
Chapter 8

"Today, we mourn the death of our beloved history teacher, Sir Arthur, who is loved by many students, teachers, faculty members, and even the staff because of his beautiful and kind soul. We are truly heartbroken because of the unexpected occurrence but we will make sure his mourning and burial will be peaceful even though it breaks our hearts to let go of someone so special. He will be forever in our hearts and our minds, and we will continue loving him even if he's gone into the paradise that he deserves. May he rest in peace." The principal of the school softly said while she sobs loudly in front of the whole students and staff of the school while the teachers are beside her, ready to catch her in case she falls due to her exaggerating cries.

She nods to me to give a speech and she backs away from the podium to let me stand there. I wiped a tear that falls into my pale dry skin and I stand up from my chair with shaky legs and hands. Alex beside me flashed me a small smile which did not make me feel better but at least all of my classmates are beside me and that's what's going to give me hope in this dark and cruel world.

"Are you sure you can walk toward there alone?" Kevin asked, a classmate, because of my sprained ankle but I just nodded.

I walked towards the podium and I stood there while my head is down and I looked at my crumpled paper which I scribbled in some words to not forget anything to say about Sir Arthur—I opened it with shaky hands and I cleared my throat. "Umm..." I started with my voice cracking because I'm trying so hard not to cry because I don't want anyone to worry more and to make them all cry because of me. I just want Sir Arthur's burial to be peaceful.

I looked up and down again to the paper. "I, uh, thank you all, I guess, for being here it means a lot to Sir Arthur and me. We all lost a precious soul, a person who we did not deserve because he was kind and a softhearted person that's why I compare him to Bob Ross who is also an angel that this world deserves but people don't deserve them at all. We don't deserve them, they deserve so much better..." I stopped when tears started to form again in my still swelling eyes and I cleared my throat again while I decided to just ignore what I wrote on the crumpled paper and just speak from the bottom of my heart. "As you all know, he was there for me as my guardian when my parents passed away, as well as my classmates. He was there for all of us when we're in the lowest point of our lives, he helped us get through it all and in our memories where he continues to lives, he will still help us and we will remember him always as the most kind angel of this cruel world. I hope all of us will never forget him and may we always remember how he helped us all so now we are going to bury him in peace that he deserves. I hope he will rest well and wherever he might be right now or wherever he will go, I just hope that he will be thankful for us and proud for helping us be what we are today. May he rest in peace." I nodded to all of them as I finished and I let my tears fall down into my cheeks, they all stood up and they wiped their own tears while nodding back to me, agreeing with what I said. Although it may not be the most emotional speech, it is the fact and the most memorable for us.

I was the first to throw a white rose on his closed coffin. "Arthur, I love you, thank you for all of the things you've done for me. I will never forget you." I whispered while I wiped the tears on my cheeks with the back of my hand. I turned around and walked while slightly limping until Alex quickly helped me and I just thanked him.

All of us gave our last goodbyes and we all tried to be for each other even though we mostly need to be there for ourselves. I spend the rest of the day there, not wanting to leave this place, alone while all of them go back into their homes because they have actual family to go home to. I am mostly making myself more miserable by being alone here but I chose to be here so I could get quiet alone time with Arthur's lifeless body. The weather today is lovely and if it wasn't for the sad day, I would really be satisfied with how the sky looks and feels to the skin as the heat of the sun hits the skin. Amon suddenly shows up, out of nowhere, and took a seat beside me but never uttered a word, just being there for me and accompanying me with his presence as we look at the coffin in front of our eyes.

Meanwhile, inside the school, after the burial, the teachers go back into the school to do their work even if students will not be attending today due to what happened. The principal, the school's administrator, the dean, and the director of the school are currently having a meeting about a situation that they can solve but it will be very hard to do so.

"Is there really no other solutions for this? I mean, the girl just lost everything and we are just going to take away her education because she's a scholar and we can't support her anymore? She has decent grades, more than decent actually, she's intelligent. How will this make us look in public?" The director said, arguing and disagreeing with what the principal said.

"You have a good point there but look..." The principal says while sighing and rubbing her temples. "We have no choice! This school isn't open anymore to charity case, this is a prestigious school and it will make us look bad in public because they will think that this school is not open to rich students only, they will think that every student can enroll and attend here, that will make everything chaotic." She explained, trying her best to convince all of them.

