
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Chapter 11: Permission

"Hei She, I have a personal request for you.", Xin Suan sits on his glimmering silver throne, and as always, Yin Ling stands beside him. He is very loyal to his master.

"Bai Wu had a vision, someone will kidnap her, and bring her to the demon's lair. You may not lose your eyes on her. Inform me if there is something happen. She is very weak, and her curiousity may lead her to her doom."

"Understood, Your Majesty.", Hei She bowed.

"You, though I appointed you as a messenger, but I gave you too many tasks, even more than Yin Ling's duty. I will grant you a reward, Hei She, after we perform the Jinghua Ritual. Tell me, what do you want?"

"There's no need, Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness.", Hei She rejects him politely.

"Hmm... What about a human's body?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You were once a human. It must be hard to live in a snake's form. I will complete your body and you will regain a new form."

"That's a good idea. We need his strength too, he was a prince, wasn't he? Especially he is master at the battlefield. I agree with you, Your Majesty!", Yin Ling sounded excited.

"No, you don't need to... I'm fine with this form, even, I'm very grateful that I still able to move. That's because of your generosity, Your Majesty. Beside, it will cost you so much power. You need to save it for the future.", Hei She still rejects him.

"No, Yin Ling is right. Don't worry, I will gain back my power in a short time. We need your power, you were good at swords, who knows someday I might need your assistance."


"You may not reject. That's an order.", Xin Suan's voice became cold.

".... Very well, Your Majesty. Once again, I thank you for your kindness. May the luck will always be with you."

Hei She came out from the throne room to the left wing, leaving the two alone.

In the other hand, the sun is already shining bright in the top of the sky. There's a sleeping beauty who still laying on her comfortable soft bed. She is still in her sweet dreams. No one dares to bother her, because the man who bought her 'soul' prohibited his servants to wake her up. But the time is getting late, and those servants began to lose their patience.

"When will she wake up? We need to clean her room!", A girl in a cat shaped mask whispers to Jiu Lan.

"We have to wait... or His Majesty will be angry.", Jiu Lan can do nothing.

"But it's getting late, Jie Jie, it's almost 10 am! We still have so many things to do!"

"Shh! Lower down your voice!", Jiu Lan whispered to her friend.

"H-Hmm...", Ai Lie opens her eyes slowly. Finally she is awaken. She is yawning, and streching her body. Her body feels so fresh after having a long deep sleep.

"Xiao Mei, are you awake?", a voice coming outside the door. It was Jiu Lan's voice.

"Oh!!", She immediately gets up and opens the door, "Jie Jie! Why are you here?"

"Why? Of course to clean your room, you silly!", Jiu Lan's friend already losing her patience.

"Watch your tone, Fang Yin."

"But this sleepyhead has made us waiting for 4 hours!", Fang Yin points her finger to Ai Lie.

"!?", Ai Lie gasped, "4 hours!? W-what time is it, Jie Jie?"

"It's almost 10 am.", Jiu Lan responds her calmly.

"What!? I have been sleeping that long!?"

"Yes, you sleepyhead! And look, Jie Jie Jiu Lan has been carrying this all along!"

Jiu Lan has been carried some beautiful women's traditional robes. She folded them neatly. It's obvious that those robes are the gifts from Xin Suan.

"Please, try these dresses, Xiao Mei. I made these for you."

"Jie Jie sewed this all by yourself!?", Ai Lie widened her eyes. How could someone sewed 3 robes just in one night? But Ai Lie might have forgot that Jiu Lan is a mythical creature, so of course she used her magic power to create them.

"Yes, Xiao Mei. But I'm afraid if this will be too big for you. I didn't measure your body, I only used my memory. Please try these." Jiu Lan hands over the robes to Ai Lie.

"O-okay! Thank you so much, Jie Jie!", She bows to Jiu Lan.

"Go take a bath first! You are looking so messy!", Fang Yin yells at her.

She went to her bathroom. A part of her heart feels happy because some of the ghosts she met are very kind, like Jiu Lan, Hei She, Xin Suan, although the rest are rude and impolite. But she doesn't mind it, because the ghosts here are better than her real family. When she has done bathing, those servants have already done cleaning her room as well.

