
Chapter 319

"We appreciate that"

"So tell me…how long will it take?"

"We have passed the first Three Bridges.Those are the difficult paths on the way. We should be there by 8pm tomorrow."Lily said(lifting up the curtain to check the environment through the window.


"Yes.With average speed…We should be there on time before 8pm"

"Ok ma'am"

" It has been over 28 hours since we left for Recca's place.There are eight more hours to go. Recca Should hold on tight we will be there."She continued

"Ok ma'am,hopefully she doesn't give up before you arrive"

"Listen..I forbid you from saying such "


"By the way..who are you?For you to have called on behalf of Recca…you're a good person"


"You mean all this while you've been speaking to someone you don't know?Well..since Recca is concerned..it's no big deal"

"Are you the doctor in charge of her delivery?"Lily ask

"Of course not. I am not a doctor ma'am"

"Who then are you?" Lily said, it is obvious that they never bothered asking who he was yet kept in touch with because of Recca. They had just assumed he was a doctor in charge of her delivery.It seems Lily had the question pop up in her mind and decided to spill it out.

"(Smiles) Well..it isn't bad that you asked.All you need to know now is that I am just the one who stood by her ever since she got pregnant"

"(Laughing) Ever Since she got pregnant? What do you mean?"

"Well..it's not far from your interpretation"

"That's so nice of you then,thank you very much for your name…." Lily said looking at Sam, WTF! She knew how much she had spent when the girl got pregnant. She wasn't talking about millions of dollars but a billion. Recca would ask for this and that not to talk about the huge amount they had to oat yer just to agree to the IVF process. Anyways Lily didn't mind because the IVF process would get in-between Recca and her Job since she is an outstanding model. So if he took all the credits then it's fine, she would let it pass. What a joker!

"Ma'am, when you come over..you will get to know my name not that alone,you will also get to know me." 

"It's ok then"

"Yes ma'am..all we need now is your presence.Recca is in this state because of you and you have to come and take responsibility before it's too late. Hope you get here soon. She is exhausted already. Seeing you may remind her the reasons why she is in this condition and will make her give birth safely to fulfil the deal.Don't miss such opportunity by wasting an Innocent Life"He said arrogantly.

Lily had a shocked look with 'WTF!' written all over her face. What was this young man on about? Luckily for him the old man wasn't around. And lucky enough she was once a human being, this gives her the opportunity to understand humans and tolerate them. She was once in that human nature. And understanding them was something she has learnt to do "I won't repeat myself again.I forbid you from saying that and I am still forbidding you from saying such.Nothing will go wrong with her. She is carrying my grandson neither she nor my grandson will lose their life.Get that into your skull and never speak negatively about her delivery." Lily said just like any human being would.

"I'm sorry then.I am just concerned about her safety.That's all.Anyone will do same if he was in my shoes"

"I understand.I won't want to speak to Recca now,I will see her when we reach there.Kindly send my regards.Goodnight" Lily said hanging up the call.

"Granny ..I could tell you got angry while on the cell,Still Recca's agent?"

"Of course.He was speaking arrogantly and in a negative direction.How could he keep mentioning death over Recca and the unborn child as a threat to hasten our journey? What a nuisance!"

(Laughs) "Now you find human beings irritating right?"

"Shameful to say this but yes, all I think about is Money nothing more. And they don't know there's more happiness in life than all this" Lily said sounding very disappointed, though she was once a human being but the family she grew up from were far different, all they ever taught her as a kid, is that God exists and he was the one she could count on. After that Kindness and Love was what her parents had constituted in her heart, this made her a very good person and also made her outstanding among all her peers. Living longer than expected had made her realize that there was more to life than Fame, Money and luxury. All these things would surely pass. What stays strong is Love and the good reputation lived on.

(Laughs)"Now you see why falling in love with one is very difficult right?"

