place where they could begin the life they have planned inorder to find the father to the triplets.

They were ready for this knowing that it pays to be obedient than to sacrifice oneself for purnishment even though it was never Selom who seeked the kids be gifted. The kids been gifted comes with a very difficult responsibility, they were still too young to have so much burden on their shoulders. Though the good part of it all was that the triplets would be well protected.

Waking further ahead Elyrex detected a noise, he couldn't tell from what direction it was coming from. “Blaine, can hear that sound?

“What sound?”

“Didn't you hear any sound?Listen carefully, what exactly is that sound? There is no plane around.It sounds like a plane is about to crash.Can you hear it now? Elyrex questioned. The noise was so loud how couldn't it he heard?

“ Yeah Now I can. I think the sound is coming from the cloud”

“The sound is getting closer (Looking at the cloud) But I see no plane in the sky.It doesn’t sound funny at all.”

“What do you think will be the cause for such sound? Where will such sound come from then?”Blaine questioned with a confused look

 “I can’t tell Blaine..It seems there will be a meeting with all the immortals this is because such a sound remains me of a red flare, and you know this is more like an urgent gathering”

“On what cause?”

“I can’t tell.Its just a…’’

“Okay I see, "

“Don’t you think it may be a meeting call for the immortals”

“I can’t tell. Is that what you think? ”

“Of course.”

“Ok then.We all know that if there is a meeting being an impromptu or something. We would be alerted even if not instant, bit such a meeting is do sudden. A notice should have been given days before.”

"Well…you are right"

While they both try to figure out that which was happening… Some set of Beings showed up in the cloud dropping down like they were rain drops.Looking closely..They began to see some beings alighting the sky. 

This is something that only the immortals could see for themselves. No being can witness this. This is because they all came in an invincible form, it was just like a method of security. The secret of the Immortal have been a secret because they don't talk about it often and if they do one wouldn't believe a word they say.

There were many cases where extraordinary beings would come over to investigate things all by themselves taking different shapes and sizes.

 A gigantic tree would came to earth in form of beings to carry out the investigation and get the culprit. Knowing fully that the culprit will be dead since he or she wasn't captured.

They ought to figure out its destination before it gets into wrong hands and also manipulated.From the remarked history...such theft has been attempted countless time.This…Blaine and Elyrex got surprised.Never has such happened. 

This was something strange to Elyrex and Blaine. They got to figure out that they alone could see the agents alighting from the sky when a mortal wondered what was going on despite looking into the sky. He had his eyes fixed to the sky watching the dark clouds hovering all over the place but never noticed the agents.

 The earth became dark with thunderstorm all around striking to the ground which caused chaos over the place.Such lighting put certain buildings and cars on fire.

No mortal could tell what was going on at that moment at all.

All they could do was to run for their dear life which many did as they all shouted ‘Natural Disater’ looking for shelter a place to hide It was like an ancient dead creature has awaken to devour them.

  At this very spot…The two old men were on their way to prepare ahead for the mission they both planned for. It was quite a wrong timing for them because no one will concentrate on that which they were about to do in order to achieve their plan.

Looking at the occuring scenes…they concluded what it was according to their view.

“Seems they are heavenly agents.”. The curious Elyrex said

“Of course they are.You don’t have to think twice about whom they are and I am not blind" Blaine responded with a glare 

“ But what could be going on?”Elyrex questioned. Just as always he was the curious one, the one who was always in for gossips.

“Well as you can see the earth is about to be blown away (sigh) I have never seen nor heard about such eversince my existence, let's run for our lives.I Don't know why its in existence now.Probably..It could be a new rule to visit earth once a time” Blaine said giving Elyrex a strange look. Elyrex was indeed speechless, what a damn answer! What was he expecting?


While Blaine kept his wondering to himself not like Elyrex. Blaine was always calm and collected no matter what but Elrex was totally different. He tapped an agent.

