
Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Every story needs a great evil for the hero or heroine to defeat… The wicked stepmother who torments Cinderella. The fearsome dragon who kidnaps the princess. The fake rich daughter who bullies the real. An evil demon queen hell bent on destroying the world. Yet sometimes these villains defeat the heroes. Agent 214 has been tasked to enter these dangerous worlds and eliminate these evil villainesses before they have the chance to win. But why is every story a little different than what it first seems?

HopelesslyRomantic · LGBT+
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355 Chs

Lady Of The Night (5)

(Northern Region- New Atlantic City)

(Inner District- Unovan Auction House)

Mary opened her eyes and groaned in pain since it hurt to even take a single breath. Her ribs had clearly been bruised… or even cracked.

What has happened? Where was she? This place…

The last thing that she remembered was falling unconscious after trying to crawl towards the open van door.

No matter how hard she tried, Mary could not recall how she had managed to end up in this unfamiliar place.

Mary looked around her surroundings and felt her heart drop as she realised that she had not managed to be saved.

But the hunters were right there… why would they let a vampire go?

Did she overestimate their determination and drive to kill rogue vampires?

Truthfully the young girl's mind was a bit of a mess, but she forced herself to calm down and take stock of the situation.

There was no use in panicking.