
Tests and Friends

Almost a day passed and Danny was sitting on the couch drinking tea and reading some history book Dr. Kneel brought. He figured he would have needed to go to the bathroom at some point, though he was proven wrong by how much tea he had already consumed. Not to mention, he didn't feel like he had drank almost fifty liters. He neither felt full nor empty, it was certainly an interesting self-discovery.

The door opened and Dr. Kneel walked in, the man looked deathly uncomfortable as he seemingly escorted another doctor. Danny closed the book and set it down, smiling as he lowered his mask and poured two cups of tea for the visitors.

"Doctor, who's your friend?" He tilted his head at the unfamiliar man, noting the very fake smile he was sporting. "I don't like him."

The two raised their eyebrows, surprised by the straight-forward dislike. Dr. Kneel cracked a wobbly smile, looking at the other who kept a calm face but glared at Danny.

"I apologize, this is Dr. Hest, he was assigned to lead your case."

Ghostface hummed as the two sat down, Dr. Hest reached for the freshly poured cup of tea, only for Danny to pull it towards himself. Choosing to ignore the others' malice as he turned to Dr. Kneel.

"That is…unfortunate. If I am to be blunt, I much prefer you, Doctor."

The man sported a genuine firm smile, clearing his throat after noticing his companions' anger. Dr. Kneel opened his mouth to continue when Dr. Hest interrupted.

"I've gotten permission to do some tests with you and a few other SCP, afterwards we'll need to take some blood and get an MRI scan. If you don't mind." The last part was tacked on, obviously a last thought.

Danny didn't bother acknowledging the balding man, choosing to instead stand. Walking over to Dr. Kneel. "Shall we go then?"

The other glanced at Dr. Hest before returning his gaze to Ghostface, he nodded and stood up. The three made their way out of the cell and down multiple halls, the following guards and doctors stopped quite a few feet away from the door. Danny tilted his head in question when the good doctor informed him.

"This is as far as we can go unfortunately, the SCP is quite dangerous within these parameters. We will be watching through the cameras, so simply call if you need to be extracted from the room." The doctor handed him a flashlight.

Nodding, he took it and bid the man farewell before traveling the rest of the distance. The door opened and he peered inside the room, there was black goop and what looked like blood corroding the walls. His eyes eventually landed on the white mask sitting inside the glass case. It seemed to be whispering stuff to him, but Danny didn't bother paying attention after the first words of "Boo!".

Entering the room, the door shut with a loud slam as he looked around the room. The mask nonsensically word vomited to him, telling him to put it on.

"My, you are quite talkative, aren't you?" The words stopped almost immediately.

"You…What are you?"

Tilting his head, Ghostface smiled, watching in mild disgust as black goop oozed out of the mask. "Good question, you can call me Ghostface. And who might you be?"

The mask hummed "The people in here call me 035, or The Possessive Mask. Though I have quite a few names, you can simply refer to me as the number."

"That's a bit inconvenient, but alright. I'm unsure why I'm here, but I suppose it's nice to talk to others who are considered "SCP" in this facility." Danny sat down criss-cross on the floor, staring up at the mask.

"I see, yes. I don't get many visitors, unfortunately. I cause too many problems."

Humming, Ghostface nodded. "I suppose you've been here for a while, so you'd know a lot about this place?" He could practically see the mask smiling at his words despite its otherwise inanimate nature.

"Yes, I suppose. What would you like to know?"

Danny rocked back and forth, head tilting side to side before he leaned fully to the left and laid on his back. "Then, what is this place?"

"Ah, it is classified as 'Site 19' by the SCP Foundation. A facility that holds most of the Keter and Euclid class SCP, it moves locations randomly to different unpopulated areas of the world." The mask responded casually.

"I'm afraid that simply gives me more questions." Ghostface laughed.

"Well go ahead and ask, I don't have much else better to do anyway."

"Alright then, Keter and Euclid, I heard the latter when I got here. I assume they're classifications for SCP's?" He supposed the mask would've nodded if it could.

"Yes, there are a few different classifications the Foundation uses for SCP's, starting from the bottom. We have the Safe class, you'd be surprised by how many Safe class SCP there are. Second, is the Euclid class. Meant for most SCPs, specifically for the ones that the Foundation knows the least about, it is the class between Safe and Keter. Where everything that isn't Safe but not dangerous enough to be Keter go, typically. It is what most new SCP are classified as until better understood and reclassified."