"Thank you for your hard work, Jie Jie!", She bows to Jiu Lan and Fang Yin.

"Wait, you have to try your new clothes.", Jiu Lan pulls the robes that placed on her bed.

"Ah right!"

She removed her worn out white T-shirt and her dark green mini skirt that she always used everyday. From the mirror's reflection, Jiu Lan can see an old wound on Ai Lie's back, it seems it was a whip scar. The scar is rather long. Jiu Lan wondered who had the heart to did that to the innocent girl in front of her. But she didn't dare to ask Ai Lie anything about that.

"Woah, these dresses are beautiful! Which one should I try first...?", Ai Lie picks up each of the robes.

There are three elegant women's robes. One has soft pink color, one has pale blue color, and the last one has red color. All of them were sewed very neat, and made of silk. Each of them has different embroidery. The pink one has blossom pattern, while the blue one has cloud shaped pattern. The red one, is the fanciest, it has a golden peacock embroidery at its back. Ai Lie tried each of them, and fortunately, the size is fit to her small body. They are all too beautiful, until Ai Lie felt that she didn't deserve to use them.

"Jie Jie... I don't mean to disrespect you, but I think I can't accept these.", Ai Lie still dressed in the red robes.

"Why? I think you are beautiful in those dresses.", Jiu Lan is confused.

"These dresses... They are too worthy to be used by someone ugly like me."

"No, you're wrong, you look very beautiful! Beside, these are His Majesty's gifts. He is the one who choose the cloth and the embroideries. No one would dare enough to refuse him."

"... I think I will prefer to use my old clothes, I'll tell His Majesty by myself.", She is stubbornly rejecting Jiu Lan.

"But still, please keep these. I sewed all of them with my own hands just for you, Xiao Mei.", Jiu Lan bows to her.

'That's right, I have to show my gratitude, she made this all alone without anyone's help. It will be very rude if I keep rejecting her.', Ai Lie silently discussing with herself.

"Well then, I accept them. But I won't use it first. Thank you for your hardwork, Jie Jie!", Ai Lie smiles widely to Jiu Lan.

She changes her clothes back to her old outfit. Actually, she doesn't really like using heavy thick clothes like those traditional robes. She lives in millennial generation, of course she feels better if she uses modern clothes like shirts. Beside, the robes are too fancy, more suitable to be used for fetes or parties. She kept her new robes in the wardrobe, she folded them neatly. And now it's the time for her very late breakfast.

"Hmm should I call Ge Ge Hei She? Actually I'm not hungry, but...", Suddenly the memories when Xin Suan feeding her flashes in her mind, "... if I don't eat, I will be treated like a baby by that man."

"Can I do that magic again?", What she meant was her so called telepathy magic.

'Ge Ge?', She shuts her eyes and thinking about that snake.

"...", No one replied.

"Hmm... Am I losing my power?", It actually not hers at the first place.

"Ai Lie.", Hei She's voice coming from the door.

"Whoa! It still works!", She happily opens the door. This child is actually naive.

"Time for your breakfast.", Hei She starring at her clothes, "Why are you still using that clothes? I thought His Majesty has given you some new dresses."

"Hahaha... actually, I feel more comfortable using this kind of outfit. Beside, those dresses are too elegant for someone as lowly as I am. But don't tell him the truth, or he will be angry. I will thank him by myself later.", She replied him casually.

"Ah... As you wish, then. Let's go."

Ai Lie entered the dining room, but she was all alone. The meals have been prepared on the table, and they are still warm. No Xin Suan, or Hei She that accompanied her. Hei She went to another place after delivering her, but he promised to come whenever Ai Lie called him.

"No way, this is feel soooo awkward. How can they left me alone in this very big room??", She is mumbling as her mouth munching those meals.

She finished her eating, and her old behavior suddenly came out. She cleaned the table, ready to wash the dishes. But there were many foods on the table, so those that she didn't touch she left it, she doesn't know where to keep them. She usually does the house chores at home, all alone by herself. Her mother doesn't care about cleanliness.