"Don't dare try that on me, your grandfather did find me didn't he? If you want to piss me off try harder " Lily said glaring at him. She wasn't angry at Sammy at all, what was disappointing was the way the man reacted. Though she didn't want to say it, Recca and her family were always demanding even though they had enough. (Sigh) "Money would never be Enough, would it?" She said in a depressed tone. All these thoughts in her head are enough to change her mood. Some people you count on can be very disappointing.

(Laughs) "But granny the gentleman did not ask for money, you're just jumping into conclusion"

"Some things are clear even without saying a word. Just like now, I can already tell what you are up to" 

(Laughing) " Grandma, I think I will pass. Let's see how the so-called mother to be would react around me. Just as you know I hate spoilt brats and gold diggers with passion"


"Umm..Grandpa, by the smile on your face.. I can tell that you're happy."Kent said with a serious look on.

"(Smiles) Of course.. I am, I can tell that there's a change in my present mood than earlier, it's clear that I am happy, you all ain't blind"

"Speechless "

"Umm.."Adams said, nodding his head in approval, he loves it when Kent is rendered speechless.

"I and the old lady have settled our misunderstanding. I and my lovely wife are finally back together"

"Ok, why the excess smile? It's rare that you even smile"Adams questioned, he didn't know how to explain it but he felt there was something odd and new about the old man.

"Well...the thing is.. I am happy that she accepted my apology.I was afraid she wouldn't. I was afraid she will take it harsh on me"

"well, that's a good news"Strings replied

"It is good news indeed, let's eat up" Grandpa said. Looking up the old man was rendered speechless "What happened to your nose? Why does it look like it has been soaked in blood? Did you get into a fight?"

(Laughing) "If he had gotten into a fight that would be more honourable." Joey replied

"So what happened?" The old man said, looking at Adams. Though he didn't actually notice the bandage when Adams had spoken earlier, he felt the young man's voice was strange. "He bled from the sweet sugar coated words you were using on grandma " Joey spoke out again.

(Laughs) "Is that so? It seems you would have bled to death when the love between me and my wife started. My words are of about 30 percent now, then it was a full percentage"

"Speechless "

Earlier before the thought to call the old woman came in, they all remained focused while eating.Treating the food like a king it is.They gave the required respect food deserves while Kent and grandpa continued side talks. It was more like a battle talk because Kent was frowning the whole time. But after the call, a lot seems to have changed. It seems the old ld.kan was still hungry because he had spoken about going to eat. He had spent hours on the phone and even the food made specially by the devil himself would have been cold by now.

Heading back to the dining room to continue with dinner, the old man beheld empty plates which surprised him.They all were served dishes that were enough to fill them up with remnants.

Seeing the empty plates on the dining table grandpa questioned if they would be leaving that late at night.

"Some of you are done with dinner..don't tell me that you will be leaving for your place this late" grandpa said while wondering. If this wasn't the case they shouldn't be in such a rush to have dinner 

Grandpa couldn't tell if they were actually in a haste to leave or just feeling hungry that they finished the food so quickly at the blink of an eye despite the diversion of attention.

This renders them speechless, what on earth should they tell him? All they could do was send a sharp gaze at Adams, they needed his voice at his point in time but he was surprisingly not willing to speak.

"My wife is indeed a good chef,I understand why you finished up quickly.You can have more if you wish"Grandpa said with an extreme smile on his face.

"Oh no.. Grandpa we are spending the night here with you.This mansion is big to have just a person in it. It could take a crowd" Adams replied with a smile on his face of course no one want to leave such a beautiful Mansion that late at night heading for a very long journey

"Haha..my wife left me all alone in this same mansion for a long time,this wouldn't be a problem, But if that's the case why the rush?"Grandpa said with a warm smile on his face. He had his eyes glued to the empty plate.

(Clears his throat) " This is how it is grandpa, you had spent more than an hour on that romantic call of yours that you didn't notice anything that was happening around you. So we didn't rush any meal, we in fact took a lot of time" Adams explained 

"Really?" The old man said, sounding very surprised. He had never taken much time on his cellphone before, he believed such technology was useless. He had something far better like appearing wherever he wanted to talk to whoever he felt like talking to.

