
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Origin of her trust issues

"you okay back there?" The driver asked and looked to his rear view mirror.

The black cloth on the passengers seat moved and a little girl came out from underneath it. She nodded in response.

He stared at her for a bit, "how old are you?" He asked

"Five" Adeline replied

"What's your name?"


"That's bleeding much" he said in reference to her arm. She held her arm.

"What were you doing there? Where are your parents" he asked

She stayed silent, reminiscing about how her mother was killed.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything, I'm guessing those men have something to do with it. Are you hungry perhaps?"

She shook her head but she was quickly exposed by her grumbling tummy. She held her stomach, embarrassed

"Haha you are, I'll get you something to eat and get your wounds cleaned in a few" he assured.

As Adeline sat behind, she kept observing the man and looking around. He had passed so many other eating places so she assumed they were going to his house.

She sinks further in while playing with her bloody covered fingers. She was in pain and not because of her open bruise but because her heart ached badly....

Half an hour later, she sat on his sofa waiting while he dressed her wound.

"What happened to your arm anyways?" He asked while cleaning the bruise with antiseptic.

She shook her head. she didn't know what exactly hit her, all she heared was a loud bang before she felt pain there and there was blood.


Adeline flinched at the sudden sound. The man stood up from where he squatted, "sounds like food is ready"

He headed to the kitchen and brought back the heated pizza slices. He placed it on the table.

Her little nose wiggled as the food's scent lingered all over the place. Her stomach growled nonstop.

"We'll have to wait for that to cool first, it's really hot now" the man said, leaning on the wall and wiping his hands with a cloth.

She nodded at him and gulped.

A while later, he passed a slice to her in hand.

She gobbled it up as soon as she could

He was startled by how she ate everything in minutes while he was still savoring his, "easy easy" he told her

Her cheeks puffed out, she held a great deal of pizza in there before she gulped it all down hard.

*Cough *cough

It choked her. The man with a smile walked to her and rubbed her back while feeding her water. He guessed where she was running from they Didn't feed her well enough.

"Don't worry see I'm going to give you out to very good people who'll take extra care of you okay?" He assured her

Adeline nodded, the man fed her, dressed her wound and he's telling her this.... Adeline was starting to like the man, to her he was kind.

For three days he fed her, helped her bathe, checked her injury regularly and for those three days he kept teaching her how to react when the good people come to take her.

The last of the three days, after dressing her wound he pat her on her head and smiled. It's been only three days but Adeline had already warmed up to him.

Once he left the room to keep the box, little Adeline stood on her feet. She twirled around in the little blue sparkly dress, she really loved it especially how it shone.

The man chuckled when he sees her doing that. Adeline stopped and stood erect.

"You like it?" He asked her and she nodded vigorously, she loved it.

*Ding *dong 

The man looked to the door and then at Adeline, "seems like they're here" he smiled widely.

Adeline ran up to him, she couldn't hide her excitement, he told her she'll be meeting new friends. She assumed a standing position next to him.

He opened the door. Adeline tilted her head at the sight of the two men, though they were dressed casually she was curious as to why they had a big van packed outside.

She immediately remembered all she was taught, she stood in front of the two men and curtsey. That was all she had to do, curtsey and smile.

The two strange men nodded, "how old are you little one?" One of the asked.

Adeline immediately answered "five"

She completely forgot she was supposed to say three.

The two men threw looks at the man behind her, "you said she was three or four at best" they inquired

The man smiled, "she still has the body of a three year old, it shouldn't be a problem " he responded

Adeline was still smiling.

Her smile turned to a questioning look as one of the strange men handed a black briefcase to the man behind her.

The man smiled, "Adeline dear, these are the good people that'll take you" he said

Adeline nodded reluctantly.

The two men scoffed. One of them lifted Adeline while the other handshakes the man.

While they took her to the van, she waved back at the man

She was startled by his sudden change of expression, he now had a look of disgust on his face. He didn't wave back, just went in and shut the door.

She didn't understand why he would not wave her back. 

The neighborhood was quite silent, no one was in view. They opened the back door of the van and Adeline's eyes widened in shock

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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