
01. "The Awakening from The Hibernation and The Unforeseen Connections"




Novus City,

Novus City is a vibrant metropolis that never sleeps, pulsating with the energy of its fast-paced lifestyle. Skyscrapers stretch towards the sky, casting shadows over bustling streets that are alive with the constant hum of traffic and the chatter of pedestrians. The city is a hub of innovation and modernity, where cutting-edge technology and sleek architecture are the norm.

Nestled within this buzzing city is Belgravia, an affluent neighborhood that exudes an air of opulence and grandeur. Its wide tree-lined streets are lined with elegant mansions and luxury high-rise apartments, while manicured gardens and fountains add to the regal atmosphere. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts out of chic cafes and high-end boutiques beckon with their window displays.

At the heart of Belgravia stands Sterling's mansion, a grand edifice that is a testament to his wealth and status. Its imposing façade is adorned with intricate stonework and marble pillars, while the manicured gardens that surround it are a serene oasis in the midst of the city's hustle and bustle. Inside, every detail speaks of luxury and refinement, from the crystal chandeliers that hang from the high ceilings to the plush carpets that cushion every step.

Novus City and Belgravia are a perfect blend of modernity and elegance, where the frenetic energy of the city meets the opulent lifestyle of the wealthy. Here, the possibilities are endless, and dreams are made reality amidst the glitz and glamour of this cosmopolitan paradise.


Inside the Sterling's mansion,

In one of the luxurious master bedroom,

Lucien Sterling woke up from his long hibernation, disoriented and confused, his memories fuzzy and fragmented. As he stumbled around his unfamiliar surroundings, a knock at the door startled him. He opened it to find his butler, James, with a striking young woman by his side.

"Master Sterling," James said, "may I introduce you to Miss Vivienne Delacroix. She is here to see you."

Lucien frowned, trying to place the name. He didn't remember ever meeting a woman by that name before. But as he looked at her, he couldn't deny the attraction he felt. Vivienne Delacroix was a woman who commanded attention with her striking appearance.

Her flowing chestnut hair was the epitome of effortless beauty, cascading down her back in gentle waves that caught the light and highlighted its lustrous shine. Her heart-shaped face was framed by loose curls that softened her features, and her sparkling brown eyes were full of intelligence and curiosity.

But it was Vivienne's confidence and poise that left the greatest impression on Lucien. She radiated sophistication and elegance, standing tall and proud with an air of regal charm. Even her classic, tailored pieces in neutral colors seemed to flatter her curves, adding to her allure.

Whether dressed in a designer suit or more casual attire, Vivienne was always impeccably put together, and her attention to detail was reflected in her choice of accessories. She favored statement jewelry, scarves, and designer handbags that added a touch of luxury to her outfits and accentuated her natural beauty.

Despite her warmth and charm, there was also a hint of a cold queen demeanor in her office attire, which only added to her mystique and allure. It was no wonder that Lucien felt his heart skipping a few beats before settling down.

"Who is she?" he asked, surprised by his own reaction.

"She is your wife, sir," James replied.

"My what?" Lucien exclaimed, taken aback. "I don't remember getting married."

"It was a contractual agreement, sir," James explained. "You expressed an interest in having a wife, and Miss Delacroix was willing to enter into the arrangement."

Lucien shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he had made such a strange request, let alone gone through with it. But as he looked over at Vivienne, who was standing quietly by James' side, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, he couldn't help but feel a spark of attraction that he couldn't explain. Perhaps there was something to this arrangement after all.

"Hello, Lucien," she said softly, stepping forward to offer him her hand. "I know this must be a lot to take in, but I'm here to help you in any way that I can."

Vivienne stepped forward with a soft smile, offering her hand to the captivating and alluring Lucien Sterling. She knew that the news of their contractual marriage arrangement would be overwhelming for him, but she was determined to help him in any way she could.

Lucien's sharp nose complemented his angular face, and his full lips were expressive, conveying a range of emotions with a subtle curve. His flawless skin and healthy glow suggested a life of discipline and self-care. Despite his enigmatic aura, Vivienne could sense a hint of vulnerability and loneliness lurking beneath the surface of this complex and intriguing man.

After the initial shock of the arranged marriage wore off, Vivienne and Lucien sat down to discuss the situation further. Vivienne was upfront about her reasons for entering into the contract and assured him that she did not expect anything more from him than what was required by the terms of their agreement.

Despite the unusual circumstances, Lucien found himself drawn to this mysterious woman. As they conversed further, they discovered that they had much in common and enjoyed each other's company.

Lucien was surprised by Vivienne's open-mindedness and charm. Having recently emerged from a long hibernation, he had been feeling numb to life and traumatized by past experiences. Vivienne, however, had a way of awakening his heart and drawing him out of his shell.

When Lucien asked if Vivienne was truly willing to develop a relationship with him, despite his situation and their significant age difference, Vivienne replied confidently that his age did not bother her as much as she thought it would. She believed that they could work on their relationship, and she never would have guessed that he was close to 40.

As per the terms of their contract, Vivienne needed financial support for her company immediately and could not wait much longer. Lucien reassured her that everything would work out and instructed his family butler to take them to the nearby registry office and call their family lawyer to be a witness.

Vivienne relaxed a little, displaying a resolute and determined expression. Lucien was still adjusting to his new life after ten years of hibernation, and Vivienne was eager to help him navigate the changes. They decided to work together to solve Vivienne's problem and to explore their new relationship.

As Lucien mulled over the encounter, he found himself highly drawn to the idea of leaving behind his troubles and forging a new path. He couldn't help but feel that this encounter might be the catalyst he needed to break free from the shackles of his past and start anew.




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