"Now, where should I wash these?", She brought some plates and a glass on her hand.

"Uhh...", She is scanning the dining room, "Where do these people usually wash their dishes? Is it in the kitchen? or should I call Ge Ge Hei She instead?", she starts to wandering around.

"Just left them on the table, Jie Jie.", A girl wore a white fox mask suddenly appeared behind Ai Lie's back, and her sibling stands not far from her.

"Wah!!", Ai Lie surprised and she turned her head, "It's you again!!"

"We will take care of it.", said the red fox masked girl.

"Hey! Aren't you both supposed to be sorry for what you did to me yesterday?", Ai Lie suddenly remembers those horror menus.

"...", both of them didn't reply anything.

"We're sorry... Are you happy now?", the red fox masked girl finally answered.

"What kind of apologize is that?", but they are just children, so Ai Lie tried to understand them, "What's your name?"

"Qing Qing.", the white fox masked girl answered.

"Ming Ming.", the red fox masked girl answered.

"Okay, twins, can one of you show me where to wash this plates?"

"We can. But His Majesty will be angry to us if he finds out you did the cleaning job.", Qing Qing replied.

"Don't worry, I will tell him by myself. Beside, I have nothing to do. But, I won't forgive if one of you attempting to fool me again, so please show me the REAL place to do my things."

"It's behind the dining room.", Ming Ming pointed her finger at a door on the back of the dining room.

"Are you sure?", Ai Lie seems to be distrust.

"Yes, it's true! We won't make a mess with you anymore...", Qing Qing lowers her voice at the end of her words.

"Oh? Why? Was General Yin angry to you?", Ai Lie is curious. Maybe those children had been scolded by Yin Ling.

"It's His Majesty... He wasn't angry, but...", Qing Qing answered in a low voice.

"But what?"

"He told us if we make a fuss he will make us the dragon's dinner...", Ming Ming responds her.

"Huh? Is there a dragon in this place?"

"Yes, it's His Majesty's pet. He is sleeping inside the pond."

"Oh I see..."

"What makes it more creepy, His Majesty said that with a smile!!", Qing Qing shouts at Ming Ming. They were scared by his smile.

"What a heartless man, threatening kids like that....", Ai Lie murmurs to herself.

"Let's go, Jie Jie, before His Majesty finds out.", Qing Qing pushed Ai Lie's back

The three walk to a door at the back side of the dining room. It looks like that room behind the dining room is the place where the cutleries are stored. There are so many plates, glasses, spoons, and many more, displayed inside glass dish racks. Actually, in the kitchen, there are some cutleries like that, but in here, the cutleries are fancier. There is some kind of sink, placed on the side of the room . She washed those plates, and glass, and wipe them with a clean cloth.

"Where should I put these?", Ai Lie brought the clean plates and glass on her hand, ready to arrange them inside the rack

"Leave it to me.", Qing Qing raised her right hand on the top of those plates

'Whoosh!', Suddenly the plates gone from Ai Lie's hand. They have been placed inside the rack. Ai Lie is amazed, as if she had just watched a magic show. She might have forgot that everyone here, except her, has supernatural power.

"Now, what do you want to do, Jie?", Ming Ming asked.

"Hmm... I dunno. All I know is I have to be in my room, because I'm prohibited to go anywhere else. Hahaha...", Ai Lie chuckled awkwardly.

"If you are good at cleaning, why don't you help us?", Ming Ming said that bravely.

"Yeah! His Majesty helped you with your loan, wasn't he? Why don't you just pay him back by doing the chores?", Qing Qing sounds very agree to her twin sister.

"Ah! That's a good idea!", Ai Lie clapped her hands.

"You are very smart, twins!", She gives them a thumbs up, "By the way, where is His Majesty? I need to talk to him, but I haven't seen him anywhere."

They both are still confused with Ai Lie's body language. They tried to copy her thumbs up, "What is the meaning of this?"

'Oops! It seems no one here understand that, they are ancient people...', She said that silently, "Ah! It means... um... Good job!", She explained that awkwardly.

"Ah!!", They both giving the thumbs up to each other. They seemed to be very excited.