It wasn’t a surprise to the agent that he could see him nor the fact that he could touch him.He knew only immortals could see and touch them and wasn't surprised at all."

“You can see us.No doubt,You are an immortal. Find the book!” The agent said and order in a loud deep voice then giving out a strict straight command as he walked away.

Blaine had a smile on his face which he couldn't hold back, he loved such things beyond measures. Elyrex on the other hand, was like a woman who went shopping, he had so many things on his mind at the same time. He was happy that his question was attended to.

With a con smile on his face, Adams tapped Elyrex to give him the update to end his cause for questioning.

“What’s it with the smile Blaine?” Elyrex said as he shivered. He knew his friend very much, he wouky only had such smiles if he was up to something. And each time the 'something' would be very bad.

“I’ve got aswers” Blaine said winking, this was totally very strange. Elyrex was beginning to doubt his real personality.

“What answers? From where have you gotten them?”Elyrex questioned

“Elyrex, He is talking about a book”

“Who is talking about a book” Elyrex said smiling so hard. You could easy tell that he was interested in gossips.

“The Agent”

“Ok…what is it about a book?” Elyrex said sounding very confused, he didn't understand anything at all. What does a book got to do with so much commotion?

“He asks that we find the book?” Blaine said rolling his eyes at Elyrex he still wasn't getting the point at all 

“What book? ”Elyrex questioned looking confused.

(Speechless) "I never knew you were this dumb. Even a one year old kid would have gotten the point I am trying to make" Blaine said with a glare.

"I still don't understand, what does all this have to do with a book?" He asked

"Were you deaf? Didn't you hear what that man had said earlier before leaving? Things weren't this hard for you to understand when you were dealing with the devil"

(Speechless) "Here we go again, you would pick up the dirt and rub it happily on my face as always. Can't you just explain a damn thing without involving my old self?" Elyrex said with a long sigh, this has become something he had to live with. Anyways he knew Blaine very well, he didn't mean his words the way they sounded. Elyrex didn't actually feel that bad about the whole stuff, it was already a phase in his life, it was just getting very boring to have to hear such things over and over again.

"Is that really the case, it seems you are beginning to understand what I am saying?" Blaine said

“I should be asking you if you know about any book, sorry to burst those bubbles of yours (smiles) I still don't understand a thing”

"I see, what I am saying right now is that it seems a book got missing and all of them has been dispatched just to find the missing book" he replied with a big grin

(Speechless) "You don't have to smile so much I already got your point. Your message has been successfully passed across "

"But it took a lot of time, thanks goodness the girls didn't take anything from you. They would have been very dumb and stupid"


For some minutes…they maintained silence trying to derive the picture of what they were told to find.Being an immortal, it shouldn't be stressful to locate a book.But such cannot be done using powers,they knew it will be some sort of important book being the cause for the arrival of the agents.It is no mere ordinary book.It must be known for a great value. 

There over at there one kingdom in their library every book had a tracking system on it especially those ones which were important. Though they could never be stolen but they didn't want to risk such a thing.

“Blaine, Have you thought of any?”

“(Nods) Not yet Elyrex, i haven’t”



“Well…im still trying to figure that out.I think there is an important book that suit this samtatus and search as well”

Hearing that, Blaine gave his full attention awaiting more of Elyrex's answer to it. 

They gave it sometime to think through hoping they arrive at the actual.

“Blaine..tell me,what other book exist in the immortal worlds than the Book of Confused Characters? “Elyrex questioned with his mouth open.

“you are right…the book of confused character…that is the greatest”Blaine repeated trying to capture its full picture from within.

“Yes…The book of confused charcter.That is the greatest of all”Blaine continued admitting to what Elyrex had say.

“That’s it.The book of confused characters” Elyrex said

“Oh no…seems someone has taken it.It has gone missing.”


“ Seems someone has stolen it.”

