
Seeking Treasure

Aptera, a world full of life and wonders. Along with it came untold stories of heroism and villainy. All life, no matter how insufficient it may seem, was equipped with a system. A powerful tool used to fight against one's fate. On one of the many continents of Aptera, a dark-infested city began to grow. Twisting the minds of all who lived there, no one listened to their pleas. Thousands of years had passed since the darkness began to grow. The once bustling city had become ruins of the forgotten. Kai, a young boy, born in Nightmare City, lost everything. Due to the evil influence, life began to lose its color. Stuck inside the forgotten city and with no one to turn to, he accepted his fate, or so he thought. One day, Kai was forced to either open his eyes or die. Only then did he start to see the light. (I do not own the cover)

HighWaters · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Grave Digger

I wonder. Could these skeletons have been the same people in the tombstones? What an extreme detail, adding a name to a nameless monster. Unnecessary. It may invoke their sympathy on someone else but not to me. They are merely monsters standing in my way.

Suppose there was another way to gain experience inside the dungeon. Would I take it? If I could reap more benefits, I would. But until I find a way to do so, it can't be helped.

Enough wasteful thoughts. With a slight flick of my wrist, the bone in my hand flew to the ground.

"It's been about an hour; I've had enough." I declared for a certain special someone. I do hope they enjoyed the show.

Stepping around graves and tombstones, I returned to the gravel path. The gravel parted as my sandals dug in, followed by a loud crunch.

Walking the gravel path, my thoughts drifted toward the floor guardian. What level will it be? What kind of monster could it be?

The highest level skeleton was 43; if it follows the previous trends, it should be level 45. If, as I expected, it is level 45, I'll have to go through another floor. More monsters and another floor guardian.

"But another floor means more loot." I reasoned. I could always use more gear, especially weapons. A dagger limits me too much. A bow or sword would be preferred, but I'll take what I can get.

Mhmm. Oh, how I've missed you. A hundred feet or so blocking the gravel path, a figure stood. Next to the ground was a small orange object with a blue hue. Behind the two, the ever-so-magnificent portal was waiting for my triumphant welcome.

"{Inspect}." Once more, calling upon the system's ability, I waited and waited.

Too far, huh? This gives me a chance to check the range properly. I walked ten more feet and tried again.


Nope. Ten more feet and still nothing.

As I walked closer and closer, more details began to uncover. The figure had a dirty brown cloak, hiding most of his body besides his hands and from the shin down. Its olive green hands held a wooden stick with a metal spade shape at the end. The shovel was proportionate to its size—thick, black leather boots wrapped around his legs.

Only fifty feet away, I tried once more, "{Inspect}."

{Floor Guardian - Dead Servant - Vicnor}

{Tier:0 Level: 45}

A Dead Servant? Oh. Then could those graves be fresh? Burying those who venture to this floor. Dead Servants, what an exciting species of monster.

Are all Dead Servants born with shovels? I kind of want to find out. But I can't force that to happen, no matter how much I want it—another thing to investigate later.

I can now see the details in the orange object: two triangle eyes and a curved line for a mouth. Blue flames illuminated the face: my friend, the one and only, Jack-o'-lantern.

Summoning my dagger, I grabbed it with my right hand. The control in my ring and pinky finger was still there, just without feeling.

The string and bone handle felt awkward in my grasp. My hand feels incomplete. Twisting my hand, twirling the dagger. My fingers moved to every command perfectly. The numbness, at least for now, doesn't affect my control.

My cloak swayed side to side, approaching the two monsters. A foul stench evaded my nostrils halfway toward the two.

My mask blocked most of the stench, but the parts it didn't, smelled like death. Fitting for something called a Dead Servant. A mere sick-inducing stench can't stop me. Pressing forward, the flame inside the jack-o'-lantern grew brighter in response—a show of excitement, I presume.

While Vicnor raised the shovel, his hand leveled with his head before thrusting down, piercing the cold ground. The gravel shifted, making way. Rocks clattered against the metal tip.

The blue flames illuminated the wooden, chipped handle, and the olive green hand gripped the top.

My feet carried on. Ignoring their dramatic display, my focus was on the shovel. Incapable of matching the range, fighting up close is my only option. Once close enough, Vicnor will have a difficult time using the blade of his shovel.