"Umm... So, where is His Majesty?", Ai Lie's repeating her question.

"In his room, I guess. If not, he is at the Yin Pavilion's terrace.", Ming Ming answered.

"Okay, I'll talk to him about your idea. Let's hope he will agree to it."

"Do you want us to deliver you there, Jie? I guess Mr. Hei She still busy right now.", Qing Qing suddenly willing to accompany her. It seems they both have feel more comfortable with Ai Lie's presence.

"Oh, are you guys not busy? I don't want to bother you."

"Nope! We are free!", Ming Ming answered her question confidently.

"Then, let's go! We'll check the terrace first."

They both went out from the dining room, straight to the terrace that connecting them to the side of the pond. No one's there, so they turned back, went through the Lotus Pavilion's direction.

"Jie Jie, do you wanna know a secret?"

"A secret? What is that? As long as I'm allowed to know that I'd love to hear it out.", Ai Lie replied to Ming Ming.

"Do you know why we all use masks?", Ming Ming voice became serious.

"No... Why?", Actually Ai Lie has been curious about that too.

"It's not that we are ugly, but..."

"Actually, His Majesty is suck at remembering someone's name!", Suddenly Qing Qing cuts her sibling's words.

"Hey! You just stole the best part!!", Ming Ming seems a bit upset beacuse of her sister.

"Huh? Suck at remembering name??", Ai Lie widened her eyes.

"That's true! They said, it took him until 100 years to call someone with a correct name! That's why, all of his underlings wear masks to helped him remember the names based on the shapes of the masks.", Ming Ming explained seriously.

"But gradually, it became a habit for his servants to wear masks everyday, eventhough His Majesty already remember their names. Weird isn't it?", Qing Qing continued her sister's explanation.

"Pffttt hahahahahaha!!", Ai Lie laughs so hard until she cried a little.

"Hahahaha! Your reaction is so funny, Jie Jie!", Ming Ming points her finger at Ai Lie's face, the twins are also laughing.

"Hahahaha... No no, I mean...", She's sobbing, "I meant no offense, but... You see, he is acting like a tough guy, and what is that? Suck at remembering name? Hahahaha! I can't believe he even needs 100 years to do that!", She's so happy knowing that the 'strongest man' in this realm is actually has a ridiculous weakness.

"Hahahaha I know right!", The twins are also making fun of him

Inside Xin Suan's room, "Achoo! What's this... Does someone talking about me?", Xin Suan had a bad feeling about his sneeze.

"Hahahahaha... Haa... Alright, let's be serious now.", Ai Lie wiped her little tears at the edge of her eyes.

The three walked through the corridor. From there, they can see the glimmering door. That room is belong to Xin Suan. Now, they have arrived and ready to go in.

"Ahem... ahem...", Ai Lie suddenly gets nervous, "E-excuse me, Your Majesty."

"Come in.", A cold voice came inside the room.

Ai Lie opened the door nervously. She entered the room, and the twins are following her from behind. Xin Suan sat on his chair. He is still reading a book. That book seems to be old. He wore a different robe, the color is still black, but it has some red stripes.

"What business do you have with me?", Xin Suan staring at the twins behind Ai Lie.

"U-um...", She became more nervous. But when she turned her head behind, the twins were already kneeling to him. Because she was too nervous, she immediately following their position.

"What are you doing?", Xin Suan is confused.

"U-um.. actually I want to ask for your permission..."

"For what purpose?"

"Uh... B-because I can never pay back your generosity... And um.. I-I also have nothing to do so... I want to help the maids doing the chores..."

'Slap!', he closed his book with one hand powerfully. He frowned at those three. Ai Lie suddenly felt terrified with his expression, so she lowered her head.

"Whose idea is this?", He stands up from his chair, and walks closer to those three.

"It was my idea, Your Majesty.", Ming Ming replied him bravely.

"Who said that you are allowed to tell her what to do?", He walks closer to the twins behind Ai Lie.

'Oh no!', Ai Lie is afraid of him, but she doesn't want him to hurt those kids. She raised her feet, and turn her back to see what happened behind her.

"I thought I have told you two not to disturb her. It seems I really have to make you all the dragon's meal.", He is smiling cynically at the twins.

