Ghostface ends up in the SCP universe as an SCP, not remembering anything before waking up in a hallway. Ghostface must recover his lost memories, of course causing some chaos along the way, and maybe find out what exactly he’ll do once he does have his memories. If he can even do anything, the life of an SCP is difficult, but also unbelievably easy! (Warning! This is a M/M Ghostmyers fic! If you do not like then DONT. READ. If you do, then proceed as you were!)
"Damn it, where did they go?"
The doctor sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck and paced, the pair of guards glanced at each other, both shrugging as they stared at the scientist. Said man picked up the folder from his desk, sitting down and flipping through it. His pen moved frantically over the papers as he tapped the end to his bottom lip in thought.
"The results are undetermined due to failure of observation, aphrodisiacs may prove effective, need conclusive evidence of SCP-6176 and SCP-6177's interaction. Poison seems ineffective, further evidence and testing is needed. The proceeding relations between the two subjects should be further decided and documented."
"It's too dangerous…" he mumbled "Damn those O5 council idiots."
The doctor closed the folder and tucked it under his arm as he stood up, striding past the guards and down the hallway. He shook his head and scoffed as he exited the building.
. . . .
"Ngh, Michael."
Danny panted as the others' lips caressed his jaw and neck, his skin felt prickly under Michael's hands. The fog drifting over them didn't help the already clouding fog in his head, he was on cloud nine. He knew something was wrong, he'd felt like this before, on a much smaller scale. But his brain wouldn't function enough for him to figure it out, he desired Michael's touch. He wanted everything the other could give, an almost obsessive and unbelievably painful want.
He felt a prick on his neck, Michael's hot breaths hitting the bitten skin. Groaning, he tipped his head back, a stomach sinking wrongness seeping into his being. Danny gripped the others wrists, pulling them from their support under him.
"Michael…stop, for a second." He struggled to breathe through the heat devouring him.
Michael grunted, refusing to move away. Danny groaned, fog sluggishly wrapping around the other and pulling him away. Once freed, he sat down, placing a hand to his head.
"Definitely….Put something….Wine…"
He couldn't stop the fantasies that flooded his wanting, foggy mind. Simply choosing to lay down as he tried to clear his head, desperately ignoring Michael's beautiful whimpers as he tried to free himself from the foggy chains. Danny decided on using Night Shroud to rid his body of the substance, although he wasn't entirely surprised when it didn't work. The only option his fritzing mind could think of was to wait it out, which was horrible when all he wanted was endless pleasure with the very attractive maskless man in front of him.
But he could hold back, it was too early, and they are both under the influence. Which, typically, Danny wouldn't entirely mind, but Michael is something he doesn't want to ruin. He'd rather watch a movie and cuddle or murder someone with the other before that step.
Speaking of, they could start by murdering whoever put aphrodisiacs in the wine.
Danny's brain had finally gained a quarter of its functioning capabilities, he could never forget the time Stacy Bradwell bought a pack of fifty aphrodisiac candles and strewn them about her house before the famous party. It had been quite the experience, the police had such a headache over paperwork after that bloodbath. He smiled fondly and the sudden recurring memory, standing up, he walked over to Michael.
Patting his cheek, he placed a kiss on the other, sighing before grabbing the others mask from his fog. Carefully sliding it over Michael's head, he gave a soft smile.
"I'll be back to check up on you later big guy, just relax and let the aphrodisiac drain out of your system. You should be fine." He waved before exiting the fog into his room.
Danny stretched and groaned, sighing pleasantly as he strode into the bathroom. Pulling the handmade turtleneck off, he folded it and placed it delicately on the counter top. Pausing when he noticed the note, raising an eyebrow, he picked it up.
"Go to the office."
His brows furrowed as he set the note down, putting it off to the side, then haphazardly pulled off the rest of his clothes, shockingly, he hadn't yet tested out his shower. Much to his own surprise, he'd asked for it purposefully, but his mind had become sidetracked with Michael, all the testing and…Oscar. Eventually he'd simply forgotten about it, but being uncomfortably sweaty adds a new unfortunate mix whilst your skin is dusted with dirt and grime.
Something more unfortunate, he was full mast below the waist. Which, again; unsurprising. He decided against giving his mind up to the lingering aphrodisiac lusts and simply showered. Enjoying the greatly soothing warmth, he'd almost forgotten how good showers actually felt. So good, Danny hardly wanted to leave, but he didn't want to test if his hands would prune. Thankfully his body calmed down during the shower, one less problem to worry about, the next problem though…
Danny's fog covered him, his Ghostface outfit forming from it. He took a quick glance in the note, then the mirror, before walking towards the wall. His fog created an opening in it as he walked through into a familiar office room, glancing around, he nodded and immediately started opening all of the drawers. Sifting through useless papers before opening one of the desk drawers to find a folder with a note placed on top, he grabbed the note first.
"I know it's a matter of time before you either decide to explore the facility or find my note. I left this folder because the people involved need to pay, and this is my only way at proper justice."
Raising an eyebrow, he grabbed the folder and plopped down into the spinny chair. With boredom, he flipped through the pages before a certain name made him pause.
Oscar Kneel
His curiosity peaked to say the least, although a certain sentence immediately soured his curiosity and peaked his anger.
"Terminated due to emotional attachment to SCP subjects."
Danny reread the sentence over and over. The shocking realization took more than a minute to hit him, but the reaction was violent when it did. He stood up and threw the folder at the wall, face twisting in anger, pain, and confusion. His emotions were running a new kind of rampant, as he turned and grabbed the chair before tossing it in a fit of rage. He pulled the monitor off of the desk and watched it shatter on impact with the floor, the entire room was left in ruins by the time he left.
He didn't return to his room…Instead, he found Michael, seeking the familiar comfort and warmth. His arms wrapped around the bigger man without explanation, Michael stood stock still for a minute before wrapping his arms around Danny. Neither asked or told, they simply accepted the silence as the smaller man seemingly tried to shove his head into the other's chest.
They stood there for an undetermined amount of time before Danny finally moved away, looking up at the other with a new fiery determination.
"We'll kill them."
. . . .
I am unsure if I rushed this chapter too much, but I was excited to write and couldn’t sleep. So you get 5 am sleep deprived chaos lol, things are going quick now. Plots getting revealed and revenge is on the horizon, keep in mind I’ll probably have to edit this a bunch once I’m not deliriously exhausted. So leave your feedback on mistakes etc and good night/afternoon/morning. Also, I promise the 11th chapter will be a lot longer!