
Self Insert Into Fate With The First True Magic

...I hate myself...Well, my high self. Who In the bloody hell does anonymous anime surveys while high? And thinks It a fucking good idea to pick Fate as the starter World?! " *Sigh* Well, at least I got the First Magic out of this..." ** - [ I own nothing, but my own creations ] - - [ Tags: Fate/Grand Order ~ Nasuverse ~ Type-Moon ] - - [ Extra Tags: Male MC ~ Handsome MC ~ Harem(?) ~ Nero Alter ~ First Magic ~ Stronger To Stronger ~ Lazy & Unpredictable MC ~ WishFulfillment ~ ] -

DarlingOfScathach · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

[ Chapter - 4: Odd Lullaby & New Day ]

' Where..am..I?' Opening his eyes, Akuma was met with many colors drifting around a blue room, he has found himself In. The room Itself has no true direction, where right is left and up is down, or down is right and up is left. It truly Is a chaotic place.

" Ah Ah Ah Aah Ah Aah~"

" Hm?" Hearing a heavenly Motherly tune, Akuma suddenly stopped In his tracks. The tune Itself was so beautiful, even Aphrodite would be jealous of it. Worlds would go to war, just to her voice.

...And yet, the voice sounds lost and hopeless to Akuma. It was as If, the voice was asking him to help her.

" Hello?" Other than the sounds of echo from his voice, he received no response the voice heard him.


" Arg!" Holding his head In pain, his eyes rolled back, as he disappeared from this place, unconscious.


"Wake up."

The commanding voice begets emotionlessly from above Akuma. He understand that the command is absolute, forged in the steel of a thousand battles for supremacy, of a thousand orders that must be obeyed, of a thunderous and unquestionable purpose and principle. His answer is, of course, absolutely non-committal.

Akuma groans.

"Wake. Up."

The voice insists, and in its insistence, he can feel the tone start to move and shift. He turns around, and keeps his eyes closed. There is a loud sigh, a calm walking by, and an even calmer return.

" Wake.Up.Master." Her sensual seductive demonic beautiful voice said, Into Akuma's ears.

Akuma yawns and blinks away the tiredness, a half-amused smile on his face. The figure in front of him is an unamused Saber, blankly looking into his blue eyes with her gorgeous pale golden ones.

" I'm up..." Leaving the softness of the Earth, Akuma yawned still tried like hell, and glanced at the rising sun, gradually floating above the buffy marshmallows In the sky.

" What's *Yawn~* on the schedule *Yawn~* Saber..." He asked his servant, yawning and stretching his arms and legs.

" Following you, as you are my Master and caller." His servant of Saber(?) Class said to him unemotionally as ever.

" I see... I need to make this schedule don't I?" He groaned, just thinking about It.

" No. It's on you, Master." Saber answered, standing next to him.

" On me you say...? That's dangerous."

" Dangerous how?"

" I'm lazy."

"..." Hearing her Master, Saber blinked her eyes with unknown emotions, staring at him.

" What? I'm telling the truth." Shrugging his shoulders uncaringly, Akuma the First Magician, said truthfully, as he started walking out of the forest, with Saber following right next to him.

" Y'know... I thought you'll be a Berserker, using the Berserker chant and all." Akuma confessed as they walked past more green trees.

" Was I not the servant you wanted?" Emotionlessly, she asked looking at her Master with a glow In her eyes, that made Akuma's skin crawl.

" Well... I just winged It, In all honesty. So I had no say In who or what I was getting, so a no to your question." He answered, with a smile on his face.

" I see..." With nothing else to say at the moment, Saber mumbled out loud, as they passed a small river, using a wooden bridge to pass over It. Around the river are random people walking with headphones In their ears, getting In their morning walk. And oddly enough, they seem to not care about Saber or what she is wearing.

*' Can they not see you?'* Detecting this, Akuma asked through their Master-Servant link.

*' Of course not. I don't just let anyone see me.'* She responded casually, as It was something everyone should know.

*' Oh... Right, being the Emperor Of Rome.'*

*' That too.'*

' That too? Then what is she talking about at first?' Shaking his head, Akuma sighed and just kept on walking.

' Women...' Was his only thought, as they strolled past even more people, and kids playing around at the park, they have found themselves by.

Looking at this, Akuma suddenly felt an uproar of emotions from Saber, who is staring at kids and their Mothers, with unrest and troubled emotions In her eyes.


Feeling her Master tap her on the shoulder, she turned around and was met with a bright and warm smile on Akuma's face. His eyes possess warmth and tenderness. It is as If Archangel Michael came down from the heavens and smiled at the world.

" You okay?" He asked warmly with a pleasant smile on his face.

"...Yes... I'm okay Master." Not wanting to talk about It, she said shortly and started walking away from the park.

" Ow!" Hearing this, Akuma's eyes flashed as he saw a little girl holding her now bruised arm.

" Here, let me help you with that." Crouching down next to the brown-haired young girl, Akuma's smiled friendly.

" It hurts." The child cried out.

" No problem." Covering her bruised arms, Akuma's eyes flashed.

" Huh? My arm doesn't hurt anymore." Feeling no pain coming from her arm, the child's Innocent eyes twinkled with awe.

" Are you a Magician?" The child asked hopefully, looking into Akuma's beautiful blue eyes.

" Haha, In a way, yes I am." Chuckling cheerfully, the First Magician asked the child," Why? Is there any more this Magician can help you?"

" Mhm, I want to fly! Can you make me fly!?"

*" Master, let's get a move on."*

" Hehe, I'll see what I can do~ But later okay? This Magician here has many people to help~"

" Okay! See you later Magician-san!" With this cute wave and smile, the little girl ran off to the park.

' Where was her mom, this whole time?' Akuma thought, walking to the impatient Saber.

*" Is there a reason, you don't like It here?"* He asked now stepping away from the park, Into the city.

*"..."* Acting like she didn't hear him, Saber keep quiet, still carrying her emotionless expression.

*" Just know I'm here for you Saber. Hell, I 'befriended' the, All the World's Evil and King of Daemons for you, so that should show you where I stand."*

*" We should look for the other Masters and servants."*

" That we should." Knowing she wants to change the subject, Akuma followed along with a smile.

"* Then let's get going.*"

*" Right by you Saber."* Disappearing Into the sea of people, Akuma's eyes gleamed with corruption and depravity, unknowingly.