"P-please forgive us, Your Majesty!", Qing Qing lowered her head to the ground.

"S-spare our lives!", Ming Ming plead to him.

"...", Xin Suan keeps walk closer to them. He raised one of his hand. Seems like, he is readily to cast some magic spells.

"No, Your Majesty, please!", Ai Lie immediately grabs his arm and pulls him closer to where she stands.

"Don't be so cruel! They are just kids!", Ai Lie's frowning at him.

"I'm not being cruel, I just do what I have to do.", Xin Suan replied her coldly.

"That's too far! You two, please get out from this room first!", Ai Lie turns her head to the twins.

"But, Jie Jie...", Ming Ming doesn't seem want to leave her.

"This is my own will, I'll ask his permission by myself. You two are innocent, so don't get involved to this man's anger.", Ai Lie is smiling at them.

"Hey! You-", Xin Suan became angrier than before.

"Now go!", Ai Lie cuts his words and points her finger at the opened door.

"Stay safe, Jie Jie!", Ming Ming shouts at her. The two rushingly went out from the room.

"You...", His face darkened.

'Oh crap! I'm digging my own grave!', Ai Lie silently in panic. Her kindness has lead her to defend the twins unconsciously.

"B-but, Your Majesty, it's really my own will! You don't have to be angry to them, be angry to me if you are disagree with that!", She bravely said that while releasing her grip.

"*Sigh*....", Xin Suan exhaled a long breath, as if he is tired with that child.

"Do as you like. But I have some requirements, and that related to why I prohibited you to wandering alone in this manor."


"There are some magical devices that placed in the room you almost entered on your first day, and some is in the room beside my room. You may not touch them, they might harm you. Do you understand?"

"Understood, sir!", She is smiling widely at him, "Thank you, Your Majesty, I'll take my leave. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"Wait.", He stares at her clothes, "Why are you still using that? I thought I have ordered Jiu Lan to make you some dresses?"

"A-ah! T-they are too beautiful for daily use, so I kept them in the wardrobe... Hehehe...", She chuckled awkwardly.

"*Sigh*...", He exhaled a long breath once more, "You are very stubborn, aren't you? Very well, as you wish."

Suddenly Ai Lie remembered that she left Xin Suan's robe on the window, "Ah your robe! I have washed an dried it, but I forgot to bring it with me..."

"You may have it. You are stubborn, so use it when you feel cold. Don't get sick, okay?", He pats her head a few times.

"Okay!", She nodded.

"You may leave.", He is back to his chair, continuing his book.

"Yes, Your Majesty.", She bows to him. After that, she went out from his room and closed the door.

"That girl... I feel like I'm a strict parent if she continues to rebel from me.", He softly slap his forehead with his palm, "Jiu Lan!"

"Yes, Your Majesty?", Suddenly she appears in front of him.

"Ha... That girl wants to help you doing the chores. She said she doesn't have anything to do."

"E-eh?", Jiu Lan seems a bit confused. Why would someone that isn't maid willing to do a lowly duty?

"Then... *Sigh*... Please, watch over her. Don't let her touch any of those magic devices."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'll do my best.", She bows to him.

"I can't believe I have to ask so many help to supervised her.", He shooked his head, "By the way, does she like those dresses?"

"She likes them, Your Majesty, she even treasured them.", Jiu Lan remembered the old wound on Ai Lie's back, "Your Majesty... I don't know if this is important or not, but when I helped her to dress, I saw a scar on her back."


"Yes. It's already old, perhaps inflicted when she was a child. It seems it was caused by a whip."

"A whip scar? Why didn't I see that when I read her past?", He flinches his eyebrows, "Did you ask her something about it?"

"I didn't, forgive me. I'm afraid it will hurt her."

"No, you did the right thing. Maybe I should read her past once more.", He closed his book, "Very well, you may leave. Remember to keep your eyes close to her."

"Yes, Your Majesty.", As she vanished from his view.

"Who did that? ...Well, it's not important who it was, but when I find the culprit, I will definitely make that person pay for it.", His crimson eyes are aglow.