
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Chapter 12


I woke up with a slight headache, I was busy at the bakery yesterday. It's been two days since Jack got back from his trip and I couldn't stop thinking about what I overheard. Trouble was brewing, I could feel it. Jack was still in bed as I made my way to the kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, breakfast was ready and Jack was downstairs dressed, I handed him a cup of coffee with his pancakesđŸ„ž.

He seemed to be unusually silent, the uneasy silence was threatening to make me spill and ask questions but I held my tongue.

"How are things at the bakery?" He asked

"Everything's okay. You know how it usually is" I managed to say "You're not getting any migraines at work right?"

He reached into his jacket and pulled out his meds, shaking it. "Not taking chances. I need to be at my best"

I nodded to myself before making myself coffee too. I gently took sips in heavy silence, I felt like couldn't breathe properly.

"I've got to meet up with a deadline." He gave a small smile getting up "the pancakes were delicious"

"You're welcome" I replied as he gave a brief side hug before leaving

He was still acting weird somehow, I had a pancake before going to shower. I had gotten a message yesterday from Randall requesting a meeting at his office, it was more of a threat than request though. I was a bit pleased it proved my theory that he didn't really know everything Jack was doing, he still needed my evidence. Part of me wanted out of this shady deal I had gotten myself into, on the other hand I was feeling strangely adventurous.

I settled for a slightly professional look, I looked at my reflection in approval as I put on my blazer. Letting my hair fall in waves at my shoulders. I put my earring on and grabbed my phone, and my handbag containing the printed copies of the account statements.

I went to the bakery first and spoke to my employees before leaving hours later. It was almost noon when I arrived at the address given to me. A wave of guilt and second thoughts made me immobile, not getting out of my car. I should probably drive away but I'd gotten this far and nothing terrible had happened yet.

I approached the reception desk near the elevator

"Good day ma'am. How may I help you?" a young man asked

"Good day. I'm here to see Mr Bailey"

"Your name ma'am?"

"Skye Pierce" as soon as I responded he was typing on his computer and after a moment he smiled

"Right this way" he gestures to the Elevator "last floor"

I tried to relax as the elevator went up, my nerves were in a mess despite my calm demeanor. The doors opened and I walked in slowly taking in my surroundings, this was probably a waiting area and further down was a meeting room separated by glass. I went to the open door ahead of me, a blonde woman who hadn't noticed my entrance was sitting at her desk that was piled with paperwork as she typed away on her computer.

I cleared my throat to get her attention "Excuse me, I'm here to see Mr Bailey"

She seemed to look at me with slight distaste and I wondered what was wrong

"He's not in?" I asked raising a brow

"You need an appointment to see him" she replied crossing her arms

"I believe I do have an appointment" I replied as I got another disapproving look from her. She was being rude for no reason.

"Your name" she requested

"Skye Pierce"

"Hold on" She said heading to another door ahead of us. I waited for her and in a flash she was back, she looked more grumpy now.

"You can go in now" she said hovering at the doorway

I walked into his huge office keeping my cool as I saw Randall at his desk with a glass of whiskey beside him. I took the seat opposite him

His wide polished brown desk stretched between us, with loads of paperwork and his laptop on it, there was a couch behind us with a small table, a cabinet of some sort was at a left corner behind him.

"Thank you Freya. Close the door behind you" he waved his hand

I sensed her hesitation before she left. What was up with that?

"Mr Bailey"

"I told you. Call me Randall" he seemed tired "drink?"

"No. Thank you" I adjusted in my seat "before I give this to you, you have to give me your word, when the times comes you'll help me"

"Help you with what?"

"I can't say for now, but you owe me a favor. When the time is right, I'll need your help" I said

"And what if it's something I can't help you with?"

"I know you have connections, men like you -"

"Men like me?" He interrupted, a grin making its way to his way "what kind of man do you think I am Skye?"

I wouldn't let him startle me or distract me from the point

"You know what I meant. You have connections"

"Is it money?" He probed

"I don't want your money Randall" I was a bit offended

He looked surprised at my outburst as his eyes remained on me.