"Of course, you spent a lot of time. It's normal to take your time with the one you love"

"Time really flies" The old man said

"At that...we would spend the night over"Strings insisted



"That's beautiful,that's great! There are many rooms in this Mansion.Anyone will do for you as desired"

"That's kind of you Grandpa, I'll love to rest, we all had a stressful day and a very nice visitor. We need more time to heal"Joey said stretching his arms

Hearing this Kent turned around to give him a deadly glare. 'More time to heal your Ass' " he muttered. If there was anyone who needed so much time to rest it was him, the hit he got from the strange man and also the one he got from his grandfather was enough to send him to his grave.

"You received a visitor?" The old man said, sounding very surprised.

"We sure did, he helped remove the black coagulated blood we had in. From the long sleep* Adams said, remembering this event he felt a sharp pain in his chest 

"Long sleep?"

"We were here two month ago we just woke up Today" Adams replied

"Owh, each of you must have paid a visit to your private space"

"No surprisingly we didn't, it was nothing but a deep slumber "

"I see, so you boys should answer this, when was the last time you paid a visit to your space?" The old man said looking at them

"I don't know for others but I have been so busy with business to pay it a visit " Lee replied

Hearing Lee response, Adams felt it was his turn "I don't remember when last" he said sincerely 

"You" he said looking at Strings

" I only pay a visit there when I need a private and quiet place to study my books" he replied

"And when was the last time you did that?"

"Its been like two years , I have been too busy settling cases "

"What of you Joey?"

"It should be pass a year" Joey replied

"You.." He said looking at his grandson 

"7 months" Kent replied coldly he doesn't understand what the old man was about and where he was aiming at.

"That's really very bad, each of you had just gotten access to your space. The private space is just like a plant which requires care. And we all know a good tender plant wants to be loved and watered as well. When you do that, it will develop string roots and firmly hold the soil. But that won't happen if it isn't nurtured, that's how Space works." He explained

"So how does that get to do with us?" Adams asked

"That's a good question, the space does not only controls itself but it can control the owner as well when it's been neglected and you tend to lose every access to it"

"So you mean the deep slumber has something to do with the space been neglected "

(Smiles) "That's exactly what I mean. But you guys must be very tired we would talk about this another day then" He said with a long sigh

"I am indeed very tired, we all are"

"you all can stay over till My Lily is back I don't want to be lonely in the Mansion as Adams has said" grandpa suggested


"Yes.you all don't only spend a night.But spend as long as it takes till My Lily returns" Aftercthe old.man was done talking, he left immediately to settle some of his personal business.

"He can tell how it feels to stay alone in this mansion"

"(Smiles) you can say that again"

"Wait a minute..This is in our favor" Adam said in a startled manner


"What favour?"Lee questioned

Not Lee alone was eager to know what Adams meant but everyone.They were surprised at his action.This was Adams who never wanted heading somewhere else but home. Now he considered this a favor.

"I know you all will be surprised about my statement.But I won't call it a favor if it was never one"Adams said with his face all parked up.

"Ok..Adams..let us know about the favor you are talking about"

"I knew it! You will all be curious and eager to know what favor it has brought is."

"Of course"

"(Surprised)Speak up"Kent ordered.He was in no mood to play games with anyone

"Ok Kent..let's stay back."

"Adams..you keep repeating the same thing" and trust me it's irritating enough to see and hear you talk with that all over your nose. So get to the main point." Joey complained. He wasn't here haunting, if that was the case he would be patient to lay a trap for his prey.

" I'm sure we will be able to carry out investigation before returning back to your place for further investigation that concerns the location.Let us focus on the investigation in this area to avoid a rough system " Adams suggested.

"Well..That is a good idea kent "

Sorry for not posting yesterday and also for the late updates. As usual much love❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