
Seducing The Ice Queen

Alice Faye has grown up seeing her parent's farce of a marriage and does not believe in fate or even love. Tired of her father's mind games and trying to sell her off to the highest bidder so that his illegitimate son can take over the business, Alice turns the tables thus earning herself the name Ice Queen for her ruthless ways! K, is a superstar lead singer of the of the most celebrated band Sky. With his extra ordinarily beautiful looks, soulful heart melting voice and an IQ higher than 140, there is nothing that K cannot achieve...And this time he has set his target on a certain queen's heart... Join K in his journey as he melts the heart that has long been encased in ice .

har_k · Urbain
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182 Chs

A Realistic Dream

She could feel his weight on top of her. The way he held her face with such gentle hands. His tongue tasted hers and she could taste some... popcorn? Her hands wanted to hold him but they were pressed to her sides by his slightly rough hands.

The scene changed and this time Alice could feel his hands around her while he nuzzled her neck. His voice whispered in her ears," Promise me, Alice. Only I will have your heart.. I want you to be mine. Heck, I am tempted to make you mine right away but.. you are too young for us... Promise me.." Alice's heart threatened to jump out of her chest as she let his voice wash over her, "I promise.."

The scene changed once again and this time, Alice was surrounded by snow as she looked around with a ball of snow in her hand ready to launch attack, as she screamed, "You can run or hide but I will find you! And then you will know what it means to have some snow in the face!"

As Alice ran around looking for a target, the boy had come up behind her and picked her up by the waist while she screamed. His voice sounded hoarse over the cold wind, "Hey! I want some hot chocolate and not some cold snow.. We are going in my vengeful Alice!" And then she was carried into the door even as she screamed and kicked. The banging of the door in the dream made her jerk awake as Alice sit up in the bed! Gosh! It had been so long since she had such weird dreams!

Getting up from the bed, Alice rubbed her eyes and took a sip of water from the her bottle before falling back on the bed. It must be because of that Adam that she had that weird dream again of the strange man. It was because he had caught her similar to the way the man in her dream held her! That jerk! She hated being touched! She hated skin ship! The voice of the stranger in her dream also suddenly seemed to be similar to his!

No! The man in her dreams was special! He was untouched by the dirt of her past and her present. And she would not let someone like Adam Perry spoil that for her. As tears escaped her eyes, she felt the loss of her dream man's love for her. She had never dared to talk about the man in her dreams. Because she knew that if she told anyone then they would term her insane. But the truth was that her mind had conjured up the man from her dreams as a coping mechanism. Maybe she had been too stressed and that is why that dream occurred again.

Getting up from the bed, Alice wiped her tears. Her imaginary lover had been her support since the hard days when her mother passed away. There were times that she made herself believe that he was real. A sad smile came over her face as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror!

Such a pitiful existence. The only people who ever loved her were either gone from this world or lived only in her imagination.. Her sleep gone, she grabbed her phone and walked out of the room. She could just do some workout and then get to work. Just as she was about to place her phone on the treadmill, she glanced at the notification on the screen. Adam had messaged her a few hours back. A strange sensation in her heart, she touched the name and opened the message. Instead of a text message, the man had sent over a voice recording. "Alice, my lovely girlfriend, I have sent you a questionnaire with some simple questions, please answer them and send the answers to me! I have already read through the Mou Hospitality file and let me tell you it is too boring! And I have also recorded my answers so you know them too."

Reading the questionnaire, Alice got onto the treadmill and started to walk while pressing the record button as she read his answers as well as answered his questions. As she reached the end of the long list from her favorite color to her most hated color, and almost finished her walk, she paused at a silly question. The man had asked if she had been in any accidents that had affected her brain or memory! What a weird question! But answering negatively, she was about to send over the voice recording when she read the last line, "By the way, I have not asked your favorite person because that would be me! P.s. you are my favorite person in the world also! You just need to smile a bit more.."

Alice giggled and then realizing what she had done, she immediately released the record button, sending her answers in the process. What she did not know was the small sound of her laughter had also ben recorded and sent to Adam...

Mass Release 2/3

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