
seducing the boss

Anna is a kind, charming girl with an irresistible charm who is also rich and cute and has 2 sisters. After studying their butts off the three of them created a company which blew the business world off their expectations she decides to leave to take a break from being the boss and know how it actually feels like to be in love... she goes to her best friend who is also her crush's company Adam and with Adam gone for the past 5 years his brother Josh was the one responsible for it now.... What happens when Adam suddenly appears in her office one day.... ???? will sparks fly?? Well let's find out

Kaybebs · Urbain
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24 Chs

chapter 17

Annabelle's POV

"what??" I asked and he chuckled "yes baby girl I love the fact that you're so innocent" yanking me up in his arms he said and I wrapped my legs around him

"I'll teach you everything and you'll learn only from me okay future Mrs Cruise??" my body jumped in excitement and curiosity to learn from him "okay daddy" I said and he smirked kissing my cheeks

"come on now baby girl before we do something I might regret we should head back and eat some breakfast" he said and I smiled as we walked back butterflies floating around my tummy he wanted me so bad... he wanted me.... to spoil me, teach me and treat me like his queen

come on that was all I needed to hear from him he didn't want no other bitch but ME because I was his and his only come on Annabel you idiot why were you crying then

"so are you guys ready for a tour in the zoo??" Kylie asked and I smiled when I saw 3 golf carts waiting for us to drive

"of course girlie" I said going into one and jay came next to me and the corner of my eye I saw josh with Adam

"that wasn't very fair sister you shouldn't embarrass him like that in front of everybody" my poor sister said and i smiled "you're not okay Kylie seriously you banged him last night.... thought it was a deal.... we sisters are supposed to stick together and we definitely know we are supposed to be virgins not until we walk on that alter" I signed frustrated and she groaned

"you're not so Innocent either tell me you and Adam didn't do it" she shot back and I stopped the cart "how can you think like that about me out of all people huh?? Adam and I didn't sleep together he didn't even try to do something like that because I made it clear to him but you ... you disappointed me Kay..." I said looking at her dead in the eye

yes she acted like a bitch and she should know that "but you know how long I had a thing for him" she said and I laughed "1 year and a half kay and you just sold that virginity to him... Adam he waited for 15 years Kay and he still is... is that fair to him?? so please just don't talk about how long you had a thing okay only I know the feeling...." my tone turning sad

"but Anna...." she said like she wanted to comfort me and I laughed bitterly stopping her I don't want her pity or anything else

"let's just not talk about this" I said and continued driving this was stupid very stupid mom made it clear to us all

we took the ride silently and when we stopped for a picnic I went to Adam "just don't say anything" I said and he smiled "how about you marry me Annabelle stop making me beg for it baby girl" he said and all eyes were on us "Adam you've asked me that over twenty times since you're back and its still going to be a no" I said and Sharon came to me

she smiled whispering in my ear a wonderful idea and I smiled "okay Adam I'll marry you..." I said and he chuckled "why do I feel like there's a but coming?" he asked "but.... I'll only do it if you have the rung here with you" I said and he smiled widely

"there you go baby girl a ring for the queen" he said taking in his pockets the same diamond ring he showed putting it on my fingers and I smiled when he kissed me softly

"told ya he had it" I said to Sharon and she smiled "whoops" she said touching his forehead and I laughed softly its so weird

"so we have a wedding to prepare??" Jeremy asked and I laughed but only sounded like a giggle "well I guess so" I said and kissed Adam again and they all smiled

"well let's get home then... I need to tell mom and dad" josh said and Adam looked at him. "we'll tell them but in the right time" he said kissing my cheek and I smiled widely

"thanks" I said

"Adam can I ride with you right now??" I asked and he groaned pulling me by the waist "for a second I thought you asked if you could ride me... I mean bounce on my dick and everything" he said in my ear causing me to shiver and he chuckled "I love how you react Mrs Cruise" he said and I smiled

"okay let's go baby" he said racing back to the RV I smiled relaxing in the room with Adam "baby... you wanna get married at the city hall before our wedding??... so that I can finally be inside you??" he asked kissing my forehead and I smiled this is what I love about Adam he asks me for concern every time he wants to do something

"uh okay just pick me up when you're ready" I said and he smiled "I don't know what happened with you but I like it wifey" he said kissing on my cheeks then down my neck causing me to shiver in need

"how about to touch me like this after I become your wife husband?" I asked and he chuckled nodding "I'll tell the driver to drop us off on our way home" he said and I smiled when he went out

dashing in the bathroom I smiled I had to wear something decent if we are going to get married but all I had was baggy black joggers and a crop top huh that can also work who knew my sense of fashion is so amazing

quickly throwing the clothes on is miles looking at myself in the mirror I looked amazing almost good.. taking some lip bum I smeared it on my lips fixed up any errors and I smiled when he came back in

"you ready??" he asked and I nodded