"Then we have Keter class, it is the one I have been assigned. As it is most difficult to contain me, and it would be dangerous to everyone if I get out. And after that, we get into the somewhat less used, Thaumiel. The ones that are kept under lock and key, need to know for only a few outside of the O5 council, they are used to counteract other SCPs or anomalous phenomena, these types are typically not contained, either because it's impossible, or because it wouldn't be wise. There are a few higher classes that I'm aware of, whether used or not. But that is the basics."

Danny hummed, going over the newly obtained information. "So "The Foundation", I can assume they are some type of organization formed to find and contain SCPs and anomalies, correct?"

"Yes, The SCP Foundation is a global organization made to find and contain or exterminate anomalous creatures and objects. To Secure, Contain, and Protect. Also to study SCPs and find ways to use their anomalous powers, either for their own purposes, or on account of the world."

"I see, thank you. This conversation has been very informative, I must also apologize and hope you don't hold a grudge, on account of not being able to help in your call for freedom. For multiple reasons, I do wish you luck in your attempts though."

Ghostface bowed his head and stood up, the mask shouted incessantly at him as he simply phased through the rotting doors. He squinted, the sudden change of lighting making his eyes take a moment to adjust. Turning off the flashlight, he made his way to the doctor's and guards, handing the flashlight to one of the guards. He took note of the others' expressions.

"It seems 035 has no sway over you 6176." Dr. Hest said.

"Hm, 6176? If you don't mind, I prefer Ghostface." Danny didn't bother looking at the man as he started walking. "What else is on the schedule today, Doctor?" He crossed his hands behind his back as Dr. Kneel and the guards quickly joined his pace down the hall.

"Um, it seems…Ah…173…" The doctor trailed off, face scrunched in an unpleasant manner. Showing his discomfort and obvious dislike for the SCP.

"173? I suppose I am to converse with them as well?" Ghostface tilted his head, receiving a worried look from the doctor.

"Erm, unfortunately 173 does not speak, at least to our knowledge. I must warn, that you have to keep your eyes on it at all times, effectively without blinking. Why did the O5 council even permit this???" He muttered the last part under his breath.

'Hm, it seems this is an unusual situation. I can understand why, the mask was dripping with more malice and intent than black goo. Even mentioning how dangerous they are, if the state of its containment chamber is indication enough. No blinking though, that may be difficult.'

He blinked a few times, only now realizing how dry they were. He supposed he hadn't blinked since entering 053's chamber, a bit tense from the unexpected. He should be fine then, though these "tests" were certainly helping Danny learn more about himself and his powers. He'd had time to test a bit in the darkness of 053's chamber, free from others' prying eyes. Asserting that he could essentially travel through the darkness, given the place he wanted to go had a dark enough area.

They stopped in front of two large metal doors, Dr. Kneel anxiously bit at his lip when Danny placed a hand on his shoulder. The others were obviously surprised by the action, given the guards slightly raised their guns. The doctor's attention was fully trained on him, an inquisitive expression replacing some of the worry.

"It is not good for you to stress, Doctor. You'll end up like Hest." He smiled, appreciating the expressions on each of their faces. He turned back towards the large doors as the others made their way to the observation room.

A guard spoke from the speaker on the wall, informing him to not look away from the 'object'. And that he will be removed after ten minutes. Ghostface was unsure of how long he'd been talking with 053, but ten minutes seemed manageable enough. He could simply use Night Shroud if needed, though he was unsure if it would protect him. As he knows nothing of 173 other than he must keep his eyes on it, so he'd simply have to hope.

The doors opened and Danny's eyes immediately landed on the statue in the far left corner of the room, keeping contact with 173. He stepped into the room, the doors taking a few moments to close behind him as he felt a strange sense of excitement coursing through him. Stepping closer, he examined the presumably stone being. Noting what seemed to be spray paint on its face, joined by four pairs of what seemed to be its eyes.