How annoying. I'll need to find something to cover long-range. I better get some class with magic.

Ten feet separated me from the monster duo. We would be having a staring contest if our eyes were exposed. Vicnor's body, its shape, seemed humanoid. More humanoid than some people I've seen.

To test the waters, a simple question escaped my mouth, "Can you understand me?" If he could, I could ask the burning questions that filled my mind.

Vicnor, seemingly unfazed by my question, stood still, unwavering. Upon closer inspection, I saw the size of him. About six feet, give or take a few inches, with large shoulders and thick arms. The blue flame dimmed; its light only illuminated the carvings. Almost instantly after, the flame bloomed, growing stronger than before. Brighter than ever, the flame calmed to the same before I asked my question—a sign it understood what I had asked.

Inhabiting the chosen vessel, which happened only to be jack-o'-lanterns. I have come to understand that the flame itself was the monster. I knew it was clever, but I never thought it could understand me. Based on its previous actions, I doubt it'll answer me truthfully if I ask anything.

I swear, it only reacted to confuse me further. All I want, in this singular moment, is to smash that used pumpkin. Though it does irk me, whoever it is, they enjoy my suffering. I don't understand how something like that got into the dungeon. The information from my Dad's stories can't be taken seriously.

The more I think about it, the more I believe he never stepped foot inside a dungeon. He was... well. I... don't know. All I remember was him and Mom making me smile, no matter the circumstances. They told me stories of places and people I thought I could only see and meet in my dreams. Did I truly know them? I wish I could say yes.

Ahhh, a tired sigh escaped my lips. Reminiscing about people I barely knew but loved so very much has made me realize how lonely I am.

In this world of infinite possibilities, there's a chance I won't end up alone, "To find my desired path means you must die," I whispered, staring into the darkness beneath Vicnor's hood.

Since entering, my mind has changed tens of times. Is this due to the evil's influence? No, I doubt it; I am just a mess. Nonetheless, knowing that I still don't know what I want—power, freedom, and glory. Tempting for many, myself included. But what I want is happiness. It just so happens that strength is needed to preserve it.

And unfortunately for Vicnor, the only way I can get stronger is to defeat him. It was Inevitable.

My sandals dug into the gravel, kicking up rocks as I approached the duo. The stench intensified with each step. My casual walk turned into a spirit, rocks flying behind me. My right hand was behind my back, clenching my dagger.

Reaching ten feet from Vicnor, he picked up his shovel, holding it with both hands, the tip pointing toward the sky.

Tens of thoughts raced through my mind, searching for the most optimal point of attack.

The shovel is pointed toward his left, with his left hand near the blade, while his right is by the handle's end. If I attacked from his right, he'd have to move his upper body to stab. Though, he won't have to move to smash down.

The worn, cracked handle wouldn't be hard to break. But that'll give him two weapons and decrease his range. With the shovel's large metal blade, that would make it harder to land a strike.

Too many unknown variables. With a simple test attack, I could learn important information. With his size, I wonder if he'll be able to keep up. I could wear him out or find an opportunity to deal critical damage.

"Ahh. what the hell," I mumbled. Arriving at Vicnor, before I could attack, he swung down to my right, and the air parted, making way for his shovel. With a heavy thud and clatter from the rocks, the back of the shovel dented the ground, pushing the gravel into the dirt beneath.

I jumped off my right foot toward the left, using this golden opportunity. Vicnor's entire right side is vulnerable, allowing me to get a direct hit. Dagger in hand, pointed down; I brought up my right arm; cloth tore as my dagger made its way up. The dagger constantly bumped up and down, struggling against whatever the fabric hid.

Before I could see what resisted my dagger, a sense of danger overcame me. Looking up, I saw Vicnor's arms were high above me, shovel in hand, rushing down onto me. Bending my knees, I put all the power into my legs. Jumping back, I barely dodge the full force of Vicnor smashing down.

The brown cloak cut open on his side, revealing curved white bones protecting his organs. The tear went from his waist up for two feet. Starting from the waist, the curved bones continued past what I could see.

