
See you in Spring

First love is always something special. Even if I regret loving you , for this lifetime I'm going to love you till my death . But I can't guarantee about my other life time

Ushin_Park · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs


Girl 1 : Do you know why I am , the queen of the school tolerating such a looser?

Girl 2 : There is such a interesting reason for tolerating such a pathetic looser , right .

The girls laughed while talking.

Girl 3 : I just hate the sight of her .

Girl 1 : Do you think I like her ? Huh , if it wasn't for her father's money I would never even looked at her . Let along make her my friend .

Girl 2 : You're right. Money is important . If it wasn't for this pathetic looser's money how would we came to school wearing such a fancy shoes and bags everyday .

Girl 1 : She pays for our shopping , take us to fancy restaurants . Exactly that's why we pretend to be her friend . She is going to die anyway. She should at least spend this much of her fortune for us . We let her live a social life at school after all .

Saying that the girls start to laugh again .

Boy 1 : Hey , shouldn't you go and check on your girlfriend. I heard she passed out in PT period . The students brought her to the infirmary .

Boy 2 : Hm , I also heard talking some students about that . It seems to be serious . Shouldn't you go and check on her if she is alright ?

??? : No , I don't have to . If she is okay I'll see her after school ends , anyway.

Boy 1 : But , what if you don't see her at school gate after school ends?

Boy 2 : It must mean she is seriously injured.

??? : Why are you guys look more worried than me ? Are you guys are her boyfriend? No , right . So stop with this shit already .

Boy 2 : How came you react like that? She is your girlfriend , shouldn't you be at least concerned about her . It looks like she is your servent not girlfriend.

??? pulled Boy 2's collar aggressively

??? : Don't make me repeat myself. So stay out of it . She is my girlfriend so I'll take care of that by myself. Don't cross your line .

Boy 1 tried to stop them before teacher see them .

Boy 1 : Yes , clam down??? . I'll talk with him . Let him go for now . You guys will be in trouble if teacher saw you guys like this .

??? leave his collar and went away aggressively.

Teacher: Oh , Ushin come sit here .

Ushin : I heard you ask for me , teacher.

Teacher : Yes , the thing is actually I am going to say you something really important. I must look mean to you after you heard me but I'm doing all this for your shake . Because I'm concerned about you .

Ushin : I quit don't get it. What are you trying to say , Teacher?

Ushin : Oo Ushin , mmm actually I'm trying so say how about you don't come to school from tomorrow? You must be shocked right now . But you see since you're a bit weak I think it would be better for you to stay at home . of course you'll come to school during exams but I think it'll be good for you to study from home . You are a intelligent student so I don't think it'll matter much .

Ushin : Thanks teacher for your concern but I would like to come school. I don't want to study from home . Then I'll take my leave .

Ushin bowed her teacher and leave . She took a long breath after coming out of her room . Just when she was going to leave she heard her teacher saying something furiously

: What a brazen brat . I was just trying to be a good teacher but she just run her mouth and say whatever she want . Why did even she come to school when she is going to pass out . This girl is making my life harder.

She heard everything and leave quitely .

Ushin come to her sense after hearing the knock from her cabin' s door .

Ushin: Come in .

She saw Mr . Lee walking into her cabin.

Mr . Lee : Good morning young miss. Did a perhaps disturb you ?

Ushin : No , it's okay. What's bring you here ?

Mr . Lee : Mr . Park ask to me make a list of some respectful school for you to attend . I came to give you the list .

Saying that Mr Lee handed over Ushin a file which contains the list of schools . Ushin take the file. Without even looking at the file she said

Ushin: Thank you ajhussi . You can leave now . I'll take care of the other things by myself . You can go now . Oh ajhussi does my dad is very busy today ?

Mr . Lee : Yes , he have meetings on afternoon and evening.

Ushin: Oh, I see . Thanks and thanks again for this also .

She said showing the file Mr . Lee just gave her while smiling.

Mr Lee: Then I guess my work is done here . I'll go back to the office.

He felt it odd the way she was talking but anyway He bowed at her and was going to leave but Ushin said

Ushin : Ajhussi please don't bow to me again . As I said before I don't want you to be treat me like Mr Park' s daughter. You know what I mean right. I'm tired of being my father's daughter . Just treat me like usual people.

Mr Lee : Yes , I'll try .

Ushin : I hope you try earnestly. I'll keep my eye on you.

She said jokingly . Mr . Lee smiled at her . Seeing her smiling and joking he shrugged off his thoughts and took his leave . After some time she took her phone from the night stand and called someone.

On the phone ( OTP )

Ushin : Where are you ? No it's doesn't matter where you are come to my cabin right now .

She hang up the phone and put it back to the night stand . Within a minute a man in black suit and pant enter her cabin.

