
Sect Master System: RPG Game Features

Comming soon...

Wibu_Games · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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2 Chs

System installed successfully

A young man lay in a mountain forest.

Not long afterward the young man woke up. He glanced around in confusion.

"Do I transmigrated?"

Hu Yan was very shocked at this time. He comes from the Blue Planet. However, due to failed brain cancer surgery, he died.

"Hahaha... Thank God"

Hu Yan didn't know if there was any religion in this New Realm, but he was very happy that he transmigrated.

Hu Yan is 20 years old. So he would be very regretful if he died in his prime.

"Okay, where's my gold finger?"

Hu Yan checked his mind, his body, but found nothing strange.

Not long after, the sound of the system sounded.

(Ding! Strongest Sect System installed successfully)

(Ding! Host acquires Main Hall building)

(Ding! Host acquires starter package)

"Great, I just thought about it for a moment. 10 years of luck used up hhhhhh" Hu Yan muttered

He then checked his system panel

(Status panel)

Name: Hu Yan

Stage : -

Sect Level :-

Building : -

The number of students : -

Contribution points :-

"Cool, simple and easy to understand," said Hu Yan to himself.

(Ding! Main Task): Establish a Sect within 2 weeks

Reward: 1000 contribution points

Failure: death

(Ding! Side task): Obtain a student within 2 days

Reward: 100 contribution points

Failure: lifespan reduced by 10 years

"Very fierce. I just escaped death, then a task with a death penalty appeared"

Hu Yan could only cry silently.

"Open starter pack"

(Ding! Opening starter package)

(Ding! Host obtained crystals 1000, gold 1000, Foundation cultivation pill, Dragon Fist skill, sect leader robe)

Soon all the items appeared in the system storage space.

Hu Yan first used a Cultivation Pill. He quickly adapted to the system, because plots like this were often found in novels in his previous life.

Soon a transparent Pill appeared in Hu Yan's hand. Then he put it in his mouth.

Nothing happens in the first 10 seconds. But in the next second, a strong warm current flowed through every cell of Hu Yan's body.

The aura became stronger until the ground shook, the surrounding trees fell, and many animals moved away.

5 minutes later things calmed down again.

"Great, I didn't expect the effect to be like that. Is it because this method defies the rules of nature?" Hu Yan muttered curiously.

"Okay, next let's use the Dragon Fist skill"

A book appears

(Ding! Does the host want to absorb the Dragon Fist skill?"


One second after agreeing, Hu Yan felt his mind being flooded with a lot of information about dragon fist.

Not long, the absorption was complete.

Next Hu Yan used the sect robe he got from the previous beginner package.

Hu Yan's clothes immediately changed. From surgical clothes to white and gold clothes, on the shoulders there are soft white feathers. Then there is a white belt that looks strong.

A glance at this robe increased the charisma and positive aura radiating from Hu Yan's body.

"Hhh what a nice robe"

"System, what are the conditions for establishing a sect?"

Hu Yan, who used to live on the blue planet, naturally didn't know how to establish a sect.

(Ding! Host requires land ownership permit, and sect establishment deed from nearby area)

Hu Yan glanced around him. Not far away you can see a path.

He then followed the path down to look for the nearest village or town.