A ribcage? An exoskeleton? What else is he hiding? Actually, I don't think I want to know. Boots protect the legs, and a ribcage covers the torso. Either the hands or face is the best to attack. Even the most minor cut will be enough.

Moving to the side, I avoided another frontal attack. With the short downtime between attacks, I lifted my right arm up. With full force, I brought down my arm.

My dagger barely penetrated Vicnor's flesh like chopping wood with a knife. An angry grunt from the monster to my side caused me to jump away before I could take my dagger back.

Vicnor swung his arms around, trying to catch me, leaving his shovel embedded in the ground. He ripped my dagger from his flesh and threw it. It flew through the air tens if not hundreds of feet away. Only a few drops of green blood dripped from the wound on his hand.

In his rage, the ground shook as he came closer and closer.

What the hell? It's like he's two times faster! Diving head first, I rolled to the left, barely dodging his charge. With his sheer size, even being faster than him, I can barely avoid his attacks.

What is he doing? After charging at me, Vicnor stopped dead in his tracks. His back moved up and down rapidly. Wow, his stamina is nothing. Already out of breath after one charge. My feet carried me to the shovel he left.

"Damn, it's huge!" The handle went up to my neck, even with part of the blade in the ground.

My hands wrapped around the wooden handle, my fingers hardly touching. Pulling up, I wobbled due to the unexpected weight. The handle rested over my shoulder.

Vicnor was done resting, charging once more at me. I don't know if it's because I drew blood or because I stole his shovel. But a battle cry shook the ground as he charged me. The weight of each step made him dig into the ground.

His charge was even faster than before. I quickly put the shovel in front of me, and with both hands squeezing the handle, I waited for impact. His speed was too fast, and his body too big. Running or dodging wouldn't help.

Vicnor easily broke the handle I used as a shield. His charge unhindered, he slammed against me.

I feel weightless. Like the times I'm inside the void, floating.

Am I dead? For only a brief moment, all of my senses were gone. No feeling, no noise, and no smell. I existed in nothingness.

"Ohh, ahh." Pain, so much pain. Deep breath after breath, the world returned to me—my body ached. The foul stench once more invaded my nostrils. The moon's light pierced my eyes, blinding me for a mere second. Slowly the world came back to me.

The first thing I saw was the night sky. The moon had never looked so beautiful. I would like to stay like this for a little longer. But the pain wouldn't allow that. Sitting up, I saw him.

Vicnor stood twenty feet away. His head arched down, looking at the shovel pieces in his hands.

"{Status)!" I called for the only hope I had.

{Name: Kai Venator

Race: Human

Class: N/A

Level: 29/50 - (50/1500) -> 45/50 - (450/2300)

Hp: 3,250/3,250 -> 3,000/6,050

Energy: (Locked)

Magic: (Locked)

Mind: 164-> 285(+10)

Vitality: 130 -> 242

Strength: 205 -> 298(+5)

Intelligence: 139 -> 251(+10)

Agility: 151-> 255(+25)

Dexterity: 143 -> 249(+10)

Resistance: 130 -> 243(+30)

Attribute Points: 8-> 40

Equipment: (Click To See)

Inventory: (Click To See)

SC: 1,000 }

Huh, where there it is, SC. Whatever, I don't have time for this.

Even with such impressive stats, I can't do anything. One attack! One attack did more than half my health. If I get hit one more time, I'm gone.

The biggest problem is speed. I'm not fast enough, not yet.

{Agility: 255 -> 295(+25) <+40>}

{Attribute Points: 40 -> 0}

My body felt lighter, and some of the pain vanished. Waving my arm, my body protest. Ignoring the warning from my body, I sliced through the air. Far faster than I imagined, but the real test was about to come.

Pushing against the ground with my other hand, I lifted myself off the ground. My movement didn't go unnoticed by Vicnor as the ground began to shake again with each step.

Still hazy; I didn't notice how close Vicnor already was. Rolling to the side, my body ached. Through the vibrations in the ground, I could feel Vicnor pass by me. "Stupid monster," I muttered. Looking back, I noticed I had moved over five feet.

"Haha!" A dry, cold laugh escaped my lips. Now I can try it.

