
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 2

Its been four days since Jack's admittance. Tense and with nothing doing at the hospital I stayed home to do Jack's laundry.

While sorting clothes, I noticed a small stain I couldn't recognize, my muscles clenched as I picked on the faint smell of strawberries. It was barely a scent but it was there, I knelt on the pile of clothes on the floor as a tear threatened to escape. I was right all along. He was cheating, I wished he was dead.

A chain reaction of thoughts started and I grew afraid of the consequences of my actions a few days back. My palm got sweaty as I shook.

A familiar thirst lingered in my throat, leaving the pile of clothes I stalked to the kitchen to get a glass of water but after two cups it didn't quench that almost torturous thirst for wine. I thought about the liquor store.

'Now isn't the time' I said to myself

I abandoned the laundry for now. Playing the good wife was becoming unnerving. I stripped and soaked myself in the tub filled with warm water. Relaxing a bit while soaking, my mind was flooded with memories I tried to constantly push to the back of my head.

Tears filled my eyes and I let myself cry. I submerged myself in the water and closed my eyes lost in contemplation.

When I was out of the tub, I stared at myself in the mirror, my wet brown hair hung at my shoulders. I had tried my best to make things work with Jack but it felt like everything was falling apart.

I had felt him drifting away from me for while now, I did everything I could to be the good wife and I loved him so it came easy but after some time I felt he was changing, it suddenly felt like I was a burden to him. He snapped easily and spent more late nights at work. What had I done wrong?

I looked at my body, my curvy waist and D cup breasts. Momentarily I was grateful that we didn't have any kid yet.

I still did the laundry and by the time I was done, it was already evening. I ordered Chinese for dinner before heading to bed.


I was parked outside Jack's office at a safe distance, I saw him hurry into his car before driving off, I followed him maintaining a good distance so he wouldn't notice me.

We reached a part of town I didn't expect then he drove into an old parking lot. I remained in my car a bit hesitant and scared.

After a few minutes I saw a woman scurry out, I couldn't see her face, she drove off in a blue mini cooper. I decided to go in, my heart pounded against my chest. I saw Jack leaning against his car. He was shocked to see me

'What are you doing here Skye?' He asked before staggering a bit.

Was he drunk?

'Who is she? I clenched my fists

'I don't know what you're talking about' he almost stammered

I'd never felt so hurt and angry , he was also trying to make me look stupid. I stepped closer to him and was hit with the smell of strawberries. I froze. My mind drifted back to the woman that scurried out earlier

'How could you!?' I grabbed his jacket tears threatening to fall 'you're gonna stand there and act like you did nothing?'

'Its none of your business Skye' he turned around

'Don't walk away'

'Watch me' he almost staggered to his car before adding ' I'm not in the mood for this. I'm heading back to the office'

I went numb for a second then grabbed a brick lying not far from my feet. All I felt was rage & betrayal as I hit him on the head, he wasn't expecting it. He dropped to the floor.

'Jack?' I called out. He wasn't moving, I shivered as I turned him over. I panicked , thought about my prints on the brick , I took the brick with me and drove off.


I jerked awake breathing hard. It was 3:45am,I turned on the lamp.

I got off the bed and crouched, looking under it,I stretched out and pulled the bloodstained brick. I stared hard at it like it was going to disappear if I continued. My hands shook, what would happen when or if my husband wakes up?

I was stupid. I overreacted. I didn't want to get arrested.

Hours later I felt drained and my joints ached. I showered and took painkillers. I had dark circles around my eyes,a few touchups with my eye cream and I was good to go.

I got to the hospital at 11am. I had taken a detour and dumped the brick into a lake forty minutes away from the hospital. I met detective Marsh at Jack's doorway, Doctor Ryan was inside checking on Jack. Could he be awake?

'Mrs Pierce I was just about to call you' said Marsh

'What's going on? Is my husband awake?' I tried sidestepping him but he blocked my path

'We should let the Doctor check on him first. His monitor went off, a nurse said she saw someone run out of the room'

'What are you saying? Is he okay?' I asked

'Its okay ma'am. He's fine. His heart rate was elevated it alerted a nurse. Come in'

I walked to Jack's side and held his hand.

'Mrs Pierce, do you have any idea who would try to hurt your husband?'

I shook my head 'no, I don't'

'Have you by any chance heard the name Randall Bailey?'

I was about to reply when I got a whiff of the sickening smell of strawberries, I let go of Jack's hand.

The woman from the other night was here. Was it her? Why would she try to kill Jack? I got a hold of myself and saw Marsh staring at me

'Mrs Pierce? Are you okay?'

'Y-yes, sorry you were asking..?'

'Don't worry about it' he looked at me suspiciously

'What about the person that came into Jack's room? Is he safe?' I frowned

'Everything is going to be okay ma'am. I'll have Officer Lenny check footage' he paused 'here's my card, just in case'

He left the room shortly after. I was a bit puzzled, things seemed to be taking a different turn but the only problem was Jack, I feared what would happen if he woke up. He'd tell the cops I assaulted him.

My drive back home later that night was dull. I usually had music on but not this time. I kept trying to wrap my head around the whole situation.

As I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. A new question popped.

Who was Randall Bailey?