
Seducing The Playboy

Do you want your MAN who cheated at you and his GIRL to be savage by the girl who's been mastered the art of seducing and hurting? Contact Elle +82 69-696-9*** and of course prepared the $999 no discount. No Money No Service. Pay before Service.

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Meet Him


We wanted to forget yet our heart and

brain didn't want us to do so.


Chapter Three: Meet Him

Randhel's POV

After Elle's call, I've searched for that boy maybe it's her new boy toy from her new client. I know what was the real reason why she doing this kind of job, I mean part-time not totally her job. I don't think she needs money that much, she's the daughter of Declan Hyeon the owner of Hyeon International Airports, and a lot of hotel chains worldwide, and of course Priscilla Carson, soon to be the Queen of Spain and the legatee of Carson's Worldwide Corporation and International Hospitals.

Elle Devoir Hyeon has a pleasant life but isn't lucky to have a completely happy family. What a wonderful life isn't she?.

I just need to call my ugly cousin Angelica Diana Alejandro Carson. She's a brat still I love her, she's childish but I love it.

Devil. I put her name in my phone book as Devil, it's actually suited for her.

"What?!" She outcry.

"Hey" just chill Randhel. You need to chill. This is for your favorite cousin Elle.

"Why did you call jerk?! I'm busy!" Does she have the red jelly ace? PMS again?

"Chill Devilish Diana!" you need to be chill dude, just chill!

"I'm busy and you call so what do you expect huh? Happy? Excited?" I think I can't control myself now.

"You brat! Do you need a band-aid? You keep yelling and it's really hurtful to my ears! I call you because Elle has a problem, and It's all about that bitch, you understood huh?!" I already release it.

"Híja dé puta" she just call Ms. Alicia Drein a bitch.

"We need to go in the pad of Elle, she needs us," I said calmly.

"Sobreëntendídò" after she said that word she already hangs up the call.

Angel is a brat and devilish sometimes, but when it comes to her family she's vixenish, a mad vixenish.


Angel's POV

I hang up the call of Randhel. That bitch pissed me off! She's nowhere and what? Can things hurt my cousins and auntie? She's shameless, a lunatic shameless.

I set aside all the things I'm doing right now, Elle needs us right now. I feel my table was vibrating, I saw my phone.

My cousin Jiro was calling.

"Uhmm?" I put my fingers into my forehead and I massage it.

"Can I go to your pad now?"

"No. And that's final, bye" I nearly hang up the call when he shouted 'wait' at me.

"Jerk, please not now" I close my eyes.

"Do you have a problem?"

"I have so please stop bothering me, okay?" I said it calmly.

"Okay baby, just talks to me if do you want. I miss you" after he said those words I felt guilty. I miss him too but not now.

I stand now and walk to my wardrobe and pick a dress, I need to be fast. I know what can Elle do when she's distracted or depressed when it comes to that bitch. I go in the bathroom and take a shortly shower.


Ella's POV

It's been a while and she already here again to destroy mom, us. I really hate that woman. I will never forgive her for what she does to my family, she will regret all she did to us. I promise that.

The telephone under the table was ringing. I answer it.

"Yes speaking?"

"Hey, Ella! I call you because we need to finish our project in science" she's Lim Hye Song my partner in our project science. I choose her because she's studious and she's not oblivious. Nobody wants to befriend her because she's a nerd and a weirdo. They will befriend her because they need her, they need answers to assignments and Quizzes. They, all the same, just want you because they need you.

"Okay, Hyesong. And wait, what do I need to bring?" I ask her.

"Uhmmm nothing! Just bring yourself" I don't know why did they say that Hyesong is a weirdo? Actually, she's lovely, cheerful, and she's like an Angel. They don't know that because they are all hidebound.

"Yeah, friend" I smiled and hang the call.

I go down and look for Mama. She's in the kitchen.

"What are you cooking Mama? It smells so delicious!" I hug Mama in her back. I really love Mama so much.

"I'm just baking an Oreo cake baby"

"My favorite! But Ma I need to go to Hyeong's House"

"Okay baby but you need to go home before 8 or 9, understood?" I look at my wristwatch, it's already 2:37 pm. That's why I love Mama so much.

"And last call me if you need me to fetch you okay? Or your elder Sister."

"Yes Ma, bye love you" I Kiss my Mama's cheeks and go out. I saw Manong Top one of our drivers walking in the garden.

"Hi, Kuya Top! Can you drive me to Lostival Village?"

"of course! wait for me here"


"Just call madame Ella" I smiled and nod to Manong Top.

I click the doorbell of Hyesong's house. I saw Ate Minda their housemaid. She opens the gate for me.

"Ay, ma'am! Hello!" She greets me and smiled.

"Hi ate Minda! How are you?"

"I'm fine ganda!" She always called me ganda, it means beautiful. I just smiled at her.

"Hyesong is waiting at you in her room, ganda"

"Thanks ate Minda!" I go up to her room. I knocked and open it.

"Hey" my greet. She runs to me and hugs me as she missed me so much.

"Hey, I can't breathe" she just says sorry and peace to me.

"I already have a plan anyway," I said.

"Then Let's do it now!" She said cheerfully. Then someone opens her door.

"Hey, Princess! What are you doi- " he stopped when he saw me. I look at him. He has a pointed nose, a pair of brown eyes, pinkish heart shape lips, and messy brownish hair.

"Hello!" He greets me and smiled. I just nod at him and I said 'Hi' with no energy. I continue drawing our plan in her notebook.

"What are you doing guys?" The man asks.

" We're doing our project," Hyesong said.

"Uhmmm. I'm going to school now bye princess errr bye Hyesong's classmate!"

"Byebye brother! Love you! Mhua!" She said and she flies a kiss to her brother.

"Yeah bye," I just said without looking at him. I just don't know, I have this bad feeling about Hyesong's brother.

"Who's he?" I asked Hyesong. She was cutting the cardboard for our project.

"He's my brother, Lim Theo," she said while cutting the cardboard.

"Okay" I need to stop asking before we can't finish this project.

Lim Theo. You have a pair of violent eyes that can hurt a lot of feelings. You will meet her, my sister when the time comes. Be ready.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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