"You continue to surprise me Skye"

"I surprise myself too"

"Please join me. I've had a stressful morning" he said changing the subject, pouring a small amount of whiskey in a glass and passed it to me

I reluctantly took it from him, he might have spiked it. I stared into the glass like I would be able to detect if something was actually in it.

As if sensing my internal struggle he spoke up

"It's just whiskey, I'm not that kinda guy"

I cross my legs and took a sip, the liquid burning my throat a little. Just then Freya walked in, her short skirt hugging her frame tightly as she placed a few documents on Randall's desk, her stalling was obvious as she gave a smile "Anything else Sir?"

"No. You can go for your lunch break right now, I might not be needing you for a while"

She was disappointed as her smile wavered but she insisted "Don't worry about it Sir. I'm not that hungry, I'd stay in case you need anything" she glared at me. Okay, now she was getting on my nerves. I held my tongue from dismissing her rudely besides it wasn't even my office.

"I see" said Randall unbuttoning his jacket and hanging it on his chair "Okay then, since you're here, might as well save me the effort. Why don't you pick up lunch from Gustavo's"

Freya's face fell at his words, she opened her mouth but words wouldn't come out

"You're staying for lunch aren't you Skye?" He said to me like we were old friends "what're you ordering?"

I played along happily, I had no issue with his secretary at first but she was being downright rude and I wasn't sure if Randall knew "just do the usual"

"And what is the usual?" He smirked

"Surprise me" I said

Freya was fuming at our exchange especially when Jack suddenly threw his head back laughing "You heard the lady, Surprise us Freya" he said finally dismissing her

She glared at me before shutting the door behind her. Randall let out a deep breath and we were quiet for a while before I spoke up.

"Do you think it's a good idea for us to meet here? Isn't it risky?" I asked

"Trust me this is perfect"

"What if someone asks me what I was doing here?"

"I called you in because I'm organizing a party and you're a fantastic baker. So?"

"Nice cover up" I commented

"You get used to it" replied Randall signing a document and tossing it aside. He was up again,putting some files in the cabinet behind him. I pulled out the copies I had in my bag and handed it to him as he was standing close to me. I was still seated but I got up as he tried to grab the paper, I held on to it.

"Your word Mr Bailey. You'll help me when the time comes" I said

Only the papers separated us as we stood face to face. The air went thick with an unknown source of tension. My heart was racing now as I maintained eye contact and held my ground.

"I told you before" he said slowly then yanked the papers from me throwing them on his desk and closing the gap between us "call me Randall"

Our bodies were touching now, and he smashed his lips against mine. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in. Moments later I was melting like wax against him. One hand softly grabbing my hair, the other holding me against him, I responded to his kiss, my body betraying me.

He turned us around and I felt him put me on his desk, his tongue still dominating mine. I gave a light push

"We shouldn't do this" I breathed out

His hand went to my boobs making me arch my back and he trailed kisses down my neck. I cursed my body for reacting this way towards him. It happened so fast as my skirt went up and my legs were spread with his head between them, his fingers teasing me as I got wetter with each touch.

"Tell me to stop" he said huskily before pushing my panties to the side and burying his tongue in me.

I let out an involuntary moan as my back arched again and my hand went in his hair. This wasn't right, I kept telling myself but I couldn't tell him to stop. It felt so good, his tongue flicked my clit and he sucked and licked. His pace increased as I felt my legs tingling and the heat growing in my body threatened to explode.

I was gripping his hair harder as his fingers pushed into me and I moaned loudly as a wave of orgasm washed over me.

He licked his lips before kissing me and rubbing his hard length against me through his trouser.

The door flung open as Freya walked in, her eyes widened in shock.

"What the hell?"

"Drop the food and get out" he said still standing in front of me blocking her view of me. I heard the door slam shut.

"Sorry about that. I should've locked the door" he said holding my hand and helping me down

I was still speechless as he moved us to the couch and opened our lunch.