Propelling myself off the ground, my feet dug into the ground, and using all the power I could muster, I arrived at the floor guardian in only a few seconds. Using the minor downtime between attacks, the palm of my hand covered the minor wound I made, "[Venom Touch]!"

Besides the numbness in my fingers, a slight tingling erupted throughout my hand. I can feel a strange substance pour out from my hand, dripping into the wound.

Retracting my hand after only a second or two, I ran. Making enough space between us in case Vicnor begins to charge again.

Ten seconds, thirty, a minute later, nothing. Minutes passed by, but nothing happened, not even a system notification.

After five minutes, the ground shook. Rocks being crushed vibrated through the air vibrated. Vicnor's lifeless body had fallen.

{Earned 11,600 Experience Points}

{Level Up! x5}

{Obtained, (The Grave Digger), (Bone Boots), (Strange Stone) x1}

"Ha." With a deep breath, a weight lifted off my shoulders. The pain subsided, and I even got the shovel! And boots, all that's left are leggings and a shirt.

But what caught my attention was the strange stone. Just the name alone piqued my interest. Opening the system, there it was, in my inventory. A white, shiny stone with blue swirls engraved. A light source disappeared just as I was about to take it out.

Looking behind me, I saw the flameless jack-o'-lantern next to the portal.

White particles danced in the air, swirling around the portal. Bending in and out of reality, the portal beckoned me.

Not yet. I can only venture further once I'm prepared.

The blue system panel containing my inventory appeared before my eyes. In one of the grid slots is a plain, spade shovel. Next to my newest weapon is a pair of brown, heavy, leathered boots. In place of laces are curved bones. Any further detail would require a closer inspection, which is unnecessary. The only important detail I care about is its defense capability.

Mentally clicking on the boots, two new panels popped up, {Equip (Bone Boots) Set 1/4?} {Y/N}. Hitting the yes option, a final panel appeared, along with a white mist around my legs.

{Equipped, (Bone Boots) +15 Strength +15 Resistance Set 1/4}

The mist disappeared, revealing a pair of boots. Made with a thick layer of leather and curved bones instead of laces, the boots go halfway up my shins.

My outfit consists of a variety of bright colors. Black, brown, and dark blue. Intentional or not, the gear I've gathered so far has been put together rather nicely.

Moving on to the item next to where the boots were, I clicked on the shovel or Gravel Digger. It is a fitting name for someone like Vicnor and what I plan to use it for. Set 1/4, unfortunately, I won't get the complete set of any of the gear I've gathered. What kind of bonus would I receive? It's something to look out for, that's for sure.

With the same prompt as before, I clicked 'Yes,' and the same mist came again. Covering my hands, it was gone before long. In its place was a shovel with a five-foot wooden handle and a foot-long head with a sharp point.

{Equipped, (Grave Digger) +20 Strength Set 2/4}


Nothing. I expected another prompt to let me know my dagger was unequipped. Opening the panel that shows all my equipped gear, almost all were full besides the leggings and jewelry slot. So my dagger counts as off-hand; good to know.

But, "Where is it?" It couldn't have been destroyed if the dagger was still equipped.

Checking the description of my new items, no new abilities were found.

"Ahhhh." A tired sigh escaped my mouth, "Damn monster, throwing my dagger."

Step after step, I walked in circles looking for my trusty dagger. Since Vicnor toppled over me, my sense of direction was jumbled.

Walking past tomb after tomb, I continued my search. It was only after thirty minutes of searching had I found it.

Embedded in the middle of the fresh soil of a grave, my dagger rested. Hmmm. Stupid Vicnor.

The string-laced handle felt oddly comfortable in my grasp. With a single thought of storing it, the dagger was covered in white motes before disappearing into my inventory.

"Amira Vemis." The tombstone read.

Just another fake name to reel people in. I doubt this many people have made it to this floor; my eyes scanned over all the graves in the area.

Turning around, I left the grave along with all the others.

My thoughts drifted toward SC, but no matter how hard I thought, I couldn't determine its purpose.

Arriving back, I decided to test my new boots a little. My right boot pierced the pumpkin, splitting it open. The face is deformed and flattened. This jack-o'-lantern will never light up again.

Now fully prepared, my feet took me closer and closer to the portal. My body passed through the mystical portal, and the familiar empty void embraced me.