Two yellow-ish green, and two black. With three sets of black markings between, two splotches of red on the sides of its head seemed to be ears. At least, presumably. A look at its back presented a dark splotch that also appeared to have a strange red tint, blood . Danny guessed, he'd seen enough of the bodily fluid to know. Though it was questionable as to how it got there, that was something he didn't really want to know. He removed the glove from his left hand to run it against the arm of the being, surprised to find that it was actually concrete rather than stone. Humming, the glove formed over his hand as he backed away from the statue. Choosing to sit down in the darkest corner of the room. Making note of the cell from whatever was in his peripheral vision, the distinct smell of bleach was partially distracting.

It was becoming a bit boring by the seven minute mark, sighing, he activated Night Shroud. "I don't suppose you mind if I do blink?" He asked.

The speaker turned on quickly after his question "No, if you wish to blink. We will not be opposed to the decision, although for the record, I do have to make sure you understand you may be killed in the event of you blinking." Dr. Hest was the one who spoke.

"I understand, the killing intent is enough of a suggestion. I suppose you must also close your eyes, so please go ahead."

He smiled, standing up and slowly closing his eyes. A few moments later, he felt something pass through his neck. It was certainly strange, opening his eyes. He was greeted by the others' faces at close proximity, one of its nubs was sitting beside the fog of his neck. Almost caressing it, tilting his head. Ghostface lightly pressed a finger to what he assumed was the other's nose, he assumed it would have either retreated or tried to snap his neck again if it weren't being observed.

Moving away, he didn't bother to watch the being now. Knowing they could not inflict harm to him.

"Well, it's not really nice to snap someone's neck as an introduction." Turning he smiled as the other stood in front of him again. "Now now, I was told you don't speak. I'm unsure if that is true or if you simply choose not to, but either way. So far I can say the light and non-corroded walls are definitely a better experience than the mask gave. Although he was quite informative."

A few moments of silence passed as the two simply stared at each other.

" 0. 3. 5. ? " The question suddenly came, the voice felt odd, like it was a whisper but loud in his head. Cold and emotionless from the concrete, it was a broken sound and seemingly came from nowhere.

Danny's smile grew, starting to hurt his face from the stretch. Nodding in confirmation, they stood in silence for another moment.

" A n o m a l y "

It was a statement, the context was a bit unclear but the being was more than likely talking about him. Nodding once again, Ghostface could have sworn he saw the statue's eyes move towards the glass to the observation room.

" T e s t i n g ? N e w ? "

"Mm, fortunate or unfortunately." He sighed.

"SCP-6176, who are you talking to?" Hest's voice came through the speaker as said SCP frowned and looked at the man through the glass.

" N o t K n o w "

"Hm, myself. I suppose, you are quite the pryer, it is also distasteful that you keep using those tacky numbers." Returning his attention to the statue, smile returning as he tilted his head. "That reminds me, pardon my manners. You may call me Ghostface." Danny made a show of bowing.

" S p e a k M i n d "

'Alright, I suppose telepathy is the most reasonable thing in this facility. I don't suppose you go by anything, do you?'

" B i l l y "

'Huh, nice name. I suppose you can simply call me Danny then.'

" E s c a p e ? "

Before Ghostface could answer, the speaker interrupted. "The ten minutes are up, maintain eye contact with the object and back out through the door."

Sighing, he looked regrettably at Billy. Bidding farewell for now before exiting the room, he waved a final goodbye as the doors closed.

"Ghostface! That was brilliant ! It almost seems like you were actually communicating with the object?" Dr. Kneel commented as he rushed down the stairs to the masked man.

"Hm, I suppose. Unfortunately they never responded, I do tend to make up my own conversations in place of silent individuals. It is entertaining."

The doctor's brows furrowed "They?"

"Yes? I refer to everyone that is androgynous and or sexless as they, in this account, it is seemingly appropriate." He tilted his head and nodded it a few times.

The other hummed and nodded as well, smiling as they walked. Danny saw the malice in Hest's eyes, the man had probably hoped Billy would kill him.

'Unfortunate for him, wonderful for me.'

I’m definitely taking liberties in changing up Danny and Michaels “Anomalous” abilities to fit the setting. All character names other than Danny and Michael are random and do not correspond with any canon or other SCP doctors with similar or other names. None of these characters belong to me and all credit for SCP and other go to their rightful creators.

DakotaInExilecreators' thoughts