Ushin: It was you right who told dad about Mr . Kim .

Mr Jung : Sorry young miss but it's my duty to report your every move to chairman

After hearing him she got pissed of so much . She asked while whining like a child.

Ushin : Oppa aren't you my secretary ?

Mr Jung : Yes , young miss

Seeing him indifferent she starts to complain , just like a child

Ushin: Then why does it feel like you're a spy sending by my father.

Mr Jung : But it's my duty to report....

Before he could say further she interrupted him

Ushin : Oppa aren't you got tried from saying the same thing again and again. Anyway I need you to do something for me . BUT OBVIOUSLY MAKE SURE MY FATHER DON'T GET TO KNOW ABOUT IT .

She said the last line with extra pressure.

Mr . Jung : What should I do for you .

Ushin : Go and start the paper work for my discharge. And make sure Lee ajhussi and my father don't even suspect anything .

Mr Jung : Young Miss ! Your father will get angry if he get to know what are you up to .

Ushin : That's why I'm entrusting you with such a important task . Make sure my father don't get to know anything . It's the best for both of us to survive.

Mr . Jung gave her a impossible look . He starts to move as he was going to get this done as he always give in to her she said ' fighting, you got this ' to him while smiling.

At the Park Group office

Mr Park : Did you gave her the file .

Mr Lee : Yes, Sir

Mr . Park : What did she said ?

Mr Lee: Young Miss said she would look into it .

Mr Park : Did she say anything else?

Mr Lee: She asked if you're busy today . So I told her about your schedule a bit.

Mr Park : It's strange. Why would she want to know about if I'm busy or not . Is she up to something weird again!

Mr . Park said looking a bit concerned but Mr Lee assured him saying

Mr Lee : I don't think so . It seems she asked about it just casually. Young Miss seems to be in a good mood today. Maybe thats why . You don't need to get worried, sir.

Mr. Park : If you're saying so then I can rest assured. Did everything is prepared for afternoon meeting ?

Mr Lee : Yes , everything is ready sir . We can start the meeting once Kim Group comes .

Mr Park : Hm Okay . You can go for now .

In afternoon at hospital

Mr Jung : Young Miss we are done with your discharge . We can go home now . Ushin : Who is going home ?

She said while wearing her shoes.

Mr Jung : You , young miss . we are done with hospital paper work so you can go home .

Ushin : Oppa do you know sometimes I wonder are you really that much dumb or you're just too much innocent to get on my nerves. If I was going back home why would I tell you to do something in my father's back .

She stands up from her bed and patt his back and say

Ushin : Let's go Oppa .

They took the elevator and come to the 1st floor. They were going to leave but then Ushin notice that old doctor and the other doctors are waiting for them with some flowers on the old doctor's hand . Ushin and Mr . Jung went to them .

the old man : Aigoo our young miss , many many congratulations on your discharge.

Ushin faked a smile , took the flower bouquet and said

Ushin : If you're done with this can you get out of my way , ajhussi. You're blocking the way , you see .

The old doctor got very pissed of and move aside . Ushin starts to walk towards the hospital gate . Before leaving the hospital she dumped the flower bouquet in the dustbin placed at hospital counter . The old doctor got very angry and going to say something but his subordinate stop him from saying anything dangerous by putting his hands on the old doctor's mouth .

At the car

Mr . Jung : Where are we going young miss?

Ushin : Go to my uncle's house , Oppa .

Mr Jung starts to driving .

After a while ,

Mr Jung: Why do you hate Mr . sung so much ?

Ushin : Mr . Sung , who is he?

Mr Jung : The doctor who was in charge of you .

Ushin: Ah , that old man.

Mr Jung : Yes

Ushin: Umm he is a bad man . That's why . Oppa don't need to know the details. Just remember he is a bad person that will be all .

Mr Jung : Young Miss why do you keep everything secret from me ? Am I not that trustworthy?

Ushin: Oo oppa ! How can you say that . You just hurt my feelings. It's not that I don't trust you it's just that you're always asking me questions in bad timing. In a word you don't have any time sense .

Mr . Jung got upset by hearing her

Mr Jung : Are you saying I , I Jung sun bin don't have any time sense? Huh

Mr . Jung scoffed. Realizing Mr Jung got upset She said this on a teasing tone

Ushin : Oppa are you just scoff ? Are you getting upset ? Hey it's not how grown up mans act .

Mr . Jung : Who said I'm upset . I'm not .

Ushin: Yes , you're not . It's me who are upset , happy .

Mr Jung : No , why would you say that , I'm really not upset. I'm saying na

Ushin: Yes yes now focus on driving if you don't want us both to be dead.

Mr Jung : Yes , but young miss I'm seriously not upset

Mr Jung say that to maintain the image of him .

Ushin : Yes yes whatever you say .