“Yeah..that's it.Either stolen or taken.That is the main reason why they came all the way down here”

“But I very well know this…No one takes the book and remain alive. It will be unlucky if it falls into the wrong hands”

“You are right. We ought to end our mission and find the book immediately”

“Wait a minute. Don’t you think they were about to wake up the ten lords over the gift given to the kids?”

“Of course, that’s exactly what it was.”

They never thought of a way to handle the submission if they haven’t found the father to the kids yet were concerned about the missing book. Indeed it is a great treasure in the immortal world that ought to be cherished in good hands.

“ (Recalled) But Blaine…we are forgetting something”

“What are we forgetting?”

“Come to think of it.It might be a goodluck to us”

“(Laughs) Goodluck?What goodluck are you referring to?”


“There is no such thing as goodluck in this case.We are immortals, we ought to help out with this.”

“You are right Blaine.Just take a minute to think this through”

“Really?Are you sure you didn’t take the book?”



“You sound like the thief”

“As you earlier said…No one who steal the book remains alive” 

“I never said it wrong”.

“If so…why then do you have me here with you?”

“I can’t tell if I should trust you with the words I heard from you>”

“Hmm…You don’t have to trust me Blaine. Listen, it's was the common sense I intend to share with you,”


“I think this is the chance we have been waiting for”

“Common..Speak up.When you sound this way…I doubt being a smart person.Don’t make me stress my mind over this.Tell me”

“Well…Since they are in search of the book…we can use this time to carry out our research.The missing book will delay the required time for submission”

“Oh…is that?”


“Sounds like a good plan.You are a genius”


“But Elyrex…”


“Emm… I think you have missed something. Haven’t you?”

“Really? Tell me…What’s that that I have missed?”

“Really…you’ve missed something”

“Oh…Ok…Call my attention to it.What is that which I missed?”

“Elyrex…You’ve missed a nut in your head! Don’t you think so? Seems you’ve lost your senses.”

“ (Surprised) Why will you say such a thing? How did I lose my senses?”

“Hmm….Elyrex…Don’t you know that it can’t work that way?”

“Tell me.”Elyrex said giving his full attention to understand where Blaine is driving at.

“ You aren’t much of an old man and you are thinking like one already.You spoke about us being young brave men at the tower.And here you are speaking like an old man.”


“Have you forgotten that without the book…”

“Yes…Without the book…They can’t carry out the submission. (Laughs) That's what summons them all”

(Surprised) "What's funny?" Elyrex couldn't help but ask

"The Key ingredient is lost, that's why they are all weak. All this long procedures makes the whole things complicated. Why would your whole appearance depend on a book?" Blaine replied 

“And what the hell are you saying?Let me talk”


“As I earlier said…without the book..when the time is due and it’s not found nor is the submission carried out,There will be a great disaster because the ten lords will get angry.you very well know that they are capable of destroying the immortals and their world for that as a punishment.”

“You are right” Blaine said nodding constantly. This was a sign that he wasn't listening to anything but Elyrex still continued, he didn't care at all. He just felt like sharing his knowledge after all he had vast experience when it come to travelling around the world and this had helped him gather so many knowledge.

“So..If you have forgotten the power they possess then please 'Recall' it”


“In as much as we urgently need to carry out our research…We also have to search for the missing book”Blaine explained

“You are right.I never thought about that.Had my focus on how to help out Selom to avoid the consequences forgetting that which will happen if they don’t find the missing book before then”

“If that the case…We very well know that after the ten lords are woken…they also perform somethings within certain duration. That can delay the submission process which we will make use of as an advantage.”

“Same smart man you’ve been. You have a point.You've said it all. Then…Let’s deal with it. For sure such a system was totally broken but this was the same means the came to seek answers. They had to amend it somehow.


The cloud has gotten so dark and stormy that people had no option than to park wherever they found themselves awaiting the storm to end.They couldn’t compare themselves to the immortals who worked in the storm and whirl wind.All they saw were humans risking their lives.They never knew it was something beyond a mortal reach.