The dean nods. "We understand that, of course, but still can't we just wait until she finishes her school year here and we'll not let her enroll here next year?"

"Yes, besides, Sir Arthur had a heart attack because of this discussion, we should make everything settle down first before anyone can get suspicious." The administrator said.

The principal glares at them. "It's not like it's our fault that he has a weak heart and he can't handle such sensitive matters! So don't bring that up agai-"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but overhear your discussion. I volunteer to pay for the student's tuition fee if this is all about money. If this student is an intelligent scholar and if you want to just throw her away because of money and public issues then I'll pay for her to continue her studies." Sir Kingsley interrupted the heated discussion between the heads of the school while he opens the door to get in and they all looked at him with wide eyes while nodding at the idea that the new teacher is suggesting.

Sir Kingsley is the new teacher who will replace Sir Arthur as the new history teacher. He is actually still waiting to be accepted in the school, well, they are actually the ones who asked him to be the new history teacher. As of now, he doesn't really care if he will be accepted or not because all he cares about is saving a student's education that is planned to ruin by those inconsiderate persons. They are so harsh to the student who just wants to study and as far as he knows the student has no one and he can't just ignore what he had heard in their ridiculous meeting.

He was actually outside of the room, waiting for their meeting to finish so he can talk to the principal, and he and the principal's secretary heard the conversation while the secretary's in the middle of seducing him and she failed miserably.

"Yes, I think that's right but are you sure? Regular teachers can't just pay the high tuition fee of this prestigious school." The dean asked him with a raised brow while leaning on the table with his elbows.

Sir Kingsley stayed in front of the door, still interrupting their ridiculous meeting while looking at them with a bored look. "Actually, you are the ones who asked me to work here and you promised a high salary so now that I'm here, do I need to remind you all who I am?" He told them while putting his hands in his pants pocket.

The principal looked at him in a flirtatious look while batting her long fake eyelashes but Sir Kingsley didn't show any interest in her at all as he ignored her while still waiting for their reactions. They all widen their eyes and they nodded at each other as if knowing who they're talking to again yet they forgot earlier for some unknown reason.

"You mean to tell us you're Sir Killian Kingsley?" The dean asked and he nodded. "Wow-I mean, sorry, we're deeply sorry for disrespecting you." The dean looked at him up and down, checking out the handsome young teacher that has wealthy parents. Sir Kingsley was uncomfortable with all of that but he just ignored it and continued discussing with them until they agreed.

Sir Kingsley is truly a magnificent handsome young man although he sometimes appears to be older than his age because of his grumpy and mature attitude while also showing no signs of interest when it comes to dating and such things that are natural for most of his age. He is a very attractive man that even men adore him and he is such a respectable and intimidating man with his serious and bored look while his brows always raise when he's questioning someone's intelligence and when he knows he's right. He is clearly uncomfortable when someone is flirting with him in the most obvious way but he just shuts them down and ignores them while looking at them with a disgusted look that those who are trying to flirt him will be embarrassed and intimidated by his attitude so they just stopped and walked away like nothing happened.

Most people will dislike him because of that but he just doesn't care. His previous students were scared of him and they will all be nervous when he's around even his bosses or co-workers. He is that powerful. He has a very bad attitude but right now what he's doing is the opposite of what he usually does, he is actually helping a student that has nothing to do with him. He just felt like he needs to help the girl and he doesn't know why. He feels different and he doesn't know why.

"Well, that's settled then. The student's name is Jozine Layla Quinn and she is exactly what you think she is, a very intelligent student although she's very unfortunate in life. She is in 10th grade and you'll be her teacher too. So I think you'll not be disappointed in deciding to pay for her tuition fee." The principal says, finally having some professionalism after having embarrassed by Sir Kingsley while the others just snort and made fun of her failed seduction.

Sir Kingsley felt like his heart stopped when he heard the name and he is experiencing nostalgia like he knows her from somewhere and he suddenly felt sad and guilty for reasons that he, himself, doesn't even know. He was frozen in his spot and his mind went blank while the other present persons waited for his response to which they did not immediately get so they cleared their throat and call out his name many times until they shouted and he looks at them.

"I-I'm sorry. Anyway, it's settled, I'll pay for her but in exchange, you'll have to make sure that she has decent grades every time and you'll not ruin her life again. For now, excuse me, I have to go attend some other business." He did not wait for their response and he just rushed out of the office with a troubled mind.