
Lee Family Auction (2)


Everyone in the room became dead silent.

The man in green couldn't believe what he had just heard. His face turned red in anger but he was able to control his words as he continued speaking.

"Y...you! who are you?!..."

Kai cleared his throat and slowly raised his right hand. "Ah, sorry about that. I suddenly said what I was thinking. You may call me Kai, and you are?..."

The man was enraged even further, prompting Hou Zhou to quickly come forward. "Mr. Kai, I had a feeling that it was you. The last time we met was also under...unfavorable circumstances. This here is Chen Dou. His father is the former Patriarch of the Chen family, as well as a current member of the Twin-Lions sect.

Kai was a little surprised. This whole time, the Twin-Lions sect had been an enigma. People spoke about them and their power, but he hadn't actually seen any of their members.