
Selling Jars in the World of Naruto

After transmigrating to the world of Naruto, Shen Mo gained an all-purpose trading system. With it, he began a journey as a jar-selling merchant. Tsunade: "Shizune, don't stop me. Today, I must open enough revival coins!" Jiraiya: "Love potion? There's such a thing? Give me a hundred jars!" Uchiha Sasuke: "Opening jars can really make you stronger? Even if I have to give up everything, I must buy them. I will surpass that man!" Uchiha Itachi: "My foolish little brother, I have opened more jars than you." ... Looking at the chaotic world before him, Shen Mo [the protagonist] had a helpless expression on his face. "I just wanted to earn some money to buy Icarus..." MTL fanfiction.

RoB1TzZzU · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: The Motivation of Selling Jars

The effect was immediate.

As soon as she put on the necklace, Tsunade felt a significant difference.

The most noticeable change was that the painful memories that had previously caused her immense suffering were still painful, but no longer overwhelmed her with despair.

It was like grasping at the last straw on a cliff, where the abyss lay below, but still refusing to give up.

"So this is what courage is," she murmured to herself, her eyes involuntarily reddening.

She could now sense it faintly.

Why Nawaki charged forward, and why Jiraiya fought fearlessly.

To protect what must be protected, and to move forward with strength even in the face of pain, danger, and despair.

That was courage.

"Tsunade-sama?" Shizune looked at her with concern.

She had never seen Tsunade shed a tear, not even when she drank alone.

Tsunade seemed to be reacting to something.

She looked at her own pale arm, and suddenly, the fingers that had been coated with bright red nail polish made a deep cut on it.

The skin ruptured, and dark red blood flowed out.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune exclaimed, rushing to help stop the bleeding.

"Shizune!" Tsunade shouted heavily.

Shizune froze, looking at Tsunade with a serious expression.

She knew.

Tsunade's fear of blood was so great that she would tremble at the sight of it.

Wait a minute...

Shizune suddenly realized.

No trembling.

As Tsunade stared at her own arm, at the fresh red blood, her gaze was still filled with fear, fear of the pain of losing someone important.

But! No trembling!

Shen Mo sipped his wine quietly, a barely perceptible smile on his lips.

Just as he had expected.

The Cross of Courage, just like the Courageous Aura of a DNF Milkman, is a positive buff bonus.

Tsunade's Hemophobia was originally a psychological condition, but with the added bonus, her resistance to fear was increased.

Even if it wasn't fully cured.

But, all she needed was some time to practice, adapt, adjust her mindset, and the complete cure was just a matter of time.

Who knows what it would feel like when Orochimaru comes knocking, biting his finger, only to find Tsunade not afraid and with a bunch of powerful potions.

But, that was none of his concern.

While Tsunade was still working hard to overcome her Hemophobia, Shenmo began counting today's harvest.

In total, he obtained items worth 10.4 million in value from Tsunade, which is equivalent to 600,000 trading points.

The cost, including the pottery jars, all added up to about 150,000 trading points.

A pure profit of 450,000 trading points.

A three-fold profit!

Indeed, selling jars is the right path to trading. It's a business that can squeeze out all the money from other people's hands!

Unfortunately, Tsunade was poorer than he had imagined.

Shenmo looked at the few items he valued.

The Dark Fruit, worth 21 million trading points.

The Adamantium Skeleton, worth 11 million.

Professor X's Telekinesis, worth 17 million.

Damn it.

The powerful and impressive abilities all cost millions of trading points, and if you didn't find the corresponding fantasy world but instead customized the goods with trading points, the value would double, making it not worth it.

Still poor.

Although, he could choose some less powerful items, but he knew his own business.

Shenmo was very aware that he had no combat consciousness and no interest in combat. His definition of ability was self-preservation. After all, not everyone was a righteous person like Tsunade. If he met Orochimaru today, he would only have the fate of running away with the remaining money.

So, how about buying subordinates?

If he didn't want to fight, buying a powerful and loyal subordinate was also a good choice.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in Shenmo's mind, a character he really liked.

The versatile angel, Ikaros, for strategic use.

From "Heaven's Lost Property", the Queen of the Sky is powerful, and most importantly, she is beautiful.

Her personality is gentle and obedient, and once she recognizes her master, she will be very obedient and trainable, which is the type of woman that Shen Mo likes.

He quickly checked and found out that she was valued at... 82 million!

Shen Mo struggled to control his expression.

Why is she so expensive? Professor X's telekinesis is only worth just over 10 million.

It took him some time to carefully examine it before he understood.

Whether it's a fruit or an ability, it's just a talent, a talent that can be developed and grown. The specific limit still depends on one's own development and growth to reach such heights. That's why even the Wolverine's healing factor costs millions of dollars - it doesn't need to grow.

Looking at the items in his mind, Shen Mo suddenly had motivation.

Earn money and buy Ikaros!

"Miss Tsunade," he looked at Tsunade, who had already looked away and was using her healing arm in silence, and handed her something, "Please accept this."

"What is this?" Tsunade reached out and took it.

Although her face was still a bit pale, she now truly understood how amazing the merchandise from this person in front of her was.

It was just a necklace.

It could actually give her courage.

And the item in her hand was an exquisite badge with the same pattern as the one that appeared on Shen Mo's forehead earlier.

The All-Knowing Eye...

"This is a badge that only second-tier customers are eligible to have, used for communication." Shen Mo explained, "Just enter a small amount of chakra, and you can notify me. If Miss Tsunade wants to buy jars in the future, you can contact me through this."

This thing was valuable, costing a full 3,000 trading points, mainly due to customization.

But it was worth it.

The Tsunade in front of him, although she was now broke, with her status and abilities, making money was easy.

This was a high-quality customer.

"Oh? Are you leaving?"

Tsunade played with a badge in her hand, its material indiscernible.

"After all, I am a merchant," Shen Mo chuckled, the meaning obvious.

"You're out of money. Why should I stay?"

"This emblem," Tsunade rested her hand on her leg, leaning forward slightly, her dark golden pupils reflecting Shen Mo's figure. "You call it the All-Knowing All-Powerful Eye. Does that not mean that the jars you sell are capable of anything?"

At this moment, Tsunade exuded an intangible pressure. There was no sign of drunkenness. Did the Cross of Courage help her break out of that state of decadence?

Shen Mo quietly exchanged a diamond seal worth 3,000 trade points and put it into his pocket, then looked at the instant teleportation tool in his shopping cart. After a moment of silence, he felt it was time.

He smiled and said, "I don't know if it's all-powerful, but in the jars I sell, many people have achieved impossible miracles."

"Such as?" Tsunade asked.

"..." Shen Mo looked into her eyes and slowly uttered a word. "Resurrection."