
Seeking Treasure

Aptera, a world full of life and wonders. Along with it came untold stories of heroism and villainy. All life, no matter how insufficient it may seem, was equipped with a system. A powerful tool used to fight against one's fate. On one of the many continents of Aptera, a dark-infested city began to grow. Twisting the minds of all who lived there, no one listened to their pleas. Thousands of years had passed since the darkness began to grow. The once bustling city had become ruins of the forgotten. Kai, a young boy, born in Nightmare City, lost everything. Due to the evil influence, life began to lose its color. Stuck inside the forgotten city and with no one to turn to, he accepted his fate, or so he thought. One day, Kai was forced to either open his eyes or die. Only then did he start to see the light. (I do not own the cover)

HighWaters · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


Opposite my expectations, a gentle light pierced my eyes, and loud shouts rang through my ears. Instead of the blackness of the abyss I expected, I found myself already back in Nightmare City - The ruined city.

Collapsed brick buildings laced the streets, and rotten wood was propped up for makeshift shelter.

I never did like coming to this part of the city. The floating white obelisk exerted an overwhelming pressure; even after evolving, it still made me feel small.

Standing underneath it, Agni spoke, 'Are we gonna see what the commotion's about?' He sounded curious and excited than worried that something terrible had happened, 'Yes.' Came my short reply.

Taking one last glance at the large open area that surrounded, blood stained the cracked cobble ground. Inconsistent trails of dried blood flowed from the portal down the many streets and alleys that connected to the open area - One such trail was my own.

'How did you hear them?' I asked my companion, referring to the distant shouts I was walking toward. 'I can still see the world, but it's like watching through a window.' That was more than I expected; Agni was inside my magic world -whatever that was. I thought he wouldn't be aware of the outside world inside it, but I was wrong.

Arguing was common, especially if resources were involved. But this was something else entirely. After leaving the open space with the portal, I ventured down a street where the noises were. Turning the corner, I was met with a large group of people formed into a circle. Murmurs spread through the crowd as they watched the three people in the middle argue.

"I'm sick of it! You and your brother are worthless; no one wants you here!" A boy about my age shouted. His deathly pale skin contrasted well against his jet-black, long hair. His black eyes appeared soulless because of the black iris his pupil was hidden, making it impossible to tell where he was looking.

Across from the boy were two people I was too familiar with - Eric and George. Both had long, messy brown hair and green eyes. Wearing torn clothing that was far too small for their sizes. Despite being twins, George was at least a foot taller than Eric.

In my memories, Eric and George always towered over me, but now, Eric appeared to be around the same height as me. Did I grow? It was possible. Especially with evolution, but I doubt it. No, I think my fear had caused me to see them differently; that's why they appeared like giants.

The twins both had wide grins, staring down the boy with wild looks in their eyes, "SO! It doesn't matter; nothing does! Hahaha." Eric spat his usual nonsense. George, just like always, was quiet, waiting for orders from his older brother.

The younger boy didn't back down, "If nothing matters, then leave! We have it hard enough; we don't need you two attacking us." Whispers of the agreement broke out in the crowd.

The crowd population that surrounded the three was around fifty, which was all that was left. Looking at the brave face of the boy my age, I was even starting to root for him. 'But why haven't I seen him before?'

This crowd was all that was left of the Forsaken, I'm sure of it. At some point, I've encountered all of the remaining Forsaken, but this boy doesn't ring a bell. But. For the first time, I saw the population agree on something; it was a miracle. So, it didn't matter who this boy was.

'Confused by who the boy is?' Angi mentally asked, 'How did you know?' I hadn't said a word, yet he knew. 'Our bond,' His childish voice answered, 'I can feel your emotions.' Ah. That would make sense, but. 'How come I can't feel yours.' It's only fair for me to feel his emotions. 'You can, but are you sure you want to? Anyway, the boy might be an outsider.'

I most definitely didn't want to feel his emotions too much... pride. But how and why would an outsider come here? This isn't exactly the best vacation spot. 'How could an outsider come here?'

'Umm. That I don't exactly know, but he isn't the first. Most of the memories I graciously accepted come from people born elsewhere. If I had to describe it, this city calls people to it. Searching for something or someone.'

