
New beggining and power


There is a man fall from the sky like how sora and shiro fall in the beginning.

"WADAFAAK" i scream as i started to fall again before realizing that i have a wing and started to float, Thinking about event that happens today i feel exhausted, as i go to the ground i found my self a cave after entering it due to mental exhaustion i fell asleep.

[ 2 hours later]

i woke up and started to think about event that happen today, first i die, second, i reincarnate, third now i have flugel body, from what i remember from NGNL flugel capabilities are :

[God-killers: As the Flügels were created to kill gods, their very body can easily break physical laws. They have superhuman strength and reflex, and are capable of unassisted flight in great speed. During a fight, they can fire magical blasts almost endlessly. Other than higher ranking Ixseeds, very few could actually hope to match them in combat.

Magic Capability: Due to having very strong affinity to magic, they are capable of using a wide range of magic and spells, while also able to detect elementals and magic uses in the vicinity. Although not being able to match the Elves in sophistication, their sheer power and near-bottomless capacity more than made up for it. One of their signature magic is Teleportation, which allows them to effortlessly teleport into anywhere they can see, or where they have visited. This made them a serious threat during the Great War, as they can practically show up and wreak havoc without warning anytime, anywhere.

Heavenly Smite: The Flügel's only named attack and their trump card. It is an attack spell formed by concentrating all Elementals nearby, powerful enough to destroy the former Elven capital Melriune's magical barrier formed by 3000 mages and level the city itself. In Light Novel Volume 4, Jibril literally split the sea apart with only 5% output. In the Dating Simulator, she was able to continuously flatten the Siren city while it regenerated.

Immortality: The Flügel race is absolutely immortal, possessing an infinite life span. They're immune to all diseases, illnesses, disorders, toxins, impurities, physical and mental interference. Also, they are entirely self-sustained, will never age (always remain in their physical and mental prime) and are immune to aging abilities. Finally, they are almost invulnerable to all harm (including a point blank H-Bomb explosion) and can fully regenerate from almost any damages using the Rite of Restoration.

Immense Knowledge: After the introduction of the Ten Covenants, the Flügel collected books rather than severed heads. They've read a huge number of books and thus have accumulated an immense amount of knowledge. An example would be Jibril who knows more than 700 languages. Therefore, they are very fond of word games, such as Shiritori and Tag shown in the story.

Flügels have no sense of shame, as was shown when Sora used magic in the Tag game against the Flügels. He made a group of them naked, but they continued to chase Sora and Shiro without any hesitation. They only stopped after Sora used magic that made them grope each other.]

It seems that i have all flugel race power and weakness like what it shown in NGNL zero when jibril use too much power that she turned into loli i also could turn into shota, enough of that now that i lack need food and sleep i don't need to think about that anymore but i still need to find civilization, but before i go there i create my self an ice mirror using magic as i automatically know how to use elemental magic and it still 3 days before Hajime come, looking at the mirror i found myself immersed as i look different from my past life and now looks like ayanokouji kiyotaka from COTE.

Looking at myself i feel thankful as i am not naked as i wear basic white clothes and pants, flying through the sky i started to survey the area as now i realized i was in kingdom outskirt.

"What to doo~, what t doooo~" i sang as i fly through the sky, the excitement i feel from flying is unimaginable the air hitting my face the feeling of accomplishment is good, as a teenager i always wanted to fly using my own body like cmon you guys have been dreaming of it's too right.

But seriously i thought as i started to think how i knew that ehit doesn't know about my arrival and how i knew hajime haven't come and will come 3 days later?, well enough of that as i arrive at nearest town i started to survey the area 'Medieaval' is what i thought as i see the building and night market.