If what Agni said is accurate, and I do believe it is, that would explain how people still live here. That would also explain how new resources appear from time to time. But what is it looking for?

Eric shook his head, "Can't do that. I've got a mission to complete. George, kill him!" By his command, George finally acted. "All those who defy us will pay!" Eric shouted.

George walked in front of the boy; slowly, he brought his arm out, attempting to grab his neck. Just before his fingers made contact, the boy jerked to the side, and with a switch motion, he punched George in the gut.

The giant fell to the ground, couching a mouthful of blood. Without giving him a second to breathe, the boy kicked George, sending him flying a few. Blood flowed from his mouth.

"Since you won't leave, I'll kick you out!" Just as he did a second ago, with a quick motion, the boy punched Eric, sending him flying on top of his bleeding twin. He, too, couched up mouthfuls of blood. In the end, neither one's grin faltered in the slightness. Amid his strikes, his hair moved enough to expose a black mark covering his neck.

'What is that?' I asked the all-knowing wisp, 'I don't know. Looks like a dragon to me.' A soft sigh escaped my lips, 'Thanks. I mean, what significance does it have?' It seems I'll have to be more specific from now on. 'Oh. I don't know.' Shaking my head, my attention drifted toward the boy.



{Tier:0 Level: 10}

That explains how he beat the twins so fast. They were only level 4. But how exactly did he manage to get level 10? I didn't gain a single drop of experience till I killed a monster. If he was an outsider like Agni suggested, that could explain it. Still.

Exclamations of joy and surprise broke through the crowd.

"He beat both of them!"

"He's so strong!"

With all attention on him, Asmodeus lifted his arms, "Listen! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of running. I'm tired of living in fear! We can be so much more; we deserve so much more! We will fight back! I will conquer the dungeon; then, I will make each of every one of you stronger. The world has forgotten us, so we will make them remember. Who is with me!?" He shouted, speaking to the heart of all the citizens.

Cheers and shouts of joy erupted. Tears of hope fell onto the cobbled ground. For the first time, smiles crept onto the faces of the damned.

"I will join your voyage into the dungeon!"

"So will I!"

"Me too!"

From the crowd, three teenagers met before Asmodeus. Each in torn rags. They kneeled before him like he was some king. The teen on the left had curly dark-green hair - Jasper. The teen in the middle had straight maroon hair - Dorian. The last one had short blonde hair - Lucas. They were all level 1.

Asmodeus eyed them before nodding, "We shall bring glory to our names! When we return in one day's time, we will have plenty of resources for all!" The crowd erupted once more. "In the meantime." Asmodeus continued after the crowd calmed down, "Gather together. We must act as a community if we wish to grow."

Turning toward my direction, Asmodeus gestured for the three teens to follow. It seemed he wanted to conquer the dungeon immediately. The crowd parted for them. Leaving Eric and George to the crowd's mercy.

My cloak was eye-catching in the sea of rags. Half expecting Asmodeus to say something, I walked around the crowd, going in the opposite direction of him. Even if he did call out to me, I planned to ignore it; I didn't want to get caught up in this.

'That was really something. Huh?' Agni commented. 'Indeed. This place needs a hero; it seems they got one.' Overall it was a good thing. He fought against Eric and George and even managed to bring hope to the people. 'Yea. It was only a matter of time. Desperation and oppression were bound to give birth to someone who'd defy them. I'm surprised it took so long. Personally, the great me wouldn't stand it.'

It may have happened before. Just by looking around, you can see how it went. Only time will tell.

I was planning to help out the people, but I could never have done what Asmodeus did. My help wasn't needed, not yet. He may have given people hope, but that won't help against whatever is feasting on this city.

I'll uncover it, and eventually, this city will truly be free. That is how I'll help.

But first, 'Agni, do you know where the closest town or city is?' Not only will I need to grow stronger, but I need knowledge. The system only gives a brief, shallow description; if I wanted to make the best decisions, I needed knowledge. 'Umm. Just keep going straight; we might encounter a city or town.' So, no. He didn't know.

The sun was high in the sky; it should already be noon. If we hurry, we might find civilization before dusk. Briskly walking past crumbled buildings, debris, and deformed scarecrows in once-mighty fields, I arrived at the end of the city within twenty minutes.

Giant purple bark trees with black leaves populated the vast open space. People hadn't traveled through this land in countless years, evident by the brown grass that reached my waist. Pushing through the tall grass, I left Nightmare City.

'Hey Agni, you can come out now.' From my chest emerged my blue flame companion, 'Ah. Feels good to stretch the old limbs.' What limbs exactly? You're a flame. 'Do you know anything about the black line across my eye?' I decided to ask the big question.

'Let me guess; you think Asmodeus's dragon mark is related?' I nodded, 'Mhm, as I thought. Well to answer your question, no.' I shook my head; he really knows how to get someone's hopes up. 'B-u-t. A lot of people had different, unique marks. One guy had a mark that was a flame. Unfortunately, the great me doesn't know what they mean.'

Is it related to affinity? No. My black line and Asmodeus's dragon mark wouldn't fit that. Unless they were split into different categories. And, if they were. What are those categories? As I was thinking of all the possibilities it could be, Agni's voice interrupted my thoughts. 'I wouldn't worry so much. Just ask when we reach a city.' He suggested.

I hate to admit it, but he was right. There was no point in wracking my brain, trying to dissect it, when I could ask someone shortly.

As we continued, the grass grew taller and thicker. 'Let me burn it. I shall burn everything in my way! Muahahaha!.' The blue flame floating next to me started to heat up. 'No. I'll just cut it.'

Taking out the blacken scythe, it effortlessly cut through the grass, clearing a path. The little wisp would've burnt me, along with everything else.

Dejected, Agni whined, 'Fine. The great me will cue his boredom with sleep. Wake me when we reach civilization.' Just as he had finished speaking, he flew through my chest, entering my magic world.

Minutes ticked by, and soon hours came and went. The brown grass started to get smaller and thin. The giant trees provided excellent shelter from the blazing sun, and along with the gentle breeze, I could continue for days.

Reaching the point where my scythe wasn't needed, I transferred it to my inventory. "Maybe I should pick up the pace." Although I wasn't tired, I wanted time to explore the town or city before dark.

Kicking down on the ground, I dashed through the grass. With each step, the grass continued to decrease in size and thickness.

Within thirty minutes, the grass was reduced to a foot tall. With fewer obstacles, my speed only increased. After an hour of running, I finally encountered something—a dirt road filled with wheel and horse tracks.

From my direction, I appeared at the road mid-curve. Looking closer, the horse prints mainly went straight. Two options, continue straight or turn left. "Which to choose?" That decides it, then.

Running along the dirt road, the terrain changed from brown grass to lush green grass. The trees got small, taking on brown bark and green leaves. Even the air changed; it felt happy, lively, and salty, if that was even possible.

Looking back, the same scenery continued. Tall, wild green grass, green leaf trees. 'What just happened?!' The dark forest vanished, replaced.

'So that's how Nightmare City is so mysterious and secluded. Something is hiding its existence.'

'Like magic?'

'Like I know. Sometimes even I don't know things.'

I didn't think he would admit that. I didn't know he could. But this is worrisome if Nightmare City just up and disappeared. Then how can I get back?

Agni did mention something about the city calling people to it. Since I was born there, perhaps one day, it will call me back—no way of telling till then.

In the distance, a horse-drawn carriage appeared on the road, heading in the same direction. Just past the carriage, structures appeared.

This was it. A properly functioning city!

Due to the carriage's appearance, I slowed my pace. I don't want to cause any complications, like a hooded figure running amok along the road.

Following a hundred feet or so behind the carriage, more and more structures appeared on the horizon. The air grew salty with each step, and an unknown connection formed. Water. So much water everywhere.

A faint fog appeared, deepening my connection further. Little beads of water started to form along my cloak. If this was my paradise, then this would be Agni's hell. Even so, he'd flaunt his power anyway.

The faint structures began to take shape into a stone wall with a large gate. The wall stretched as far as I could see. Just past the wall, large buildings made from an unknown material laced the lands.

The carriage slowed down as it approached the gate. Two men were stationed at the sides of the gate. They wore rusty metal armor; a blue cloth hung from their necks, covering their hearts. On the blue cloth was a white outline of a shell.

In front of the carriage, a line of people waited for entry. Following suit, I entered the line behind the carriage.

The smell of salt was overwhelming but comforting. My connection to water felt infinite; this place was a gold mine to test my class.